MARCO MARILUNGO, CARDIOLOGIST IN ROME. Born in Rome 42 years ago. After Diploma in medicine, frequented the heart surgery and cardiology clinic of the hospital Umberto I Rome University in Rome. After this experience was an internal doctor to the hospital Sandro Pertini in Rome, in the department of cardiology and coronary unity. Worked some services at the PUBLIC MEDICINE SERVICE IN ROME in the medicine and in the sector of the cardiology for the. For unusuals years were internal doctor in Grassi hospital G.B. in Rome, working both in the surgery services and the cardiology division. For 4 years frequented the clinical of cardiovascular illnesses of Federico II of Naples University. At present perform the free profession and from 1996 is the chief technical cardiologist in the sector of the cardiology of one of the majors medical centers and diagnosticians are in Rome. Besides the specialization in cardiology, Dr. Marilungo acquaired perfectioning in methodical diagnosticses echcardiografic attending the hospital medical school's courses of the area Latium. In U.S.A. obtained the diploma in perfectioning in the diagnosis and the care of the hypertension at the Baylor college of medicines of the Houston University - Texas. In hospital, in Rome, cured, a pilot project together with other cardiologists, for her cloth-cardiologies (dispatch elettrocardigrams by telephone with immediate answer, always by telephone.) Was a scientific consultant of the Toshiba Medical Systems Europe occupying his of the formation of the technicians and the engineers in the sector of the ultrasounds, by besides curing, the sanitary and technical the medical centers and the hospitals relations of all the national territory. Was consultant for Chevron Ship Engineering occupying me of the qualification to the embarkation (physical and psychological) of the officers some super oilman. Is consultants of some of the majors diagnostic centers of the provinces in Rome and of Latin (that is responsible for the supervision and the heart diagnosis.) Is the cardiologist of reference of the Colgate-Palmolive of Italy. Is the cardiologist of reference for the World Found Programs-F.A.O. Plant worldwide seat in Rome. Dr. Marilungo is registered on the European superior school of professional Counseling-ASPIC to follow the gives a diploma "master Gestalt Counseling - in the help relation. He have numerous publications and presentations of national and international congresses (hips as speaker) in the field of the cardiology relations. He practised athletics at competitive level. He was sprinter and also took part in the Italian championships (but Mennea was faster.) Also loving the mountain, he practised mountaineering (never above the 3700 meters.) In sea he go by hours to do snorkelling. As hobbies has the literature (classical, contemporary literature, history and philosophy,) the music (trip hop, jungle and all what that regards the experimentation,) the photograph (above all landscapes and photography of people) the data processing ones and. He loves to travel very much and know other peoples. Dr. Marilungo opened this site without purpose of profit, but "only" to try to learn to be of greater help in the comparisons of the people that suffer of illnesses and uneasinesses. Dr. Marilungo has some vision holistic medicine one. Every person that he meets during the job has his one identity. To every person he try to infuse security and give answers without doubts. INFOCUORE-INFOHEART2000 was born with the intent one to bridge a difference between "patient" and doctor. Often a well-stocked word "spent" is worth much more of a prescribed well-stocked pill. INFOCUORE-INFOHEART2000 is not only a site: is a project. With the time pricked to become a meeting point: Medicine, health, psyche, user, Cardiologist, Psicologist in an only container. A container that sees the person, the individual to the center. The project is ambitious. Help him grow.