Welcome to "Infamously Infatuated: A Collection". This website was created to keep track of my ever-increasing base of websites I have designed. As of now, I have created and (tried to) maintained some 25-30 websites. Below is a list of a pretty good portion of those sites, I would list them all but so many have not been worked on in years that, it would be quite pointless. :P Enjoy!
Blue Lamp: A Dedication to Stevie Nicks
Frozen Love
Jill Without Restraint
Jupiters Darling
Love Under Wraps
Mariska Magdolina Hargitay
Partners are like Blood
Debra Messing: Radiance (*Under Construction)
Really Odd Lovers: A Will & Grace Fan Page (*Under Construction)
Stevie's Silver Girl (*My First website EVER, started in September, 2003. 7th grade)
Women in Rock