ðHgeocities.com/invictusdomini/Springfield.htmlgeocities.com/invictusdomini/Springfield.htmldelayedxÔjÔJÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿȱ³‚hOKtext/html6”‚hÿÿÿÿb‰.HWed, 18 Apr 2001 18:25:07 GMTEMozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, *ÓjÔJ‚h Homer J. Simpson
Homer J. Simpson
Father, Husband, Supervising Technician, Former Astronaut,     Grammy Award Winner, Consumer of Beer and Doughnuts
'I'll get a bunch of monkeys, dress them up, and make them     re-enact the civil war! He he he he'

'Oh honey I didn't get drunk.  I  just went into a strange fantasy world'

'Marge, this ticket doesn't just give me a seat, it gives me the right, no duty, to make a complete ass of myself.'

'The doll is trying to kill me and the toaster hates  me
Homer: there couldn't be a Heaven if there wasn't a Hell.
Bart:  Well who's in there?
Homer:  Oh, uh...Hitler's dog, and that Nixon dog, whasshisname, uh, Chester...
Lisa:  Checkers
Homer:  Yeah! And one of the Lassies is there, the mean one who eat Jimmy

'Losers! Losers!  Kiss my big     Springfield behind Shelbyville!'

Homer:  But I don't want you kids to see me sitting on my worthless behind.
Bart:  We've seen it Dad
'What no beer, no Opera dogs?'

'Twenty of the suckiest minutes of my life'

'Foul temptress!  I bet she  thinks that Ziggy has gotten too preachy Too!'
Homer:  No Beer and no TV make Homer something something...
Marge:  'Go Crazy?'
Homer:  Don't mind if I do!!!!!!

Homer:  I'm a bad father!
Selma: and your also fat
Homer:  And I'm also fat!

'I thought it was chocolate inside...Well why was it wrapped in foil?'
'You know what's great about you     British? Octopussy.  I must have seen that movie, twice.

Ooh I love legitimate theater


Marge: Homer Quit eating yourself!
Homer: OHhh but I'm so sweet and tasty
      Weaseling out is an important thing to learn,  It's what separates us from the animals, except the weasel.

Kirk Van Houtten:  ONe day your wife is making your favourite meal.  The next day, you're thawing out a hot dog in a gas station sink.
Homer:  Oh, that's tough pal, but it'll never happen to me.
O I always wanted to be a tea master. So lazy and surly.

Second class? What about social security, bus discounts medic alert and GOLD BOND(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) powder pants up to     their armpits and all those other senior perks? O if you ask me old folks have it pretty sweet.

All right, I have thought this through,  I will sent Bart the money to fly home. And then I will murder him.

Bart: I'll take up smoking and give that up
Homer: Good for you son. Giving up smoking is one of the hardest things you'll ever do.  Have a dollar.
Marge: I would love you if you     weighed 1000lbs.
Homer: Beautiful, Good Night.

Hey if you want wild bears eatin your children and scarin away your salmon that's you're     business.  But I'm not gonna take it! Who's with me?!

Homer: We did the only humane thing possible; We chained Hugo up in the attic like an animal and fed him a bucket of fish heads every week.
Marge: It saved our marriage

I'm just saying why not have two geniuses in the family? Sort of a spare in case Bart's brain blows up
Marge look at me! We've been     separated for a day. I'm as dirty as a Frenchmen.  In a few hours I'll be dead.  I can't afford to lose our     trust again.

Sure, I might offend a few of the blue noses with my cocky stride and musky odors-o I'll never be the darling of the so called 'City Fathers' who cluck     their tongues and stroke their beards and talk about'What's to do with Homer Simpson?'

I     can't live the buttoned down life like you.  I want it all! the terrifying lows the dizzying highs,     the creamy middle
'You've been rubbing it in my nose ever since I got here!  You're     family is better than my family, you     and your son love each other, your beer comes from farther away than my beer,  Your wife's butt is higher than my wife's butt! You make me sick!

I wore my extra loose pants for nothing nothing!
Listen you space creature, no body but nobody eats the     Simpson's!

Marge try to understand,  There are two kinds of college students:  jocks and nerds, and as a jock, it is my duty to give the nerds a hard time.


The reason why I'm unhappy is that I have to see a slide show starring my wife's sisters, or as I call them, the gruesome twosome

I'm not a bad guy, I work hard and I love my kids so why should I spend half my     Sundays hearing about how I'm going to Hell?
  Homer to God
As far as every one knows, we're a nice normal family

It says it's for dogs, but she cant read.

Lisa:  Remember Dad, the handle of the Big Dipper     points to North Star
Homer:  That's nice honey, but we're in the woods not astronomy class

Hey wait a minute,     you're that guy from TV.  my son's hero,  Cruddy, Crummy, Krusty the Clown

Uh, so let's have a nice normal conversation, you'll find that we have very little in common
  Homer to Mindy Simmons

Don't go easy on each other just because you're brother and sister,  I     want to see you fighting for your parents' love
Belle: 'Do you realize you're wearing a grocery bag?
Homer: I have misplaced my pants
I don't want to look like a     weirdo.  I'll just go with the muumuu

Space Aliens!  Don't eat me I have a wife and Kids, eat them!

Marge, tell Bart I just want a nice glass of syrup like I do every morning

You know Moe, my mom said something that really stuck she said, 'Homer, you're a big     disappointment' and God Bless her, she was really on to something

Lisa: So gambling makes a     good thing even better?
Homer:  My God Lisa, it's like there's some kind of bond between us

You're every where,     You're omnivorous
  Homer to God

Could this be the best day of my life?!
See these?  American donuts.  Glazed, raspberry filled, powdered, no that's freedom of     choice.

You know as crazy as this sounds, I'd rather have the sweet breath of my loving wife on the back of my neck,     than stuff bills into some stranger's G-string

Kirk:  What makes you guy's so special?
Homer:  Marge and I have something that can never be broken:  A strong marriage built on a solid foundation of routine

I can understand why     they wouldn't let in those wild jungle apes, but whattabout those really smart ones who live     among us, who smoke cigars and roller skate?
  Homer on Heaven
Come on! Eat the Can!

Don't let Krusty's death bother you.  People die all the time.  Just like that.  Why you could wake up dead     tomorrow.  Well good night

Stealing?! How Could you?! haven't you learned anything from that guy who gives those boring services at church?  Captain What's his name?
Aw Dad, you've done  a lot of great things.  But you re a very old man now, and old people are useless.

We     Live
    in a society     of laws.  Why do you think I took you to see all those Police Academy movies, for fun?  Well I didn't hear any one laughing did you?

Bart:     What did
you do,  screw up like the Beatles and say you were bigger than Jesus?
Homer: All the time It was the Title of our next album

Asleep     at the Switch?  I wasn't asleep I was drunk!

Hey let's do that 2000 pound man thing.  I'll be Carl Reiner, and you be what's his face