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Vomiting could occur due to a large number of causes-right from the common food poisoning to routine causes like migraine & pregnancy and emergencies like appendicitis, intestinal obstruction to serious illnesses like some diseases of the brain, widespread cancer. One need not always think of the most dreaded causeson vomiting but it is always advisable to consult a doctor especially if the vomiting occurs too often or even if it is sudden accompanied by other symptoms.

As it is not advisable nor feasible to discuss the other serious causes of vomiting here, we shall restrict it to the common causes of sudden, acute vomiting like food poisoning, acidity, some medicines & indigestion. Some homeopathic medicines could be very useful & handy for treating the above mentioned common causes of vomiting, without causing any side-effects.

used homeopathic medicines / remedies in vomiting are: Ipecac, Antim crud, Kreosote, Aethusa, Phosphorus.

Some of the other homeopathic medicines used to treat vomiting due to morning sickness can be found at the link homeopathy for morning sickness
Also see the link homeopathy in acidity  for treatment of vomiting caused by acidity.

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homeopathy & vomiting, treatment of vomiting with homeopathy, homeopathic remedies for vomiting
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