Indian Keratoconus Support Group
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Kerataconus is an eye disorder that can cause serious visual difficulties. I have been trying to create a support group in India for Indians affected by this disorder as they have it in other countries.

This web page is a first step in that direction.

We welcome all KC'ers to register here and exchange their views to help each other. We also welcome the active participation of Opthalmalogists , Optometrist and other Physicians across the world to contribute their views through this webpage.

Other sites on Keratoconus
National Keratoconus Foundation
A KCers Personal Diary
Web Master Email:
Keratoconus is not a disease ,it is a disorder

A KCer can live a normal life and majority of them do .....

Take care of your lenses and follow the advice of your opthalmologist.

With confidence and conviction any thing can be overcome.

If you would like to share your feelings /problems/concerns you are most welcome to do so here
Let us join hands and fight KC
About Us
What is Keratoconus?
Treatment Options
KC Support India Yahoo Group-new
Family and Support
Doctor's List in your Area
Rights of all information linked from NKCF site rests with NKCF we thank them for allowing us to share the info.
Story of a Professional KCer