The cow, and its urine and dung, are regarded as holy in Hinduism as illustrated in the following scriptural excerpt of the Mahabharata; the goddess Laxmi (also known as Sri), dwells in cow urine and dung:

"The goddess of fortune (Sri) left the demons and went to the gods. After many years she went to the cows and asked to dwell within them; at first they refused, since she was so inconstant and fickle; at last she said, 'No part of your bodies is disgusting; let me live somewhere in you.' The cows agreed to let her dwell in their urine and dung." -- Mahabharata 13:81:1-86.  [O'Flaherty, Wendy D.  The Origins of Evil in Hindu Mythology.  Pub.: University of California Press.  ISBN 0-520-04098-8.  p.341].

However, despite the alleged sacredness of cows, the reality is that beef-consumption is allowed in Hinduism as detailed below.


The following ritual (which incidently also includes sex and wife-battering) is excerpted from the Upanisads (the Brhadaranyaka Upanisad) and in the middle of the ritual, beef-consumption is encouraged in order to beget a learned and famous son:

"Surely, a woman who has changed her clothes at the end of her menstrual period is the most auspicious of women. When she has changed her clothes at the end of her menstrual period, therefore, one should approach that splendid woman and invite her to have sex. Should she refuse to consent, he should bribe her. If she still refuses, he should beat her with a stick or with his fists and overpower her, saying: 'I take away the splendour from you with my virility and splendour.' And she is sure to become bereft of splendour. If, on the other hand, she accedes to his wish, he should say: 'I confer splendour on you with my virility and splendour.' And then they are both sure to become full of splendour. If he wants her to love him, he should slip his penis into her, press his mouth against hers, and stroke her vagina as he softly recites: 'From my body you spring -- from every inch! Born from my heart, you are my body's pith! Make her crazy about me, as if she's been hit with a dart carrying a poisoned tip.' If he does not want her to become pregnant, he should slip his penis into her, press his mouth against hers, blow into her mouth and suck back the breath, as he says: 'I take back the semen from you with my virility and semen.' And she is sure to become bereft of semen. If, on the other hand, he wants her to become pregnant, he should slip his penis into her, press his mouth against hers, suck in the breath first, and then blow it back into her mouth, as he says: 'I deposit the semen in you with my virility and semen.' And she is sure to become pregnant. In case someone's wife has a lover whom he hates, this is what he should do. He should place some fire in an unbaked pot, spread out a bed of reeds, arranging them in a way that is the reverse of the normal, apply ghee to the tips of those reeds, again in an order that is the reverse of the normal, and offer them in that fire, as he recites: 'In my fire you made an offering! So-and-so, I take away your out-breath and your in-breath. In my fire you made an offering! So-and-so, I take away your sons and livestock. In my fire you made an offering! So-and-so, I take away your sacrifices and good works. In my fire you made an offering! So-and-so, I take away your hopes and expectations.' A man cursed by a Brahmin possessing this knowledge is sure to depart from this world bereft of his virility and stripped of his good works. One should, therefore, never try to flirt with the wife of a learned Brahmin who knows this, lest one make an enemy of a man with this knowledge. Now, when a man finds that his wife is having her period, he should make sure that she does not drink from a metal cup or wear fresh clothes for three days. Nor should a low-caste man or woman be allowed to touch her. When the three days are over and she has taken her bath, he should get her to thresh some rice. 'I want a son with a fair complexion who will master a single Veda and live out his full life span' -- if this is his wish, he should get her to cook that rice with milk, and the two of them should eat it mixed with ghee. The couple thus becomes capable of begetting such a son. 'I want a son with a ruddy complexion and tawny eyes who will master two Vedas and live out his full life span' -- if this is his wish, he should get her to cook that rice with curd, and the two of them should eat it mixed with ghee. The couple thus becomes capable of begetting such a son. 'I want a son with a dark complexion and reddish eyes who will master three Vedas and live out his full life span' -- if this is his wish, he should get her to cook that rice in water and the two of them should eat it mixed with ghee. The couple thus becomes capable of begetting such a son. 'I want a learned daughter who will live out her full life span' -- if this is his wish, he should get her to cook that rice with sesame seeds and the two of them should eat it mixed with ghee. The couple thus becomes capable of begetting such a daughter. 'I want a learned and famous son, a captivating orator assisting at councils, who will master all the Vedas and live out his full life span' -- if this is his wish, he should get her to cook that rice with meat and the two of them should eat it mixed with ghee. The couple thus becomes capable of begetting such a son. The meat may be that of a young or a fully grown bull. Then, towards morning, following the same ritual procedure as at the cooking of the pot of milk-rice, he should prepare melted butter and offer portions from the pot of milk-rice in the fire, saying: 'To fire, svaha! To assent, svaha! To the divine Savitr, faithful in procreation, svaha!' After making these offerings, he takes the rest out and, after first eating himself, gives some to his partner. After washing his hands, he fills a pot with water and sprinkles her with it three times, saying: 'Get up, Visvavasu, and leave this place; find yourself some other luscious girl. This wife is here with her husband.' Then he embraces her, as he says: 'I am ama, you are sa -- you are sa, I am ama. I am the Saman chant, you are the Rg verse; I am the sky, you are the earth. Come, let us unite, deposit the seed, to get a son, a male child.' Then he spreads apart her thighs, saying: 'Spread apart, earth and sky.' He slips his penis into her, presses his mouth against hers, and strokes her three times in the direction of her hair, as he says: 'May Visnu prepare your womb, and Tvastr mould the forms; may Prajapati impregnate you, and Dhatr lay the foetus in you.' " -- Brhadaranyaka Upanisad 6:4:6-21.  [Olivelle, Patrick.  Upanisads.  Pub.: Oxford University Press.  ISBN 0-19-282292-6.  pp.88-91].

Moreover, meat is further acclaimed by the Vedas as shown in the following quote from the Satapatha Brahmana:

"Meat is indeed the best kind of food." -- Satapatha Brahmana 11:7:1:3; cf. 12:8:3:12.  [Doniger, Wendy.  The Laws of Manu.  Pub.: Penguin Books.  ISBN 0-14-044540-4.  Introduction, page xxxiii].


Not only is meat-consumption praised in the Vedas, but some Hindu goddesses are not vegetarian either, as they eat flesh.  For instance, it is recorded in the Puranas that Devi and other goddesses had devoured Shiva's testicles:

"The demon Ruru with his army attacked the gods, who sought refuge with Devi. She laughed, and an army of goddesses emerged from her mouth. They killed Ruru and his army, but then they were hungry and asked for food. Devi summoned Rudra Pasupati and said, 'You have the form of a goat and you smell like a goat. These ladies will eat your flesh or else they will eat everything, even me.' Siva said, 'When I pierced the fleeing sacrifice of Daksa, which had taken the form of a goat, I obtained the smell of a goat. But let the goddesses eat that which pregnant women have defiled with their touch, and newborn children, and women who cry all the time.' Devi refused this disgusting food, and finally Siva said, 'I will give you something never tasted by anyone else: the two balls resembling fruits below my navel. Eat the testicles that hang there and be satisfied.' Delighted by this gift, the goddesses praised Siva." -- Padma Purana 5:26:91-125; cf. Linga Purana 1:106:1-27; Matsya Purana 252:5-19, 179:7-186; Kurma Purana 1:16:141-222.  [O'Flaherty, Wendy D.  Siva: The Erotic Ascetic.  Pub.: Oxford University Press.  ISBN 0-19-520250-3.  p.280].
