This page is a reflection of the dark inner turmoil that plagues my life, and our world. The sheeple that sleep through life, blind to pointlessness of their own existence will tell you that I'm just being overly dramatic, or that I'm just sore because I don't get to hang out at the cool table at school. But they're just blind to the truth that only I can see, the sadness and worthlessness that encompasses the real world, beyond the pink, rose-coloured glasses that most people wear because they can't handle the truth of our bleak existence.

About Me

A stylized drawing of myself and a red, bat-winged entity
This is an image of myself and my avatar, the inner expression of the evil in my soul given personified form in the flesh, represented in the style of Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei. His name is Fred.

The visual style shows how the antiquity of our society's beliefs and values mask our potential, keeping us contained behind an increasingly unfocused and blemished barrier of others' inflexible traditional thought.

The stamps in place of the face indicates a contrasting modernization, stripping us of our individuality, reducing us to identifying labels to be managed or employed by corporations, with no descriptive qualification or personal uniqueness - only the minimum information to be categorized apart from others, none of the subtleties beyond the surface that lets one truly know the inner self of a person.

There's also this.