Guardians--Chapter 14= Battle to the End! By Horsemon Guardians--Chapter 14!
By Horsemon


NOTE: I'm Writeing this in a whole New way!


Surrey Looked up, Her Black eyes seemed to be Glowing, She lifted her Right Hand, The Form of an Arrow glowed there.
"Fantasy Arrow!" She cried! The Arrow Broke Evil's Hold on Butterflymon, Lynxmon, Quatlmon and Goatmon.
"Go Wargreymon!" "Show Her What we'r Made of MetalGarurumon!" Tai and Matt Yelled out to there Digimon Partners.
'Ice Wolf Claw!' 'Terria Force!' Ladymyotismon jumped to one side, The Attacks Missed Her.
"FairyHorsemon? Ready?" Surrey asked, "Yep, Lets put her back where she belongs Surrey!" FairyHorsemon Replyed.
FairyHorsemon Reared Up, Her Wings unfoled, The Under of of Both of Her Wings Turned Black, "Don't Let her Do it Surrey!" Raven Cried, Runing forward
Kari Looked at Raven, About to Ask Why couldn't FairyHorsemon use her Attack When Mary Ann answered
"FairyHorsemon's Most Powerful Attack is Star Gate, it Sends Evil Digimon in to another World!" She Said,
Raven Noded, "and any Other People(or Digimon) around Her too." Surrey Shakes her head, "that's how me and FairyHorsemon Got Rid of Ladymyotismon the First Time.
All You have to do is Use the Power of The Crest so thing don't get out of Hand!" Mary ann slaped Surrey
"Last Time it Did Get out of Hand Surrey!" She Cried, "Or Have You Forgotten Dove!" Surrey Closed her eyes, her Face was White
"what is she talking about Surrey?" Izzy asked, "yeah surrey." Joe Looked at her, Missing Nothing about the Pale White Face.
"you haven't told Them have you Surrey?" LadyMyotismon said with a Grin, "nothing about Dove and WhiteRosemon?"

Flast Back to Surrey's Forgotten Battle With LadyMyotismon.....

There were Four of Us, Raven, Mary Ann, Me, and Dove. Dove was the Kind of Girl who Never asked for any thing Like This.
She Never Talked with any of us, Only Her Partner, WhiteRosemon, Knew what she was realy like.
The Night i went out a lone to face LadyMyotismon, it was only me and Ponymon, Little did i know Dove had fallowed me.
I Never knew She was There till it was too Late, you see, a crest can protect you and your digimon, no one else would be safe.
I tried to help her, i realy did, she had been finding, watching the Battle, Only when i heard her Sream did i know she was there.

Back to preast Day Digital World.....

FairyHorsemon nods, "i tried too, i couldn't Stop the Star Gate, My Powers were too Powerful And too New for me to work well with them."
Ladymyotismon grined, it was time to strike with her most powerful attack.
She grined again, Forming a Ball of Darknnes and Black Energy In The Plams of Her Hands.
Angewomon saw it coming just it time..."Kari! Look out!" 'Celestial Arrow!'
"All This Time You Think you can defeat Me! I'll Show you REAL POWER!"'Darkness Destiny!' The Black Ord in Ladymyptismon's Hands Let off a blast of Dark Energy.
'Gate of Destiny!' MagnaAngemon's Gate of Destiny didn't work..."we have to do some thing!" Mimi cried
"it's come closer!" Joe turned a way, shakeing from head to foot. 'Howling Storm!' Wolvesmon's attack went right though the attack, doing nothing.
"we'v got to think of some thing!" Raven Said shaking her head, Surrey turned to FairyHorsemon "well?" she asked
'Wild Roses!' Loyalmon cried, Rose Pettles fly out of her hands, the attack only makes the Blast of darkness more powerful.
"This is it, We Can win! no one to help us!" "get a hold of Yourself Lovelet! we'll be fine!" Raven said shakeing Mary Ann Hard "we'll all come out of this fine!"
FairyHorsemon walked forward, opening her wings to the full, the under side went black again, "every One! get out your Crest!" Surrey Yelled, Holding out her Crest.
'Star Gate!' FiaryHorsemon Cried. The Whole World went Black, a Sound like wind filled there ears.

Tai opened his eyes, a Sound of Howling had woke him up, he looked over and saw...
at First it looked like Ladymyotsimon..only no Wings and No Mask.
He got to is Feet Agumon saw him, "tai! your awake!" "shhhh....agumon, look!" Tai Pointed out who he saw as Ladymyotismon.
Agumon toke a Deep Breath, 'Pepper Breath!' He said, Sending his attack at the Girl.
She Turned around and held out her hand, the attack turned into nothing. "Don't Try That Again Agumon! I can stop Even More Powerful Attacks!" She said.
Now that tai saw her face, he backed up, trying to find his voice, Kari(who had just woken up) Cried out.
Gatomon(her eyes wide) Shaked her head and looked again as if seeing thing, Mary ann voiced the first words....
"surrey...whats....What's going on?" Surrey turned around, her back to them once again, T.K. Walked up to her "are...are you crying?" he asked.
"i'v...i'v Done some thing...." She steped to one side, behind her Wolvesmon was cirled around some thing....
"Raven! No!" Mary ann Cried out, Raven looked...well....Dead. Wolvesmon Let off a Mornful howl, Mary ann turned away.
"she...she said we'd all come off ok....but...oh Raven!" Mary Ann Fell into Tears.
"how....Raven....How?" Tai Turned on Surrey "You Did This! You Told FairyHorsemon To Use Her Attack! You got us here!"
Sora looked around, "where is Here Any Way?" she asked, "Where is Loyalmon and FairyHorsemon?" Mimi said,
"Right here" Surrey Said, Picking up Uniemon and what looked like a Pink Botamon,
The Pink Botamon Jumped off Surrey's Hand on to Mary Ann's "I'm Pupmon Now!" it said.
an Evil Laugh Sounded Behind Them, acting More Faster then any of them, Surrey put an Arrow to her Bow and Fired
The Arrow Lit up The Darkness, The Shadowed Form of Ladymyotismon! Ladymyotismon Laughed again.
A Growling Sound made Matt turn back around, Surrey was, well, Glowing, her crest was any way.
She Held up her Digivice "if any of you Trast me, Hold up you Digivice!" Two Digivices went up,
T.K.'s and Kari's; Mary Ann Paused then Put her's up too, One by One the Digivices went up.
a Light Beam came from Surrey Digivice Went into all of Them, The Digivices Glowed.
Gatomon Looked up, she was Glowing too, all the Digimon were glowing.
Uniemon Looked up at surrey, and Surrey Grined. "Lets Show them How it's Done Uniemon!" "Right!"

"Uniemon Digivolve TO! Foalmon!"
"Foalmon Digivolve TO! Ponymon!"
"Ponymon Digivolve TO! Horsemon!"
"Pupmon Digivolve TO! Puppymon!"
"Puppymon Digivolve TO! GirlGarurumon!"

"You Going to Help Wolvesmon?" "yep, i know Raven Would'v Wanted me to."
Tai Looed at Matt and Noded, "Step it Up You Guys!" "Yeah! Digivolve!"

"Agumon Warp Digivolve TO! WARGREYMON!"
"Gabumon Warp Digivolve TO! METALGARURUMON!"

"Byiomon?" "yes Sora?" "Be Careful out there ok?" "Ok, I Will."
Mimi Huged Palmon, Crying "Palmon, Do your Best" "Friend forever Mimi!"

"Biyomon Digivolve TO! Birdramon!"
"Palmon Digivolve TO! Togemon!"

"Tentomon!" "Gomamon!" "Lets go!" "Show Her What We'r Made of!"

"Tentomon Digivolve TO! Kabuterimon!"
"Gomamon Digivolve TO! Ikkakumon!"

"Patamon! Be Careful!" "I Will T.K."

"Patamon Digivolve TO! Angemon!"

Ladymyotismon Looked at all The Champions Faceing her, This was To ez!
'Darkness Cloud!' She cried a Cloud of Darkness Made the Digimon Fall back.
'Mega Claw!' 'Ice Wolf Claw!' Wargreymon and MetalGarurumon Tried to Keep The Attack Back but it was to Powerful.
'Hand of Fate!' 'Lightning Paw!' 'Thunber Neigh!' 'Pink Howling Blaster!' None of The Attacks worked
"here, Darkness Rules, We Have to Digivolve to Ultimate!" Surrey Cried "Step it Up!"
Mary Ann Noded, she Trasted Surrey, "GirlGarurumon! Digivolve with Loyalty!"

"GirlGarurumon Digivolve TO! Loyalmon!"

"Horsemon! You Know what you Have to do!"

"Horsemon Digivolve TO! FairyHorsemon!"
"Angemon Digivolve TO! MagnaAngemon!"
"Gatomon Digivolve TO! Angewomon!"
"Kabuterimon Digivolve TO! MegaKabuterimon!"
"Ikkakumon Digivolve TO! Zudomon!"
"Togemon Digivolve TO! Lillymon!"
"Birdramon Digivolve TO! Garudamon!"

"You'll Never Win!" LadyMyotismon Cried "Wanna Bet mis. Fang Face?!" Tai Replied
"Every One Attack!" Matt said "Now!" MetalGarurumon Looked back at him and Noded
'Terra Force!' 'Ice Metal Wolf Claw!' 'Celestial Arrow!' 'Gate Of Destiny!' 'Vulcan's Hammer!' 'Flower Cannon!' 'Wing Blade!' 'Horn Buster!'
"Put The Point on That FairyHorsemon!" 'LIGHTNING HOOF!' 'WILD ROSES!' 'HOWLING STORM!'
"Nnnnooooooo....!!!!!!" The Force of all the Attacks at Last Deleted Ladymyotismon! all the Digimon went back to In-training
"YEAH! we did it at Last Foalmon!" "You Go pupmon!" "Well Done Koromon!" "Your Safe salamon!" Every One was Happy, Well, Not every One.
Cubmon watch all the Happy Digimon and There Partners, Would she be as Happy as They again?
Izzy turned on Surrey "Now That Ladymyotismon is Out of our Hair, could you Clear some things up for us?"
"un...sure, Like What?" "How Do we get out of This Place!"


End Chapter 14


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