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 Loss And Success

Loss And Success

By Julie

I got married very young. Soon after we were married I found out I was pregnant with my first baby. This pregnancy went quite smooth and no problems. I did however start dilating with no pain a little early (35 weeks) and 9 days before my due date I went to a normal prenatal check up and I was already at a 5. McCormick was born that day at 6:06 pm and weighed 8 pounds 9 ounces and was 19 inches long. Fat little boy!

Well, when he was 6 months old I found out I was expecting again. We were very surprised but excited to be doing it again. I went to my normal prenatal checks but they didn't know to look at my cervix that early. When I was 23 1/2 weeks pregnant I started having some light back aches. I just thought it was normal pregnancy aches. I had no spotting or contractions. That night I started having some pain and it turned out I was having a baby. My husband rushed me to the hospital where I had Caleb Bryan at 8:12 am on April 25, 1997. He was 1 pound 1 ounce and 10 inches long. The hospital I had him at did not have a NICU so he was ambulanced over to a hospital that could care for him better. He lived 15 hours and gave a good fight.

Well, we were devastated. My son at the time was 10 months old. He helped me tremendously to keep my mind going and not get to lost in my depression. We decided to try again in 6 months. I got pregnant again but at 10 weeks I miscarried...blighted ovum. We were devastated again.

We decided again to get pregnant...this time I got pregnant 4 months later. When I was 10 weeks along and the pregnancy looked like it was progressing normally, my doctor sent me to see a perinatologist. The perinatologist told me what could be done and the chances of success and risk. He explained that they would do an ultrasound every week starting at 12 weeks and see if my cervix started changing. At 16 weeks it started and at 17 weeks and 4 days I had the cerclage placed. Everything went smoothly. I did develop some UTI's and had to be put on Brethine towards the end of the pregnancy.

At 37 weeks my doctor decided to test the amniotic fluid for maturity of the lungs. That way if he pulled the stitch out he knew the baby was going to be fine if I delivered the next day. Hannah was fine and he pulled the stitch the next morning. I was instantly 3 cm dilated. I went through out the day with painless contractions so that night I called my regular OB and asked what he wanted me to do. He said come to the hospital so that he could check me. I was a 4 and so he broke my water. I had Hannah at 3:25 am. She was 6 pounds 13 ounces and 18 inches long. Hannah is 3 now.

Well, I am pregnant again. Hubby and I were trying again but quit when I found I had to have surgery to have my gall bladder removed. But it was too late! I am 20 weeks pregnant. This time they didn't even wait for me to start effacing. They put the cerclage in at 17 weeks. My cervix was still long and thick...in fact it measured still at 3.5 cm long. Everything is going so well!

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