What is sinning?


In my own personal view it’s man’s own conscience that gives him a natural sense of right or wrong. The word sin is a product of religion. What religion may say is sinful is not necessary a wrong doing to the majority of people in the world.

We often hear about sinning, especially by the church and or religious organisations. But what exactly is sin? What does it mean to do a sinful act? To perform sinfully is a willful violation or abuse of some religious principle. This kills the soul or is fatal to salvation. Sin means transgression of divine Law. So what does divine mean? Divine means having something to do with a god or gods, or something superhuman or surpassing excellence. To perceive by intuition?

I’ve often heard of the seven deadly sins, such as pride, covetousness, lust, anger, gluttony, envy, and laziness.

If you are a believer then, to live without sin is to live an impossible life, a life without sin is something superhuman and surpassing excellence and therefore beyond the capability of mankind.

2 Chronicles. 6:36 "There is no man who does not sin"

Sin from a biblical point of view first occurred in the spirit realm before it’s introduction on earth through a spirit creature referred to simply as the Adversary, Job 1:6.

Sin is anything marring one’s relationship with a god. It may be a word (Job. 2:10; Psalms 39:1) a deed (Leviticus 20:20; 2 Corinthians 12:21) or failing to do what has to be done. (Numbers 9:13; James 4:17) or a mind and or heart attitude. For a believer lack of faith in God is a major sin showing distrust or a lack of confidence in god’s ability to perform. ( Hebrew 3:12, 13, 18, 19)

This requires man’s obedience and submission to the divine will, whether that will is conveyed in the form of an express commandment or not. Sin involves a moral failure in all of these aspects.

A Christian can become guilty of sin before God by his association with wrong doers.

A Christian associating with or even saying "a greeting" to one who abandons the teaching of Christ becomes "a sharer in his wicked works" 2 John 9-11.

The next scripture should start alarm bell ringing for the believers of the faith.

"For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins." Hebrews 10:26

In general today, the modern Christian people tend to blindly follow the values of contemporary society especially with regards to questions of morality and therefore they are sinners.

With regards to the question of morality supposedly set forth by the bible, they are God given and eternal for believers. Emanating from God as they do, they stand above contemporary judgment, far from being "out of date" or "old fashioned" these values are timeless. So why does the Christian ignore them or better still why does not the church enforce them, like the days of old?

Have you ever noticed that whenever things become socially acceptable, it is only after and not before, that the church alias Christianity will find a way to embrace it, even if it is contrary to the bible. You can see the pattern everywhere when you just look around. Divorce except on the grounds of adultery used to be a no-no, now it is accepted. Remarriage was considered a no-no also, now it is accepted. Women’s ordination was considered a no-no now it also has become acceptable in most denominations. Are these not sinners? Homosexuality in some denominations is becoming acceptable; no doubt the church will find a way of justifying it in time to come.

Many liberal denominations today are becoming non-dogmatic secular Christianity. Secular humanism and science are, more and more influencing these liberal churches and their followers.

Liberal believers have more in common with unbelievers today than with traditional religion. Maybe keeping the pew warmers united and as one is more important than being a sinner. Why not bring the converted to order first? Clean up your own backyard before criticising the house next door. The fundamental Christian tags the liberal Christian as "so called" Christians.

Millions of "so called" Christians today are under the impression that through Christ, God has conquered sin, such are the great glad tidings of the New Testament. Many believe they are already delivered from the guilt and judgment of sin.

The church would have you believe that Jesus was the first great teacher that ever lived regarding ethics and morals. Confucius stated the golden rule more than 500 years before it was attributed to Jesus Christ. "Do unto others as you would like them to do unto you."

You can search the bible until the cows come home for opposition to slavery, or support for democracy and equality of the sexes. You won’t find it. The church fought tooth and nail for years against slavery, democracy and women’s rights. This is sinful. Some churches are still against women’s rights to this very day; this nonsense is called religion. You know in a truly democratic country there should be no need for either church or clergy.

Religion alias Christianity promises eternal bliss for the righteous and everlasting torment for the sinner. What this really means is "toe the line" or else. This hypothetical "pie in the sky" may secure the desired result with the ignorant, but it doesn’t wash with a sophisticated thinking society.

As a people we should reject outright the proposition that it is morally acceptable to threaten punishment and promise rewards in a mythological afterlife in order to secure obedience to a particular code of conduct.

The church has raped, murdered, and humiliated the western world in its pursuit of power, with a desire to dominate every human being on the planet in the name of Jesus Christ for most of 2000 years. This includes war on women, a war of fear and terror, of torture and barbarity including witch hunts.

I do not believe it is possible nor desirable to lay down hard and fast ethical codes which would apply everywhere and every time irrespective of the circumstances.

It would be far better to aim for happiness and the overall well being of individuals and society in general, than to try to compel people to accept a moral code into which they had no say in, especially when that code is based on myth and superstition and not fact and logic.

Governments and society should encourage and assist everyone to reach his or her full potential.

Jim Lee.