
Bine ati venit pe site-ul oficial al canalului #injuraturi de pe UNDERNET.

In acest site puteti gasi:
°  Informatii despre canalul #injuraturi
°  Regulile canalului
°  Date si poze ale operatorilor canalului
°  O serie de injuraturi
°  Comenzile pentru muianu de X
°  Puteti sa va spuneti parerea despre site-ul nostru, despre operatori sau injuraturi
°  Puteti sa adaugati una sau mai multe injuraturi, iar cele mai tari vor fi promovate si pe site. Nu luam in considerare copy paste-urile.

Accese pe canalul #injuraturi se primesc in momentul in care unul din operatorii nostrii considera ca  prin prezenta si prestatia de pe canal a unui user, acel user merita acces. Subliniez faptul ca accesul nu se "cerseste", se castiga.

In atentia operatorilor canalului care au site-uri personale, sunt rugati sa precizeze adresa lor la incest@incest.ro sau Braxis@Braxis.To pentru legatura directa cu site-ul. Cei care nu au site-uri personale sunt rugati sa trimita o poza (minim), un fel de a/s/l , si citeva vorbe acolo, pentru a fi trecuti pe pagina userilor.

Copyright © 2002 www.Injuraturi.com


Canalul #injuraturi este un canal de chat si este format pe cea mai vasta si cea mai uzitata retea din lume, Undernet.

   º Este canalul unde poti sa urlii tot ce-ti trece pe chelie, unde se aud injuraturi ciudate care desemneaza cine o are cea mai mare de pe canal, unde fiecare vrea sa arate tot ce poate fi mai rau, ura, isterie, furie.

   º Este canalul unde hartuierea, limbajul vulgar, abuziv sau profan sunt gustate din plin de toti vizitatorii, este canalul de unde poti ajunge cu creierii imprastiati sau poti avea probleme cu constiinta.

   º Canalul #injuraturi a fost inregistrat de Dulcisoru, preluat de bug1 si transferat mai curent lui Roskata care este la ora actuala "matroana" canalului.

   º Canalul este tinut in permanenta de un muie de bot, X.

   º #injuraturi are o lege clara ... ori injuri ori esti injurat sau in cel mai fericit caz banat :>

   º Pentru a  putea intra pe canalu nostru si pentru ati exterioriza si etala "bunul simt elementar" este nevoie de un client IRC. Cel mai comod si usor de folosit este mircul pe care il poti lua de la www.mirc.co.uk/ sau www.xcalibre.com 


#injuraturi este canalul unde, indiferent de varsta, sex, rasa, religie, toti userii sunt primiti cu un calduros "Sugi pula !", si unde fiecare are voie sa injure cât il tin tastele :) . Ca toata lumea sa se simta bine si sa existe o atmosfera cit mai tensionata, reguli sunt putine, dar stricte. Cei care nu respecta regulile canalului vor fi sanctionati de cei in masura sa o faca, adica operatorii canalului.

In continuare regulile stabilite de managerul canalului.

° No excessive CAPS. No excessive Colors. No Flood/Repeting ( Cersit - Accese, OP, Voice - ). Publicitatea. Repetitzia excesiva a intrebari ASL PLS este de asemenea motiv de (1.Kick 2.Ban) pt ca din experientza este enervant.

° Incalcarea acestor reguli de USERI va fi sanctionata prin interzicerea accesului pe canal a utilizatorului respectiv, prima oara prin avertizment(kick), a doua oara prin banarea de pe canal pentru o perioada de timp. (Ban) determinata de gravitatea faptei.

° Incalcarea acestor reguli de OPI va fi sanctionata prin interzicerea accesului pe canal a administratorului respectiv Prima oara prin avertizment (suspend) pt o perioada de timp determinata de gravitatea faptei, iar a doua oara prin suspendarea definitiva a accesului (remuser).

° CERSIT. Administratori canalului (500-497) decid printr-un vot unanim acordarea accesselor pe baza de fapte. Dreptul de operator va fi primit de utilizatorii care merita acest lucru numai daca mai este nevoie de alti operatori pentru buna desfasurare a discutiilor pe canal. Nu este nevoie sa cereti puncte. Acest lucru va fi decis de operatorii care au acest drept. (1. kick / 2. Ban)

° PUBLICITATEA. Este interzisa reclama sub orice forma! De asemenea invitatiile pe alte canale nu sunt acceptate si la prima repetare se va interzice accesul pe canal.(1. kick / 2. Ban)

° REGULI PENTRU ADMINISTRATORI. Administratori (si cei cu accese in general) care sint logatzi si nu sint pe canalul #injuraturi vor primi suspend pentru o perioada indeterminata (persistentza acestui act va rezulta in remuser pentru useru respectiv) Respectul intre administratorii canalului este in tot timpul Obligatorie (incalcarea acestei legi va fi tratata ca atare)
Administratorii acestui canal sint RoSkata 500, hbbd 499, Septe 499, Mickel 498, Fagiani 498, Dumber 498, Metroboy 498, incest 497. Ultimi dar nu cei din urma useri cu access de 399 Ajutor, sfaturi si sugesti pot fi adresate la orice user de pe acest canal, acestea vor fi mai departe transmise mie si restul administratorilor.

Accese intre 497- 399 nu vor fi date pentru urmatoarele motive:

1. Pentru a previni cele intimplate intre mine si Mickel privind

2. Pentru a impiedica useri sa dea accese la oricine inainte sa consulte administratorii mai sus mentzionatzi. Si pentru a pastra numarul acceselor la un nivel redus.

PS. Nu venitzi la mine (RoSkata) sa ceretzi accese pentru ca eu nu
iau decizii fara a ma consulta cu restul administratorilor canalului, care
ma ajuta sa facem din #injuraturi cel mai beton canal. (eu iau decizi
singura doar in cazuri extreme)

Imi pare rau ca nu m-am prea ocupat de canal pina acum, dar de acuma incolo voi intra mai des si voi vedea cu ochii mei cine isi face datoria si cine are cu adevarat grija de acest canal, si cine maninca cacat. Cine decid eu ca are access degeaba (si nu face nimik va primi access probatoriu de 100 pina la momentul cind voi decide impreuna cu restul administratorilor ca un access mai mare i se cuvine userului respectiv) Multzumim pentru ajutor si intelegere.

... by Roskata.



Bine ati venit pe site-ul oficial al canalului #injuraturi de pe UNDERNET.



Doar pentru persoane adulte.

In paginile ce urmeaza va sunt prezentate materiale cu continut explicit din punct de vedere al limbajului.

Persoanele ce vor sa vada aceste pagini accepta intelegerea prin care certifica pe propria raspundere ca aceste materiale nu ii vor aduce vreo ofensa, iar cel care a creeat aceste pagini, respectiv acest site,  nu este responsabil de nici un fel de prejudiciu si nu raspunde in fata unui eventual proces.

Cei care accepta aceste conditii pot face click pe linkul de mai jos, iar daca nu va convin aceste conditii ... da-va in pula mea cu filozofia voastra ... sugeti-va pula si parasiti site-ul.



Este inadmisibil ca un operator cu acces pe canal sa nu cunoasca comenzile pentru X. 

Pentru cei care nu stapanesc bine comenzile, ele va sint prezentate in cele ce urmeaza.


Undernet Channel Service Committee
CMaster Command List
Updated: March 3, 2001


* Parameters enclosed in <>'s are mandatory.
* Parameters enclosed in []'s are optional.
* x|y means x or y.
* <nick> refers to a person's IRC nickname that they are online with.
* <username> refers to a person's username as it appears in the userlist; not to be confused
with <nick>. For more information about usernames and how to determine a person's username,
refer to the INFO command (level 0).

LEVELS 500 Commands : Channel Manager

SET - Changes special X modes for channel.

/msg x SET <#channel> <variable> <value>

* Variables and Values:

AUTOJOIN - When the flag is set ON, it makes X always join your channel. When the flag is
OFF, it will make it part if it's on the channel, and not re-join after a netsplit.

/msg x set <#channel> autojoin <on>
/msg x set <#channel> autojoin <off>

FLOODPRO - The maximum number of KICKs, TOPIC and MODE CHANGES that can be sent to the
channel in a 15 second period. Any user exceeding this will be kicked, suspended (if on the
userlist) and a level 25 ban placed on them to prevent ops. The suspend and ban time is 5
minutes. NOTE: This does NOT work against normal channel dialogue, since X is +d (deaf) to
all channel text. When setting the FLOODPRO, value can be set from 1, which is the most
sensitive, to 7, which is least sensitive. A value of 0 turns off the option.

/msg x set <#channel> floodpro <0-7>

LANG - Changes default language for the channel, making X's replies show in that language.

Languages available:
· en - English

/msg x set <#channel> lang <language>

MASSDEOPPRO - The maximum number of deops X will allow in a 15 sec period. Any user
exceeding this will be kicked, suspended (if on the userlist) and a level 25 ban placed on
them to prevent ops. The suspend and ban time is 5 minutes. When setting the FLOODPRO, value
can be set from 1, which is the most sensitive, to 7, which is least sensitive. A value of 0
turns off the option.

/msg x set <#channel> massdeoppro <0-7>

NOOP - This means that nobody may be a channel operator except X. This does not mean you
don't have control of X or the channel. If you are authenticated, you can issue commands
like KICK, BAN, etc. through X, you just can't be opped yourself.

/msg x set <#channel> noop <on|off>

STRICTOP - This allows only Level 100+ users who are authenticated to be opped.

/msg x set <#channel> strictop <on|off>

LEVELS 450-499 : Trusted Channel Admin.

SET - Changes special X modes for channel.

/msg x SET <#channel> <variable> <value>

* Variables and Values:

AUTOTOPIC - This flag makes X reset the topic to the channel URL and DESCRIPTION every 30
minutes. Note that if the channel is idle, the topic will not be reset during that time.

/msg x set <#channel> autotopic <on|off>

DESCRIPTION - Sets the default channel topic (maximum of 80 characters). This does NOT
affect the actual channel topic, unless AUTOTOPIC is ON. The topic can be seen only in the
CHANINFO, or on the webpage. If no description text is specified, the current description is

/msg x set <#channel> description [text]

KEYWORDS - Sets keywords for your channel that will trigger on a SEARCH (level 0) of
channels. If no keywords are specified, the current keywords are reset.

/msg x set <#channel> keywords [text]

MODE - This will save the current channel modes as default. Whenever X joins the channel, it
will reset those modes if any are not set at the time.

/msg x set <#channel> mode

URL - You can state your channel's homepage address(es) with this option (maximum of 75
characters). Spaces are permitted, allowing multiple URL parameters to be specified. This
does NOT affect the channel topic, unless AUTOTOPIC is ON (level 450). The DESCRIPTION and
URL can be seen by using the CHANINFO command (level 0), or on the webpage. If no url is
specified, the current url is reset.

/msg x set <#channel> url [url url2 ... urlN]

USERFLAGS - Determines whether or not OP or VOICE will automatically be set for AUTOMODE when
a new user is added to the userlist. Default value is 0 (None). NOTE: Once a user is on the
userlist, the MODINFO AUTOMODE command (level 400) can be issued to change the value for
that individual alone.

* Values: 0 = No AutoMode set for all new users added.
1 = Op AutoMode set for all new users added.
2 = Voice AutoMode set for all new users added.

/msg x set <#channel> userflags <0-2>

JOIN - Makes X join your channel.

/msg x join <#channel>

PART - Makes X leave your channel.

/msg x part <#channel>

LEVELS 400-449 : Userlist Admin

ADDUSER - Adds a user to the channel's userlist. You cannot ADDUSER someone with equal or
higher access than your own.

/msg x adduser <#channel> <username> <access>

CLEARMODE - Clears all channel modes. Can be used when your channel has been locked up
(set +i or +k without your knowledge).
NOTE: This is not necessarily the best method to gain entry to your channel, because other
people or bots may be opped in the channel that may reset the modes as you clear them. Refer
to the STATUS command (level 200) for related information.

/msg x clearmode <#channel>

MODINFO - The following commands can be used to make changes to existing users in your
channel's userlist.

* Variables for ModInfo:

ACCESS - Changes the access level of a user. Access level can be set between 1 and one
less than your own level (if you have an access level of 400, you may assign a level of up
to 399 to other users).

/msg x modinfo <#channel> access <username> <new level>

AUTOMODE - Changes the automode of a user to one the specified modes: NONE, OP, or VOICE.
OP or VOICE will make X op or voice an authenticated user when they enter the channel.
NONE will make X do nothing when an authenticated user enters the channel.

/msg x modinfo <#channel> automode <username> <none|op|voice>

REMUSER - Removes a user from the channel database. You must have higher access than the user
you want to remove. You can also remove yourself from any channel, as long as you are not the
channel manager (500 access level in that channel). Managers wishing to remove themselves
will need to purge their channel.

/msg x remuser <#channel> <username>

LEVEL 200 : Userlist Op

MASK KICK - This should be a seldom used command. Use should be limited to extreme channel
flooding or clones. You may want to set a ban on the mask, or +i (invite mode) on the channel
before issuing the kick to prevent matching users from rejoining after being kicked.

/msg x kick <#channel> <nick | *!*user@*.host> [reason]

STATUS - Displays all special X settings, channel modes, the number of users and ops in the
channel, and currently authenticated users for the channel (in "username/nickname (level)"
format). The ability to see channel modes is extremely helpful in case the channel is +k
(keyed mode), since you can find out what they key is.

/msg x status <#channel>

LEVELS 100-399 : Channel Operator

DEOP - Deops one or more persons in your channel. If no nick is specified, and you are opped
on the channel, X will deop you. NOTE: be mindful of triggering the limit that may be in
effect with MASSDEOPPRO (see SET MASSDEOPPRO - level 500).

/msg x deop <#channel> [nick] [nick2] ... [nickN]

OP - Ops one or more persons in your channel. If no nick is specified, and you are not opped
on the channel, X will op you.

/msg x op <#channel> [nick] [nick2] ... [nickN]

INVITE - Makes X invite you to your channel.

/msg x invite <#channel>

SUSPEND - Suspends a user's access to X on your channel's userlist for the specified period
of time. You can only SUSPEND someone with access lower than your own. If no duration is
specified, the default time is 1 minute.

* Time Values: D = days
H = hours
M = minutes

/msg x suspend <#channel> <username> [duration]
* Duration Example: "5 d" = 5 days (enter without quotations)

UNSUSPEND - Unsuspends a user's access to X on your channel's userlist. You can only
UNSUSPEND someone with access lower than your own.

/msg x unsuspend <#channel> <username>

LEVELS 75-99 : New Channel Operator

BAN - Adds a specific *!*user@*.host to the X banlist of your channel. You may place a ban on
a nick if the person is online or ban their *!*user@*.host if the person is not online. Bans
that cover a broader range than previously set bans will replace previous bans. The duration
is in hours, with a maximum of 336 hours (2 weeks). The ban level can range from 1 to your own

* Ban Levels: 1-24 = Prevents the user from having voice (+v) on the channel.
25-74 = Prevents the user from having ops (+o) on the channel.
75+ = Prevents the user from being in the channel at all.

/msg x ban <#channel> <nick | *!*user@*.host> [duration] [level] [reason]

UNBAN - Removes a *!*user@*.host from the X banlist of your channel and any matching bans
from the channel banlist also. You can only remove bans from X's banlist that are equal to or
lower than your own access. To search X's banlist, refer to the LBANLIST command (level 0).

/msg x unban <#channel> <nick | *!*user@*.host>

LEVELS 50-74 : Trusted Channel Regular

KICK - Makes X kick someone from your channel; reason is optional. Your nick will be placed
in the kick message.

/msg x kick <#channel> <nick> [reason]

TOPIC - Makes X change the topic in your channel (maximum of 145 characters) and includes
your username, enclosed in parentheses, at the beginning of the topic. NOTE: If a DESCRIPTION
or URL has been set and AUTOTOPIC is ON, the channel topic will be overwritten in 30 minutes,
unless the channel is idle.

/msg x topic <#channel> <topic>

LEVELS 25-49 : Channel Regular

DEVOICE - Devoices one or more users in your channel.

/msg x devoice <#channel> [nick] [nick2] ... [nickN]

VOICE - Voices one or more users in your channel.

/msg x voice <#channel> [nick] [nick2] ... [nickN]

LEVELS 1-24 : Minimum Access

STATUS - This does the same thing as level 200 STATUS, except it will not report channel
modes (+nt etc.) to anyone with access below 200.

/msg x status #channel

LEVEL 0 : Everyone else

ACCESS - Can look up the access for a certain person or a string. The information indicates
level, suspension status if suspended, and when the user was last seen.
Example: /msg x access <#channel> *!*@*.aol.com - would return all AOL users with access on
that channel.
Use /msg x access <#channel> * to see all users.
If there are more than 15 entries, go to http://cservice.undernet.org/ and login to see the
the whole list by clicking on the Chaninfo link. You can also use, and mix, these options
instead of a username or string to get specific results.

* Access options:

username - shows the access level of a single user.
/msg x access <#channel> <username>

-min <level> - shows only users above the given level.
/msg x access <#channel> -min <level>

-max <level> - shows only users below the given level.
/msg x access <#channel> -max <level>

-op - shows only users with the OP AUTOMODE flag.
/msg x access <#channel> -op

-voice - shows only users with the VOICE AUTOMODE flag.
/msg x access <#channel> -voice

-none - shows only users with no AUTOMODE flag (None).
/msg x access <#channel> -none

-modif - shows who last modified the access listing.
/msg x access <#channel> -modif

BANLIST - Shows the channel banlist. You must be in the channel to use this command.

/msg x banlist <#channel>

CHANINFO - Displays whether or not a channel is registered, to whom, and the currently set
DESCRIPTION and URL, if any.

/msg x chaninfo <#channel>

HELP - Displays help information on a given command.

/msg x help [command]

INFO - Displays information about a username such as their nick and user@host if they are
currently online, their language setting, last seen information, and channels which they have
access on. If you wish to make this information hidden to the public, refer to the SET
INVISIBLE command (level 0).

/msg x INFO <username>

LBANLIST - Searches X's banlist for a certain string. Use * to see the whole list, or specify
a *!*user@*.host to find a specific ban.

/msg x lbanlist <#channel> <* | *!*user@*.host>

LOGIN - This loads your access listing into memory and authenticates you on ALL channels
which you have access on simultaneously.

/msg x@channels.undernet.org login <username> <password>

MOTD - Displays X's message of the day.

/msg x motd

NEWPASS - This allows you to change the password for your username. You must be authenticated
with your old password before the command can be issued to change to the new password.
NOTE: 1. Passwords are case-sensitive. For example: "CService" is not "cservice."
2. Passwords can be more than one word long, allowing you to have a sentence or phrase
as your password to increase the difficulty of it being discovered. We encourage you
to take advantage of this feature. The maximum length is 50 characters.
For example, a password can be: "Undernet Channel Service"

/msg x@channels.undernet.org newpass <new password>

REMUSER - At this level, and above, you can remove yourself from any channel, as long as you
are not the channel manager (500 access level in that channel). Managers wishing to remove
themselves will need to purge their channel.

/msg x remuser <#channel> <your username>

SEARCH - Makes X list channels where the given search parameters match set keywords on the
channel, if any.

/msg x search <search parameter>

SET INVISIBLE - This is a personal setting that allows you to toggle the visibility of your
username information, retrievable from the INFO command, to be visible or hidden. To learn
more about the available information, refer to the INFO command (level 0).

/msg x set invisible <on|off>

SHOWCOMMANDS - Shows all the commands you can use on a channel, according to your access
level. If no channel is specified, then only the level 0 commands are shown.

/msg x showcommands [#channel]

SHOWIGNORE - Shows X's ignore list. Ignores happen when someone intentionally or accidentally
floods X. The time length is 60 minutes.

/msg x showignore

VERIFY - Displays whether or not a person is an official CService Administrator or
Representative, and/or an IRC Operator, and displays their username if they are logged in.

/msg x verify <nick>

This document was last updated on March 3, 2001 by Ace
This file is maintained by Undernet CService Committee
E-mail cservice@undernet.org


Inca mai lucrez la rubrica asta, insa lista cu accesele operatorilor de pe canal o puteti vedea facind click pe linkul de mai jos !

Operatori - #Injuraturi


Astazi a fost lansata pagina oficiala a canalului Aceasta este sectiunea de noutati, orice actualizare a site-ul va fi facuta public aici.

Tin sa precizez ca acest site se poate vedea intr'o rezolutie de minim 800*600, de preferat 1280*1024

Site-ul este in constructie ... revelinti pizdelor.