FULL NAME:            John Paul Cusack
OCCUPATION:        Actor, Playwright, Producer, Stage Director
DATE OF BIRTH:     28th June 1966
BORN:                      Evanston, Illinois, USA
LIVES:                       Los Angeles, California, USA
HEIGHT:                   6ft, 2in
HAIR COLOUR:        Black
EYE COLOUR:         Brown
FATHER:                  Richard
MOTHER:                 Nancy
SIBLINGS:               Joan (Actress), Susan (Actress), Ann (Singer,                                        Actress), Bill (Actor)
SCHOOL:                  NYU for 1 semester (not sure how long that is                                      over here! Maybe a term?!) Studied                                                        Philosophy of Law and Ethics.
LIKES:                       Basketball (Chicago Bulls), Football (The                                               Bears), Baseball (The Sox), Kickboxing and                                         good music!
DISLIKES:                Press (doesn't everyone!)
STAR SIGN:             Cancer, with all the traditional traits
                                            Emotional and Loving
                                            Intuitive and Imaginative
                                            Shrewd and Cautious
                                            Protective and Sympathetic

                                            Changeable and Moody
                                            Overemotional and Touchy
                                            Clingy and Unable to Let Go (we wish!!)