In Honor Of My Step-Grandfather

In Honor Of My Step-Grandfather


My Step-Grandfather, Eugene Crowley, was in the Korean War and made it back home.

The Korean War is also known as The Forgotten War. This title is ironic because I have little info on my step-grandfather other than the following:

He was born July 26, 1926, in Winona, Missouri according to the obituary and in Eminece, Missouri according to his brother. The two towns are 12 miles apart but are in Shannon County.

He was inducted into in the U.S. Army at West Cliff, Colorado in 1944 or 1945 as a Medic & Infantry. He had two discharges. One was a discharge on a family hardship. His Mother and her husband at that time needed him to help care for a farm as the husband had pneumonia. He also had a medical discharge because he developed "jungle feet".

He worked as a Farmer, a lumber jack, a carpenter and many other jobs through out his life. He was a "jack-of-all-trades" and a "master of many".

He loved to hunt and fish. In his later years he took up bow hunting and even got his picture in a hunting magazine for a 6 point trophy buck.

He married Zayna (Jones) Roberts on September 13, 1968, in Creede, Colorado. He was a retired carpenter and a former member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars.

Link to VFW site

Eugene Crowley died Sunday, January 3, 1999, at home in Spur, Texas.

Survivors included his wife (who died on April 30,1999); a stepson, Duane Roberts of Anacoco, Louisiana; a stepdaughter, Theada Fowler of Del Norte, Colorado; a brother, Don Crowley of Bisbee, Arizona; seven grandchildren; and 23 great-grandchildren.

Gene's brother Don is married to Flora and they have 2 boys and 1 girl. The boys are Auto Mechancs and the girl was an E.R. Nurse for almost 20 years but is now in M.R.I's and Radiology.

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Created 11/11/00
Last Updated 09/24/08