Teddy R.  One Great
Malcom X
Gracias for inventing the telefono  Mr. Alexander Graham- Bell!
Rosa Parks was the first African American woman to dare to ride a bus full of white people sitting down... as you should know, blacks were not allowed to ride sitting with the whites and they had to stand up also to allow the whites to sit, Rosa Parks did not accept this snub and was even arrested for not obeying this ridiculous law.
John F. Kennedy
How many of us actually appreciate what our american soldiers did for us? They bravely went to wars, ugly horrible and devistating wars to fight so our freedom would not be taken from us..... if not for them where would we be today?  Mothers  had their sons taken from them, women their husbands and girls their boyfriends. Sometimes they were still  teenagers in high school and they bravely went to fight..... even for wars like VIETNAM which were completely unecessary and obviously a total waste.  Our soldiers DIED FOR US, THEY DIED FOR OUR FREEDOM.....unfortunately I cannot put the millions of names of soldiers and good men who fought but this is dedicated to their memory and I hope up in heaven they know that even though I was not born when they died, they are MUCH APPRECIATED AND LOVED.