Demon Council = Chapter 7
by Goddramon


"World's End!" Sephirothmon hit all of the Digimon with an attack which sent them all to their Rookie stages, except for Gatomon.
"Now...don't move...One Winged Apocalypse!!!!" A hail of dark arrows headed straight for TK, Kari, James, and Willis.
"NO!!!!!" James shoved the others away, but before the attack could hit him, Lopmon jumped into its path.
"LOPMON!!!!!" He was dead even before he hit the ground.
* * * * * * * * * *

Gennai was awestruck at seeing a piece of inscribed rock in a cave on the continent of Server.
"Another legend...It says: When the Digital World is faced with the rage of a fallen angel, a sacrifice shall be made to unleash the power of a God. But what does that mean?"

* * * * * * * * * *

"Lopmon..." James picked up Lopmon's dead body and held it close.
His crest began to glow very brightly as it sent out 3 strands of energy, which hit TK and Kari's D3s and Willis' digivice.
"Prodigious..." Izzy said, despite the sad moment. "His crest contains built up energy. More than ours ever did..."
"Willis...I feel like I could digivolve again..." Terriermon said, standing up.
"Me, too!" Patamon and Gatomon said.
"Then go for it! Get him for Lopmon!" James said through tears.
"Terriermon, digivovle to.........Galgomon!"
"Gatomon, digivolve to .........Angewomon!"
"Patamon, digivolve to.........Angemon!"
"Angemon, digivolve to.........MagnaAngemon!"
A bright light hit each of the three Digimon.
"MagnaAngemon.........DNA digivolve to.........Goddramon!!!!!!!"
Everyone blinked at the same time, including Sephirothmon. Taking the advantage, Goddramon went into action, unleashing the others full potential.
"Warp Unlock! Now the rest of you have Mega forms. We can clean this clown's clock!"
"Let's go for it!" Tai said, pumping a fist.
"Let's get Digital!" Justin exclaimed.
"Agumon, Warp digivolve to.........WarGreymon!"
"Gabumon, Warp digivolve to.........MetalGarurumon!"
"Biyomon, Warp digivolve to.........Phoenixmon!"
"Tentomon, Warp digivolve to.........HerculesKabuterimon!"
"Gomamon, Warp digivolve to.........Marine Angemon!"
"Palmon, Warp digivolve to.........Rosemon!"
"Veemon, digivolve to.........ExVeemon!"
"Wormmon, digivolve to.........Stingmon!"
"ExVeemon.........Stingmon.........DNA Digivolve to.........Paildramon!"
"Paildramon.........Mega digivolve to.........Imperialdramon!"
"Armadillomon, Warp digivolve to.........Vikemon!"
"Hawkmon, Warp digivolve to.........Valkyrimon!"
"Kimbamon, Warp digivolve to.........SaberLeomon!"
All eleven Mega-level Digimon lined up beside each other, looking at Sephirothmon. "And now," Goddramon announced, "we end this!!!"


End of Demon Council = Chapter 7


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