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Corns occur due to pressure exerted due to the body weight on the weight bearing points of the sole or also due to constant friction eg.due to ill-fitting & high-heeled shoes,or on fingers of the hand in professions like tailoring due to constant friction of the needle or the pen incase of writers.The corns may be hard or soft & are usually apinful especially the ones on the soles.Common treatment in allopathy is use of corn caps which contain salicylic acid but it rarely achieves a cure for the root of the corn still remains & thus it reforms into a corn in few days.Excision might help but is quite painful. Homeopathy removes the corn from it's roots thus preventing recurrence.
See the case studies section for a case of multiple corns cured by homeopathy.

Commonly used homeopathic medicines/remedies in corns are: Calcarea fluor,Antim crud, Hypericum, Ranunculus bulbosus,thuja, Nitric acid etc.

see case4 in the cases section for a case of multiple corns on the soles treated with homeopathy. 

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