
News & Politics sites

Free Republic - A forum for conservatives and libertarians. (warning: this site is addictive!)

Drudge Report - Another place to get the scoop on what's really happening.

Rightgrrl - Women with attitude... but the right one!

America First asks for a return to a traditional foreign policy based on the vital security interests of this country not a globalist one.

Pro-Life sites

Rock for Life - is committed to offering the truth about abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia through music and ministry. RFL exists to offer pro-life youth a voice, encouraging them to stand up among their peers and fight against abortion and the culture of death.

Libertarians for Life - There are some great articles on this site - check it out!

Pro-woman, Pro-life - This is an excellent site, don't miss it!

The Ultimate Pro-Life Resource List - The most comprehensive listing of right to life resources on the Internet.

Roe No More - Did you know that "Jane Roe", the plaintiff in the monumental supreme court case, Roe v Wade, which legalized abortion on demand, has switched sides and is now 100% pro-life? Its true, read her story and how she was "won by love".

Christian sites

Bible Gateway - An online Bible and search engine.

Blue Letter Bible - Another great online Bible.

Christian - A place to get answers to questions about faith, life, creation, the Bible, etc.

Got - Got Life? If not, click here to get a life. This is an GREAT Flash site.

Jesus - This is a very cool site... Also, I highly recommend the book, Jesus Freaks, by dc Talk and Voice of the Martyrs, which is a compilation of true stories about Christian martyrs worldwide.

Compassion International - is an evangelical Christian child development ministry dedicated to addressing the needs of children around the world, including those in the United States. More than a relief program, Compassion focuses on the real-life needs of children—spiritual, physical, economic, and social.

Other interesting sites

Liberty Belles - Putting the Second Amendment first!

Freep TV - This is my friend Anna's excellent public access TV show. If you live in LA, you gotta watch it!

Discuss - The title sums it up. Go there if you like to debate, discuss politics, or anything! - Get the latest on everything you're not hearing from the lamestream press.

Starting Page - Links to the best of the web. Be sure to look at the Clinton scandals section!