Fan fiction is when fans of the show write episodes which are then put on the web. They are not used on the show - they are just for fun! These Fan Fictions are not written by me but by other fans who send their Fan Fictions in. If you want me to put your Fan Fic on my site e-mail me and, I will put it up. NB: It must be about PG13-15 rating. Anywayz have fun reading:)
The One Where Everything Happens
The One After Ross Says Rachel Again - Season 6

You can e-mail me for any comments or to send me your Fan Fic at:
TOW The New Year's Surprise
TOW the move in flashbacks
The Northern Lights
TOW the Jacket
Monica's Poem
Chandler's Poem
TOW Too Many Bings
TOW Chandler Loses the Plot
TOW Jacky Part One
TOW Jacky Part Two
TOW Jacky Leaves
TOW The Prize
TOW The Third Kid
Arguement Before the Wedding