Demon Council = Chapter 5
by Goddramon


The Digidestined stood with the gathered group of Digimon, staring down Devimon and Gigadramon.
The group of 11 Rookies, 5 Champions, and 3 Ultimates looked like a match the evil Champion and Ultimate.
“We appear to be outmatched, Gigadramon. 19 against one. Let’s even things up,” Devimon said, turning to Gigadramon and raising both hands.
“Touch of Evil!” Devimon took control of Gigadramon and walked toward him. “The needs of the self outweigh the needs of everyone else!” Devimon fully absorbed Gigadramon and started to glow with dark energy.
“No....he can’t possibly....” Agumon began.
“He is....” Centarumon interrupted.
“Devimon, Dark Mega digivolve to......Necromon!”
Necromon posed, looking a lot like Mummymon, except he had a little less bandages, the color of the bandages was black, and his head looked like Devimon’s, aged a thousand years.
In his hands, Necromon carried a large scythe with an old, red and gold handle.
“He....he’s a.....Mega???” Izzy choked out. “Prodigous...”
“At time like this I wish I had pants....” Tentomon said.
“Why’s that?” Gabumon asked, scared stiff.
“Then I could wet them.”
“Oh...sorry I asked.”
“Demon Scythe!!!” Necromon swung his scythe, dark green waves of energy hitting the Digimon, sending them back.
“Ha! First, I’ll finish you all off, then I’ll take care of those angels!”
“Kari!” Davis yelled out, propping up on his elbows. “We have to do something! Veemon, try Armor Digivolving!”
“Let’s do it!” Veemon yelled, pumping his arm into the air.
“Digi-Armor Energize!” Davis yelled out, holding his D-3 and D-Terminal.
“Veemon, Armor Digivolve to......Flamedramon, the fire of courage!”
“Davis, it worked! We can Armor Digivolve, at least...” Flamedramon said, staring down Necromon.
“Alright guys, let’s go for it! Digi-Armor Energize!” Yolei yelled out.
“Hawkmon, Armor Digivolve to.......Holsemon, the wings of love!”
“Digi-Armor Energize!” Cody said loudly.
“Armadillomon, Armor Digivolve to.....Digmon, the drill of power!” Ogremon came up beside the Armored Digimon.
“We can beat this guy if we work together, even if it goes against my nature....”Ogremon said as all of the other Digimon came up with him.
Flamedramon leapt up, sped toward Necromon, and ignited himself on fire. “Fire Rocket!”
Digmon unleashed all of drills onto Necromon. “Gold Rush!”
Holsemon pulled himelf into a whirlwing. “Tempest Wing!”
All three attack his Necromon at the same time, knocking him off balance. AS if on cue, the other Digimon unleashed their attacks onto Necromon while he was distracted.
“Pummel Whack!”
“Lightning Blade!”
“Solar Ray!”
“Hearts Attack!”
“Pit Bomb!”
“Aerial Gallop!”
“Sub Zero Ice Punch!”
“Roaring Flame!”
“Pepper Breath!”
“Blue Blaster!”
“Marching Fishes!”
“Super Shocker!”
“Spiral Twister!”
“Poison Ivy!” Necromon fell back again, hurting.
“How dare you! If you’re gonna win, I’m taking you all with me!!!!” Necromon screamed out.
“Final Fury!!” Necromon started to charge up with deadly energy, preparing for a kamikaze attack.
Without warning, a large figure plowed right into Necromon, knocking him high into the air just before he exploded.
The figure stood and looked to the other Digimon. The Armored Digimon de-digivolved to their Rookies.
With Necromon gone, it was possible to digivolve again. The figure standing before them was SaberLeomon, and perched atop his back was a human.
“Hello there. The name’s Justin Clemente, and I just saved your lives. No autographs, please.”


End of Demon Council = Chapter 5


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