God is a concept, by which we measure our pain.
John Lennon
Imagination is more important than knowledge.
Albert Einstein
Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans.
John Lennon
Good advice comes too late.
If ignorance is bliss, then knock the smile off my face!
Zack De La Rocha
Anyone who's afraid of dying is an idiot.
Evel Knievel
Never describe as malice that which can be more accurately explained as stupidity.
Isaac Asimov
Excuse me if I smell like piss. You know how it is..."
from "Death to Smoochie"
I wish God were alive to see this.
Homer Simpson
You swim with the sharks, bring band-aids.
Lenny Brisco of "Law & Order"
Everybody was really serious... and that was fun.
".NET Rocks!" podcast show