Job's Daughters to Bee

A.K.A Jobies-to-Bee, JoBees-to-Bee or JD2B

TheJD2B Program is open to girls who want to become Job's Daughters, but are currently to young to officially join. Please note that the following is an example of what the program may be like. This is what Bethel 5 Manitoba used to do. The program is designed to give all the fun of being a Jobie and keep these young ladies "buzzing" with excitement! All you have to do is fill out an application form. Then you receive a visit from some of the Daughters and adults already involved, they further explain what you're "getting into"! At your first activity you will receive your JD2B package including a button, sticker book to mark all the events you attend and the name of your "Bee Buddy", someone who knows what's what to help you along, kind of like a Big Sister. The girls and their parents are invited to participate in virtually all aspects of the Bethel. Parental involvement, while not compulsary, is strongly encouraged so that parents can be involved in encouraging their daughter and the Bethel in their activities. All Job's Daughter activities require a 1 adult to 5 Daughter ratio. In the past we have had girls attend Provincial Sessions with us, come to numerous fun activities, like sleepovers and bowling, and some have even helped us do fundraising at Coffee Parties, in Egg Begs and selling chocolates! Some of theJoBees were better fundraisers than the Jobies! This allows the JD2Bs several opportunities to learn and interact with the Daughters. When they are initiated they will already have a good idea of what to expect and will be familiar with the girls performing the ceremony since they already joined as a JoBee. Initiation is where aJoBee becomes a Jobie, if you catch my drift. A girl is asked if she beleives in God, will respect her country and all the world, will keep Job's Daughter "secrets" secret and to be a true friend to all members of the Order. She is told a story from the Bible, The Book of Job, and is explained the special significance of this story to Job's Daughters. She is taught our secret passwords, signs, handshake and knock. Over all being a JD2B is just plain fun, much like being a Job's Daughter. If you are or know of some one who would be interested in this program please e-mail the webmaster or use the links to find the JD2B representative in your jurisdiction for more information.


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