Art, Culture and Education

Young man, if you are mindful about God He will be mindful of you, and if you are mindful of God you will find Him before you. When you ask for anything ask it from God, and if you seek help seek in God. Know that if the people were to unite to do you some benefit they could benefit you only with what God had recorded for you and that if they were to unite to do you some injury they could injure you only with what God had recorded for you. The pens are withdrawn and the pages are dry. (Ahmad, Tirmidhi).

Islamic bookshops, casettes, videos, software

Free E-Books in Arabic
Dar AlBalagh - tons of casettes and cds
Dar El-Fikr
Sindbad Mall - casettes, videos, software
Dar Al-Kitab Al-Arabi
Online Islamicstore
The Internet’s Islamic Bookstore

Other bookshops

Amazon Bookshop


Great pictures
Haqaonline - Islamic picture gallery!
Islamic Culture and the Medical Arts
Pictures on the Kaaba
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