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Backache is one of the most common problem which probably all of us have faced at one time or the other.However, it needs attention when it occurs repeatedly or continues for days together. At times, a sudden backache could occur due to a hard day at work or a faulty posture while sitting or in sleep.This pain although quite bad is usually bearable & the movements though painful are not very restricted.These pains are nothing but muscle strains or spasms & subside within a day or two.Occasionally, a sudden back pain could occur due to a slipped disc.This pain is very severe & diagnosis is confirmed on X-ray.It needs bed rest for a couple of days or weeks.However,what we will discuss here are causes & treatment of a persistent or recurring backache. Firstly, in all cases of a persistent or recurring backache, an X-ray should be taken to rule out serious causes like tuberculosis of the spine, ankylosing spondylosis, kidney stones, gall bladder stones etc. Some of these are dealt with in the surgical section & are beyond the scope of discussion here.Once these have been ruled out, the other causes could be spondylosis (as discussed above ) strain of ligaments, faulty postures, calcium deficiency, prolonged hours of physical inactivity, anxiety & depression.In treatment correction of faulty postures, sleeping on a hard bed or putting a wooden board under a firm mattress, hot fomentation, regular exercises, using chairs with adequate backrest, calcium supplements in cases of calcium deficiency & physiotherapy are helpful along with homeopathic medicines.
Commonly used homeopathic medicines / remedies for backache are:s Arnica, Bellis per, Bryonia, Cobaltum, causticum, Calcarea fluor, Rhus tox, Ruta, Rhododendron, mag phos etc.

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