In January of 2002, the midwestern USA experienced a drastic winter storm. Cities and school districts were closed, and people were without electricity for weeks. I was stuck in my little dorm room in Lawrence, lucky to have power, unlike my friends and parents. For many people, it was an inconvenience and an unfortunate occurrence. For me, however, it was something beautiful before which I had never encountered. And the fact that school was canceled for two days was a bonus. I took photographs of some of the scenery.

Imagine everything around your is covered by a thick layer of ice, which glistens against the sun. Automobiles became virtual igloos, the walls of which being several inches of snow and ice.

Imagine a group of twenty college brats on top of a hill, using trays from the cafeteria as sleds, flying across the buried earth, snow rushing beneath them. And people who dared to drive somewhere paid for their choice by having the same twenty college brats throw snowballs at the cars. And snowballs don't discriminate against the cars they hit, unbeknownst to the police officer.

It was fun. That's all I can say. And here are just a few pictures.