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These forums may be being viewed by children and therefore no insulting, racial, cultural comments or any type of abuse and unacceptable behavior will NOT be tolerated. And will result in instant banning.

 Spamming is not permitted. If you are seen posting rubbish, or repeating one message multiple times, either in different or the same words, in different or the same forums, you will be banned from the forums.

You may have a personal image appear next to your username with each post, provided the image is small enough to fit inside the table cell. If it is too large, and causes problems with the layout of the message boards, we will remove it.

You can choose to hide or show your email address in the Members List at the bottom of the main page of the forums. You may show your email address at your own risk. We cannot be held responsible for odd, offensive or abusive email messages being sent to you via the forums from another member.