Felicia Laurence

Age: 40
Occupation: Lawyer
Parents: Unknown
Siblings: Unknown
Children: None
Relationship Status: Single
Friends: Natasha Robinson
Enemies: April Moore, Elizabeth Harper, Kate Weiss, Kyle Roberts, Max Allred
Crimes: Performed a mercy killing on her sick aunt (1999,) paid someone to pose as a mugger and murder rival, Gregory Smith, blackmailed and threatened a paralegal, blackmailed Kyle Roberts into giving her District Attorney, threatened Kate Weiss, Elizabeth Harper and April Moore.
History: Returning to Heaven Beach, Felicia is on an all-out war with her enemies, she is hell-bent on destroying their lives for them destroying her's. Ruthless and vindictive to the core, Felicia was arrested on New Year's Eve for the murder of Gregory Smith, Elizabeth taped her confession to the murder. She was given a minimum twenty year sentence in prison, however, she only served five months of that sentence, after her old friend, Natasha came to her aide. The two devised a plan to plant a body double in prison so Felicia could plot against her enemies without them having the slightest clue. With Elizabeth, Kate and April high on her revenge list, will Heaven Beach ever be the same again?
Portrayed By: Lauren Koslow (2003; 2004-present)