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Osteoarthrits is the normal age related wear & tear of the weight bearing joints of the body mainly the knee, hip & back. X-rays are usually sufficient for diagnosis. Exercise & regular intake of vitamin D & Calcium is very important to prevent rapid progression of the disease.

see case10 in the cases section for a case of osteo-arthritis treated with homeopathy. 

Treatment: Allopathic treatment usually consists of pain-reliever tablets for the acute phase of arthritis.There aren't any safe drugs which can be used for a prolonged periods nor any medicines for permanent cure. Homeopathy relieves most cases osteoarthritis, though osteo-arthritis per se is not a curable disease. One can only slow down it's fast progress & help pain relief without any side-effects.

homeopathic medicines / remedies for
osteo-arthritis: Bryonia, Caulophyllum, Guiacum, Lith carb, Colchicum, Ledum,Rhus tox, Ruta, Urtica Urens etc.

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