DISCLAIMER: Brief Strong Language

Previously on Intertwined…
Austin and Ethan go to rescue Laurie.
Philip rapes Laurie.
Brad/Elliot divorces Phyllis.
Kate and Elizabeth warn April.
Brad/Elliot and Victoria make love one last time.
Quinn Ruerup arrives in town, as does Felicia Laurence.
In a flash, two shots are fired one from Austin and one from Philip.

Philip's Apartment

"Shit!" Ethan screamed, barely dodging a bullet from Philip's gun.

Philip and Austin glared at each other, both pointing their guns at one another. "You've ruined everything for me!" Philip screamed, "you've taken my love, my life and now nothing gives me more pleasure to splatter your brains all over this room right in front of your dear brother and whore!" Philip cocked the gun, "game over, Austin, you lose--"

Laurie stood over his limp body, a lamp in hand. "Give me the gun, leave, now."

"Laurie--" Austin said, as blood began to escape from a gash in Philip's head.

"Go now!" She shouted, snatching the gun.

Ethan heard sirens in the distance. He gently touched his brother's arm and looked him in the eyes, "Austin…"

"I don't want you involved, it'll be like you two were never here. Leave before they catch you. Trust me, this is my fight, leave me too it." She spoke calmly, but was obviously shaken.

He went to her, "I don't want to leave you," he touched her face and kissed her, "We said we'd never leave each other in a moment of need, we promised. Don't make me do this, I need you," he pleaded.

"I need you too," she kissed him softly, "please, don't get involved."

"Austin," Ethan said fiercer, "they're only minutes away."

He grabbed her up and kissed her one final time, "they'll probably just question you, you'll be home tonight."

She nodded, "I know I will," she smiled as he walked out the door, "Austin, I love you."

He turned back, "I love you too."

As Ethan started the car, a final shot rang out from inside the apartment. He shook his head and sped off.

The Robinson Home

Charlotte Robinson, with aid from Noah and Sarah, walked into her home for the first time since Thanksgiving.

"Merry Christmas!" Simone, Amir, Jacob, Alexandra and Jonathan exclaimed as she walked through the door.

Simone stepped up to her grandmother-in-law, "All five of us have been hard at work all day to make sure the house was perfect for your homecoming. Let me tell you, it was tough decorating without your guidance," she smiled, "but, I think you'll be pleased."

"Come look at the tree, grandmother, we sent the boys out early this morning to get it," Alexandra said, coming forward. Alexandra and Simone guided the elderly woman to the threshold of the living room where she gazed upon the tree. Tears formed in her eyes, "it's gorgeous," she wrapped her arms around Simone and Alexandra and kissed them both on the cheeks, "thank you, this means the world to me." She slowly moved to Jonathan and Amir and hugged them, "thank you, thank you." Finally, her youngest child came forward and she touched his face, "Jacob, you've grown up to become such a fine man," she kissed him, "I love you." The mother and son shared a moment that they had never shared before, both in tears, holding each other. "I'm sorry," she finally spoke.

"No, I'm sorry." He said.

Sarah hugged Simone, who, like her, was crying. "Thank you Simone, this was beautiful."

Simone hugged her tightly and whispered into her ear, "it was Alexandra's idea."

Sarah looked at her eldest sister, who was leaning up against the threshold. She took a deep breath and walked over to Alexandra. "Thank you," her body language was uncomfortable. "That was very kind."

The two sisters looked in each other eyes for a beat before Alexandra wrapped her up tightly in her arms, "Sarah, I'm sorry, for everything, for all the fighting, for leaving you alone."

Another wave of tears hit Charlotte as she watched her two granddaughters make amends. "At last, we are a family again."

The Slater Home

Nicholas walked into the kitchen to find his grandmother and mother baking, "we're still going on with Christmas dinner with all that's going on?" He asked, grabbing a cup of coffee.

"Nicholas we're still having a holiday no matter what that," at the next few words, Phyllis raised her voice to the top of her lungs, "rat bastard has done to out family!" She took a glass and slung it against the opposing wall. She sucked in a breath and smiled, "Merry Christmas darling!" She kissed her son before grabbing a broom and dustpan, Anna simply shook her head.

"I know who you were with last night," Lydia said bitterly. "Always running back to that rich whore. Damnit Elliot, start thinking with your big head for once." She sat at Phyllis' vanity putting on make-up, she sighed and threw the eye-liner at the mirror.

He looked at her sneering reflection in the mirror, he couldn't believe that this was the woman he fell in love with years ago…

A Denver Hotel Room - Six Years Ago

Lydia pounced on a shirtless Elliot, he ran his hands up her bare-back. "Think of it, we'll be just like Bonnie and Clyde, oh Elliot, let's do it. We'll make our way across country and down to Florida, you know I've always wanted to live there. We'll have a cottage on the beach and we'll make love all day and night and have ten kids. Oh, Elliot, say yes, say you want to spend the rest of our days together."

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" He exclaimed, he flipped her on her back and begin nibbling her neck, "Lydia Monroe, I want to spend the rest of my life with you." He stopped for a moment.

"What?" She asked bewildered.

"Why would you want to move to Florida, you can't swim. You're terrified of water."

"Terrified to be in it, but not to look at it, oh, never mind it." She reached up and kissed him, "let's make love until dawn."

He shook his head, that memory was long gone, something had changed, maybe it was he who changed. "I don't love you anymore." He said plainly.

She shot around, "what? Since when?"

"Just now, when I looked at your reflection. I don't love you anymore, sorry."

She turned back around and gritted her teeth, "god damn," she muttered. Her anger rose and she smashed the mirror with her clenched fist. "Just great, just mother fucking great Elliot." She went to him and hit her fists up against his chest. She stopped and shook her head, "it's pointless, you're too far gone. I should have known when you called out her name when we were making love. I fooled myself into believing you, I've been fooling myself for quite some time now. Whatever. I'm done and don't count on me when she dumps you. Selfish whores-the both of you."

"Where will you go?"

"Why do you care?" She slammed the door on her way out.

Outside of Laurie's Dorm

Austin walked briskly down the hallway, "First Christmas with your new family and you're going to be late, great," he said under his breath. He hardly noticed the man knocking at Laurie's dorm.

"Excuse me," Quinn called out.

"Hm?" He turned around, "oh, sorry, can I help you?"

"I'm looking for Laurie Ruerup, do you know her?"

"Um, yes, I do, why?" He peered at the man with curiosity.

"I'm her older brother and I've just arrived in town and I've been trying to reach her, but she hasn't picked up her cell."

"I actually just spoke to her a few minutes ago, and, uh, she's a little tied up, she told me if I saw you to tell you to wait for her at the Heaven Beach Hotel and that she should be home tonight."

Quinn looked at the young man for a minute, "okay… thank you."

The two men looked each other over one last time before parting to go their separate ways.

The Slater Home

She pressed the doorbell and tapped her foot lightly, waiting for someone to answer. She rang it again after a beat.

"I'm coming!" She heard a man's voice call from inside.

"Finally," she muttered, before putting on a fake smile when she was met face to face with the young blonde. She immediately put out her hand, "Claudia Snyder, if I've been informed correctly, my son lives here, Elliot."

Kip looked at her for a minute, "Brad's mother?"

"Who's Brad?" She asked.

"Um, Brad-Elliot, I think your mother's here." Kip said, making room for Elliot in the foyer.

"Mother?" Elliot dropped the tray in his hand.

"Elliot, my son!" She rushed to him and threw her arms around him. "Elliot, I can't believe it's you!" She released him walked right into the main hall. "You've done well for yourself, Elliot, very well, I'm impressed."

By now, all of the Slater's had come out to see what all the commotion was about.

Claudia and Victoria's eyes met and Claudia let out a low shrill, "and this must be your wife!" She went to her and kissed her on the cheek, "I'm Claudia Snyder, charmed."

"Victoria Slater, and I'm not married to your son." She said plainly.

"Oh?" She looked a bit bewildered. "Elliot, who are all these people? Where's your wife?"

"Mom, I'm not married, and I was with Lydia, up until a few minutes ago." He said, stepping forward.

Claudia let out a sound of disgust at the mention of Lydia's name, "Oh, Brad, honey, you're not still with that tramp are you?" She gasped and turned back to Victoria, "you must be Elliot's sister-in-law, Lydia's sister, I take it?"

"Mom, mom, just stop." Elliot put his arms around his mother, "I'm not married, these people did use to be my in-laws, however, that whole plan went south." He looked in his mother's eyes, "you remember when Lydia and I came to you with our plan?"

"The fraud plan? Oh, dear me," she touched her chest and made eye contact with Phyllis, "you must be the mother, oh, honey, Elliot would come up the grandest schemes one could ever think of." She chuckled, "I'm sure you know."

"Mm, yes, actually, darling, I'm his ex-wife." She formed a half-smile.

"Oh!" She laughed nervously, "Elliot, love, I think you have some major explaining to do because I can't seem to fit this jigsaw of a puzzle together." She turned back to the Slater's, "perhaps Elliot and I could go in another room, for just a moment," she smiled, "happy holidays," she said before Elliot pushed her off into another room.

Claudia slammed the study door, "Elliot, what in the hell is going on here?"

The Slater Home - Several Hours Later

"My dear family," Phyllis began, holding on to the table for support.

"And here's our encore performance," Anna smiled and took a sip of her eggnog.

"No, no, mother, no, drinking yet," Phyllis slurred. "It's been one hell of a year," she began to recap, "I got married to Brad Miller-or Elliot Snyder, who ever the hell you are, and don't you think I'm sticking my tongue down your throat this year, ya bastard. Kip moved in with us, e-everybody, good times. And we certainly can't forget Victoria's boyfriend getting shot in the throat right in front of us. And then Victoria's boyfriend left, but not before knockin' her up! Eh? Am I right?"

"Mother!" Victoria shouted.

"Yeah, don't think I didn't find that pregnancy test, honey," Phyllis took another swig from her eggnog. "Moving on, Nicholas, darling, the love of my life, please, get laid or something, I mean really what have you accomplished this year?"

"Phyllis, please," Anna pleaded.

"Hey, hey, you watch it mama, I'm just speaking the truth, am I right or am I right? Anyone with me? Hm? No? Well, I'm still talkin', so just shaddaup and listen."

Elliot and Victoria exchanged glances, "is it mine?" he mouthed. She turned her head.

"Well, Kip and I went to Pinőn Hallow, where I had a few surprises waitin' for me." She chuckled, "I was reunited with the love of my life-Jeff Davis, Kip's uncle, and, um, well, we have a son together, Ethan, so Victoria and Nicholas, new older brother, yay." She took another sip and noticed the look of sheer shock from her children, "oh it gets better, he's a minister! Woo!" She threw her arms up wildly, "Who would've guessed, right? So, he might move in with us, sometime, and we can all be one big happy family together, forever. Well, we could've been, if it weren't for you!" She pointed at Elliot, "you who've taken half of my fortune and house and whatever else I own. Yeah, you're a real bastard and I hope you fall and do stuff after you fall like, like, break your nose or, or something. Hey! Wait a minute! Where's your little whore, huh? We all should be together for Christmas!"

"I haven't seen her since this morning," Elliot said with a hint of worry.

"Well, honey, I'm sure she's okay. Yeah, but still, you're a bastard but damn the sex was good! Bottoms up everyone! Happy Holidays and so forth--" She chugged her eggnog. "Hit me again!" She laughed obnoxiously.

Everyone at the table reached for their glasses and threw back their drink.

Elliot rose, "I have an announcement to make of my own."

"Oh, Jesus," Victoria said, fixing herself another drink, she was going to need it for this one.

"Victoria, I love you and whether that child is mine or not I'm going to be responsible and--" he began to make a choking sound which turned into a full-heaving cough.

"Elliot?" Claudia asked with concern, "honey?"

His face turned red and he clutched onto the table. "Help me," he managed.

"Brad!" Victoria screamed, running to him, "Brad!" She caught him before he hit the floor. She held him in her arms and rubbed his forehead and hair, "Brad, what's wrong? Brad?"

"I love you," he said slowly before, with one final heaving cough, his eyes rolled to the back of his head and he lie there, dead.

"Elliot!" Claudia pushed Victoria away, "you get away from him! My God what have you people done to him! You've killed him!"

"There's something you don't see everyday," Phyllis chuckled.

The Robinson Home

Austin snuck away from the table and into the kitchen, he answered the phone call, "Laurie, thank God you called me, I was beginning to get worried."

"Austin, they've arrested me--for murder!"

The Cast of Characters (in order of appearance)
Scene I.i Philip's Apt.
Ethan Robinson… Jesse Bradford
Philip Wadsworth… Brian Presley
Austin Robinson… CJ Thomason
Laurie Ruerup… Deanna Wright
Scene II.i Robinson Home
Charlotte Robinson… Frances Reid
Sarah Robinson… Tamara Braun
Noah Robinson… Stephen Martines
Simone Taylor-Robinson… Amelia Hienle
Alexandra Robinson… Robin Christopher
Jacob Robinson… Billy Warlock
Amir Chazel… Galen Gering
Jonathan Winters… Rick Hearst
Scene III.iSlater Home
Nicholas Slater… Eddie Matos
Phyllis Slater… Marj Dusay
Anna Lewis… Constance Towers
Elliot Snyder/Brad Miller… Daniel Cosgrove
Lydia Monroe… Aubrey Dollar
Scene IV.i Dorm
Quinn Ruerup… Grayson McCouch
Scene III.ii Slater Home
Claudia Snyder… Jane Elliot
Kip Davis… Scott Clifton
Victoria Slater… Vanessa Branch
Scene III.iii Slater Home
Scene II.ii Robinson Home