Games That Are Played.

Actually "The Son of God" is a very important issue in the 'Games That Are Played' by those who consider themselves Christian. Some Christian's take on the whole gambit of it all and others are very selective as to what they believe. Some believe that angels and demons exist and others believe angels and demons are myth.

It doesn't matter one iota what sort of title we may carry as a Christian, we could be just an everyday next door type who needs to believe in something, or we could be a Deacon, Elder, Pastor, Minister, Priest, Bishop, Archbishop, Cardinal, or Pope. No matter the title we may carry, we are still all mortal men or women, no more and no less. At death, I believe we may all become equal, and there is not a single person on this planet that knows what happens after death, and that is a "truth."

I personally know of many people who call themselves Christian who don't believe in angels, demons etc. I've actually had some of them tell me, that they think the bible is no more than a book of myths. These people are regular church pew warmers and I usually respond by asking them," Why do you need Jesus then"? If Adam and Eve in their eyes is seen as a myth, then they have not inherited any sin and therefore they have no deed of a redeemer.

Millions of gullible people around the world have been praying for peace for years. Nothing's happened, the world is still a turmoil in many places. Why does god neglect the starving masses in third world countries? It is almost like god has no intention of responding to the prayers of millions. I wonder why? After all Jesus was supposed to have told his followers.

" Anything that you ask for in my name shall be given unto you." Another fairy tale I presume, or is it a 'Game That We Play'?

Just because millions of people believe lies over hundreds of years, the lies still remain lies. Theologians for centuries have failed in their efforts to prove these ancient myths as reality. That's why they are a "Faith" movement.

'Faith' is a belief in something that is unknown and unseen and cannot be proven.

History shows us that there were other "Sons of God." born of virgins in ancient religions that predated Christianity. So Jesus was not the first and only "Son of God." Some believers say that Jesus is actually god.

Children love to fantasies and believe in fairies and "make believe", such as dragons and monsters, Children play games like Cowboys and Indians, Cops and Robbers, Good guys against the Bad guys, Our gang against Your gang, and numerous other games which pit one side against the other. This is drama to a child, and there is excitement in taking sides, and being against the other side is hard to resist. Especially if you think that you are on the "good" side

As we grow older our childish games become more adult types of pursuits. Like our football team against your football team, Our Company against your company, our race against your race, the other race of course being inferior. Our church believes that we are right (Catholics) while your church (Protestant) is wrong. Protestants with their many denominations also bicker about each other being right. Over the top Pentecostals claim that they are right and all other Christians are wrong. Then there are the Christian institutions who are branded as cults by other churches, such as Jehovah Witness, Christadelphian, Mormons, Cooneyites, Seven Day Adventist, and many others, who also say that they are right and both Catholics and Protestants are wrong.

Then on the world scene there's Our religion against Your religion. Christianity claims that Jesus ("Son of God") is the only way to salvation so that makes all other religions of the world wrong.

For many people, religious belief is the most vital Right / Wrong game there is. Faith in your belief is right while faith in the other belief is wrong, and we will fight to the death to prove that ours is right. More wars are caused over religion than any other cause. (Recorded history) In my opinion the sooner the world can discard their gods, prophets, redeemers, ("Son of God,") angels, demons, satan, heaven and hell, the sooner we will become a peaceful and loving people. The fanatical religious terrorists will become a thing of the past. No matter what colour our skin is or what culture/ religion we were raised up in, we still are all one species? May we all come to know peace and acquire love and compassion for our fellowman.

You do not need a religion or a church to find a purpose in life.