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This is a very common problem seen in menstruating women of all ages. At times the cycles are irregular but more often than not, they are regular but the bleeding is excessive. Apart from a lot of discomfort it can also lead to anaemia due to blood loss. The cause is often not known but in any woman with excessive menstrual bleeding, it is better to do a simple laboratory test to rule out any bleeding disorder, besides of course a haemoglobin test. Often no bleeding disorder is found,but the haemoglobin might be low due to blood loss. Allopathy offers hormonal treatment which only temporarily keeps the problem under control but with a lot of side-effects of the hormones. But the condition can be cured with about 6-8 months of homeopathic treatment.

Commonly used
homeopathic medicines / remedies for excessive bleeding during periods / menses are: Sepia, Caulophyllum, Secale cor, Sabina, Melifolium, Hamamelis, Trillium pendulum,Cyclamen etc.

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