



-         Step 1: Read the Introduction


-         Step 2: Read the Task


-         Step 3: Study the part “Time” and afterwards you can open the Clock Program on the website to check if you understood the rules. If there are difficult words, you can open the part “Words” or open the “First Aid”.


-         Step 4: Study the part “Schoolsystem”. If there are difficult words, you can open the part “Words”..


-         Step 5: Study the part “Subjects”. If there are difficult words, you can open the part “Words”.


-         Step 6: Study the part “Present Continuous”. If you have some difficulties to learn the rules, you can open the websites for some extra help. Do the exercises on that page before you go on to the next step.


-         Step 7: Download the Task-form here and fill in the three pages.


-         Step 8: Fill in the Evaluation-form and the Conclusion-form.


-         Step 9: Send an e-mail to you teacher with your name, class and date. Don’t forget to add:

·        Task-form

·        Evaluation-form

·        Conclusion-form


-         Step 10: Take a rest. You deserved it!!!