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chapter two: jack's capture

"What the-?" was all Ebony could get out as the ground shook beneath her, "Jack? Jack, come here!" Jack ran over to her, looking like he was going to cry,
"Ebony! What's going on?" he squeaked. Ebony grabbed onto Jack's hand and held on tightly,
"I don't know..." she said, a tone of terror in her voice. Then she saw something in the corner of her eye. They'd all seen it, and turned round to face the lake.
A small person was hovering there, floating using its wings. It had long brown hair and very pale white skin. It was wearing what looked like to be an army uniform in blue camoflage. It wouldn't have been that threatening, if the small person hadn't have been leading about twenty more of them out the lake, looking exactly the same, but in red uniforms.
"What..?" Charlie whispered. He had moved to closer to Ebony and Jack in a protective manner. Frankly, Ebony was too scared to care.
"The small one. He's the one." the small person with the blue uniform said in a loud, but somehow soft and whimsy voice. The red people nodded and saluted to the blue person. Then they charged. It all happened in a blur in front of Ebony's eyes. The small people were racing towards them. Jack began clinging to Ebony's jeans and Charlie held onto them both protectively. Suddeny, Ebony couldn't feel her little brother's hand in hers, or the weight on her jeans leg. There was a rush of red around her, and she and Charlie heard a scream of,
"Jack!" Ebony yelled at the blue of red around her. Jack was caught up in the red people's arms, and they flew back towards the blue one. It dived back into the lake, and to Ebony's dismay, the red people, along with Jack, followed it into the lake.
"Jack!" Ebony screamed. She burst out of Charlie's grip and ran into the lake, "Jack? Jack! JACK!" She turned back to Charlie, waist deep in he lake water, "Where is he?" she gasped hysterically. Charlie just stood there with his mouth slightly open, bewildered. Ebony went on for a while, screaming Jack's name and diving deeper into the lake's waters.
"Ebony..." Charlie said softly, once she had raised her head out of the water.
"What?" she snapped, not looking over to him.
"I think he's gone."
"What do you mean 'gone'?!"
"We should go back to your place. Call the police. Get you dried off." Charlie said, ignoring her question, and tried to cover the fright and concern in his voice.
"But..." Ebony knew he was right. She nodded and clambered back to the lake bed. Charlie stepped into the shallower water, and grabbed her hand to pull her out quicker.

Ebony opened the door to their house and wandered inside. Charlie was still holding her hand, but she didn't notice. She had too many questions rushing through her mind. What were those things? Why did they take Jack? Where did they take him? Why? How?
"Eb?" Charlie voice broke into her thoughts. Ebony realised he was still holding her hand, so she snatched it away from him. "You can go now." she said coldly.
"Ebony, please, I care about Jack too. I want to see if he's okay." Charlie pleaded. Ebony stayed silent.
"Look," he sighed, "You go and get dried off, and I'll make some coffee, alright?" Ebony gave in and nodded. She walked into the bathroom slowly and got hold of a towel. She didn't notice how wet she was. Her hair was dripping with the lake water, and her clothes were unbearingly soggy. She didn't smell particularly nice either. After she'd dried her hair with the towel, got changed and sorted out her make-up, she went back to the kitchen where Charlie was just finishing pouring two cups of coffee. They sat down at the kitchen table, and sipped their coffees without a word. What is he doing here? Ebony thought, He's probably just taking advantage of you! A voice in her head bellowed, Throw him out! No, another voice said firmly, he's generally worried about you and Jack. Give him a change! This isn't school now!
"Thanks." Ebony said suddenly, breaking the awkward silence.
"For what?"
"For making coffee."
"It's alright."
There was some more silence.
"Who were they?" Charlie said quietly. Ebony shrugged,
"I don't have a clue. And what were they?"
Charlie shrugged as well. Ebony looked over to the clock. It was only 10:06AM. It felt like it should have been at least 5pm.