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Our spine is made up of a number of bones known as vertebrae. Between two consecutive vertebrae is present a cushion like substance-what we call intervertebral disc. After the age of 20-25 years some changes start occuring in the spine eg. some tiny growth on the vertebrae, increase or decrease in the vertebral disc space, protrusion of the disc etc. These changes may or may not cause any symptoms. But when they cause symptoms like pain, tingling, numbness, stiffness, slipped disc the illness is called spondylosis. Spondylosis can occur anywhere along the spine but common sites are neck (cervical spondylosis) & lower back(lumbar spondylosis). The symptoms occur mainly because the changes that take place in the spine may cause compression of nerves. Symptoms are mainly seen in people with faulty postures, people with long hours at the desk or also due to stress.No medicine can prevent the changes occuring in the spine nor revert the changes that have taken place.What can be done however, is treatment of the symptoms. Allopathic medicine mainly consists of pain-relieving tablets which are very harmful in the long run if taken for a prolonged period or repeatedly. They could cause acidity, ulcers, blood pressure or even kidney damage.Homeopathy cures the symptoms without any side-effects or damage. Along with homeopathy hot fomentation, shory-wave diathermy & traction done by a physiotherapist could be very helpful.In cases of slipped disc bed rest for a few days or weeks as advised is an absolute must. Besides, the benefits of regular exercise need no mention.
Some of the common homeopathic medicines / remedies for spondylosis are: Arnica,Cimcifuga, Bryonia, Rhus tox, Hypericum, Calcarea fluor etc

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