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Headaches have multiple causes & hence all headaches need to be thoroughly investigated.In all cases of headaches one needs to know- the duration of the headache, how often it occurs, location of the pain, when it occurs, whether it is associated with fever, giddiness, vomiting, difficulty in vision, any problem in the ears, feeling of imbalance while walking, any history of head injury, its relation if any with menses in case of females, any associated pain in the teeth, over the face, a history of any addiction. Besides a routine check up of blood pressure, eyes, ears & a general examination is required. After the examination, if it feels necessary a CT scan or MRI of the brain may have to be done to find or rule out any serious causes which could be many.The most common causes of a chronic or repeated headache are migraine, stress(tension) headaches, headaches due to sinus problem, headaches due to myopia(short sightedness).If any serious cause is found, the treatment will depend on the cause which is beyond the scope of discussion here. However when it comes to treating the common causes of headache, the most common among them being migraine, hoemopathy offers the best treatment & permanent cure without side-effects.

Commonly used homeopathic medicines / remedies for headache are: Natrum mur, Glonoine, Iris versicolor, Silicea, Sanguinaria, Belladonna, Bryonia

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