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The Circle Of Spiritual Women
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Andrea GM.
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Well, here we are at the close of my hard work, research, experiences,
and my reality! What all these pages represent are my life experiences,
my journey, and what I have learned from my life thus far. The
greatest lesson I have learned is always keep an opened heart to all
people as we are all connected as all things in our vast universe
are! Life is a wonderous learning experience, with multi levels to
reach for and acquire. God in His Infinite Wisdom sends
us people in our life along the way to help us learn the lessons
we must learn before we can move on to another level!
I have learned that I can't live for anyone but myself,
I can't please anyone but myself, and I can't control anyone
but myself! When I am at peace with self then the world is
a much better place to be, when I am going through conflicts
everything around me seems darker and harder to handle! I have learned
that I don't have to be around anyone who is negative or that I don't like!
I won't like everyone I meet, however I love everyone as we are all bound
through God Almighty. We are all brothers and sisters, and so to hate
anyone is to hate myself! There are those who are on a much different
level and I or no one else has the right to condemn, judge, or ridicule
anyone! Anytime we point a finger there are four more fingers
pointing right back at us. 
True Serenity comes from within, from knowing one's self and
accepting who and what we are! Who am I? Andrea, a woman,
a child of God, a sister to humanity, a grain of sand in this vast
universe. Yet none the less worthy of all its benefits. IF I so choose
to reach out and grasp ahold of them! All the age old mysteries,
the questions that baffle science and research! All are within ,
within my very own heart! To know these answers I must first
know self and God, this is Serenity, this is peace, this is love,
this is bliss, this is growth, this is humility, and oneness with
the Universe and all its wonders ...
I have learned that I am nothing more than a useless tool, just like
a hammer, or nail, but put them in a carpenters hand and watch
the beauty and creation begin! When God picks me up and uses
me, then I am a great and wonderous thing to behold.

I would like to say a very special thanks to My Dad, for expanding
my mind. To my step mom Virginia { Mama Gin } for being my
friend and Angel. To all the wonderful and beautiful people out
there who send me great email that lift my spirits and make me
smile. In the words of my Dad!
"Give people their flowers while they are alive!"
If you love someone don't ever give up the opportunity of telling
them so. As you may never have that chance again.
My last and most vital thought and lesson learned!
There's only one thing God Almighty can not do! He can not
change from being who He is! We as His children have that
same blessing. We can't change from being who God
created us to be! No matter how low we go, or how far we fall,
we will always be children of God, with a very special
and beautiful gift! That gift is????
The ability to love, and to be loved!

My only hope is that someone, some where gets something
out of these writtings. I have many more and have written a
book. May God bless all who pass this way and please pass
it on.