TITLE: The Lucky Ones

AUTHOR: Slade (slay_belle@alloymail.com)

---The lyrics were taken from the song 'Sympathetic Character', by Alanis Morissette. Think of it as being said by Spike to Buffy...after all, this story is about him---

--I have as much rage as you have

I have as much pain as you do

I've lived as much hell as you have

And I've kept mine bubbling under for you--


"So, tell me again why we're doing this," Buffy said slowly, gently plucking a few strands of hair from her head like Willow had asked.

"It's to give all of us a well-deserved rest from you, Xander, and Spike," she replied. Willow took the hair from Buffy, and placed it in a small lead pot.

"Thanks, Will."

"I'm serious. You three are always arguing with each other. It's not healthy. I mean, most of the time it's either you and Spike, Spike and Xander, or all three of you."

Willow added some herbs, and placed a few pieces of short brown and white hair to the assortment. "What's that?" Buffy asked her.

"Spike's hair," Willow explained. "Giles just told him that he needed it for a spell. It's not a lie, but he didn't tell him what, exactly."

"You're right. Spike would go apeshit if he found out what we were planning to do...what would that be, again?"

Willow sighed. "It's a perspective spell. It'll help Spike see things better from your point of view--as well as Xander's--and vice versa."

Buffy nodded. "Ohhh. I get it now. But what if--"

"It can't backfire. I'm pretty sure about that. It's safe. I'm not exactly sure how it'll work, though. Maybe, tomorrow morning, we'll find out that you and Spike swapped bodies. Or minds."

Buffy wrinkled her nose. "God, I hope not. If that happened, I'd probably go see what he looks like naked in front of a mirror...damn."

Willow laughed softly. "I doubt that'll happen. Come on, we won't know until we try it." She placed a small black candle in the middle of the pot, and lit it up. Picking up a book that read 'Book of Shadows' on the cover, Willow began to read the spell from it.

Buffy had no clue of what Willow was saying, or what language it was--maybe Latin--but she knew that she felt all funny inside. Her stomach felt like it was being tied in knots, and her feet and hands had fallen asleep. In addition to that, she felt really tired and light-headed.

Buffy blinked hard to keep her focus, and she noticed that Willow was almost done. Her best friend read out two final words, and blew out the candle.

"Done," she announced. Buffy glanced at her, and stayed quiet for a moment. "Well?"

Buffy shrugged. "I don't feel like Spike. I don't...look like him, do I?"

Willow shook her head. "No, you look like yourself... hey, what's with the candle?" The candle had ignited again, even after Willow had blown out the flame. "That's weird."

She blew it out again, only to see it light up once more. "Is this supposed to happen?" Buffy asked her.

"Uh, no."

Buffy leaned forward, and blew it out herself. The lighting in the library promptly went off. Willow cried out in surprise, and Buffy looked back at the candle. The wick was glowing, but it hadn't caught fire this time.

"Hello, children, what's happening?" Spike said cheerfully, as he strolled into the library with Xander.

"Where's the lights?" Xander asked.

Willow looked back at him. "I don't know."

Spike walked to the lightswitch, and flicked it on. Nothing. He flipped it back and forth a few times, and on the tenth try, the lights came on, but not as he had expected.

None of them knew exactly what happened in the next three minutes, because they were momentarily blinded by a flash of bluish-white light.

* * *

When the light finally dimmed, Spike was faced with another problem: he was no longer in the library, but he was falling, and a small pond was rushing up at him.

"Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!" Spike yelled in surprise. He hit the water with a loud splash, sending water spraying everywhere.

He kicked hard, and broke through the surface, gasping for air out of the shock. "What the hell?"

Spike glanced up at the sky, hoping to see some clue as to what had happened.

Instead, he saw Xander plummeting towards the same pond, yelling at the top of his voice. Spike was pulling himself out of the pond as Xander tucked and rolled when he landed to prevent serious injury.

"What the hell is going on?" Xander demanded, rubbing his forehead, but not bothering to get up right away.

"Beats me," Spike answered. "Look. Here comes the Slayer."

Buffy landed on top of Xander before he could move out of the way, and Spike couldn't stop himself from laughing. Buffy climbed to her feet, and helped Xander up. "Oh, I'm sorry, Xand," she said earnestly, brushing off her leather pants and her black tank top.

Xander nodded, and looked around. "Okay, I think it's safe to say that I'm wigged."

"Absobloodylutely," Spike agreed. Buffy glanced at him in amusement at his choice of words--well, choice of word--and he flashed a smile. "Don't ask."

"Yeah, I won't. Do you know where we are?"

"Uh-huh," Spike replied. "We're in the middle of a big field."

Buffy looked around, trying to find out for herself. They were in the middle of a large field--so Spike was good at stating the obvious--near a pond Spike had obviously fallen into. The grass was reasonably high, and it swayed softly in the breeze. There was a line of tall trees off in the distance, and she had barely noticed them in the darkness. Crickets chirped everywhere, and Buffy heard the soft rustle of wings somewhere near them. Owl, she thought. Just an owl.

"Well," Buffy retorted, "that doesn't tell me much."

"No, it doesn't. But maybe she knows," Spike said, looking off in the opposite direction. He could make out the figure clearly, despite the lack of light.

Buffy followed his gaze, and saw a young woman riding towards them on a horse. She was able to get a good look at the stranger. She was wearing a long, old-fashioned dress that Buffy had only seen in pictures. The woman dismounted, and rushed towards them.

"Good Lord, are you alright?" she asked.

Spike took one good look at the woman, and backed away. "What's wrong, man?" Xander whispered to him.

"Shit," he hissed back. "That's my sis--" Spike stopped himself, and looked at Xander hopelessly.

"Um...we're fine," Buffy said to the woman, taking her measure. She was tall and slim, with curly raven black hair, and clear blue eyes. Her hair was neatly piled on top of her head, except for a few loose strands that framed her face.

"I must be losing my mind," the woman said, laughing lightly. "I could have sworn that I saw you fall from the sky like fallen angels. Even though the sun's no longer out...it was hard to miss."

"We fell from someplace."

"And I don't think we're in Kansas anymore," Xander added.

The woman raised an eyebrow. "Do you know where we are?" Buffy inquired, ignoring him.

"North London. The countryside, actually," Spike offered helpfully.

"That's right," the woman confirmed.

Buffy turned and glanced at Spike. "How would you…"

"What year is this?" Spike interrupted her.


Spike closed his eyes in frustration. "You see," Xander started to say, "that's the part that really doesn't work for us."

The woman fixed her eyes on Spike, like she remembered him from someplace. "William?" she said cautiously.

He looked up at her. "I'm not who you think I am, Loretta."

She stepped closer. "How do you know my name?"

Spike shrugged. "I just do. Loretta, this is Buffy and Xander. My name is William, but like I said...I'm not who you think I am."

Buffy glanced at Xander in pure confusion. "Loretta... what's your last name?"

"Richardson. Listen, I don't know who you are exactly--or how you came to be here--but I think we should head inside. It's quite chilly out here."

They nodded in agreement. Loretta took the reins of her horse, and started to lead them towards a huge house in the distance. Xander and Buffy stared at the house in amazement. It was probably new now, but it had the type of character that houses seemed to gain with age. It was at least four stories high, and it loomed over them. There were two other large wings of the house on either side, and Buffy could make out another structure off in the distance. Spike gazed at the house with something that resembled recognition. There was a thin smile on his lips.

Buffy came into step beside him. "Hey, how do you know all of this, anyway?"

He smiled grimly. "Slayer, this is where I grew up as a mortal. Loretta...she's my sister."

Buffy's eyes went wide. "You aren't serious." Spike just shot her a look. "Okay, you are serious. Are you saying that we're somehow experiencing a flashback of your mortal life?"

"Could be. At least part of it. If I'm right...I sure hope we don't have to stick around to see it."

* * *

Xander, meanwhile, was trying to start a conversation with Loretta. "So...Loretta. How old are you?"

She looked over at him. "Eighteen. What about you?"

"I'm nineteen, and so is Buffy. Spi...er...William is... twenty, I think."

Loretta nodded. "What were you going to say before you said 'William'?"

Xander bit his lip. "Ah, we sometimes call William Spike. It's just a nickname we came up with."

"I take assume that you aren't from around here, are you?"

Xander paused. "What makes you think that?"

"Your clothing, for one thing, and the way you talk, for another. William is the only one of you who sounds British."

"Yeah, he's a Brit. Buffy and I are from America. And our clothes...well, we like to be different."

"Oh. I thought that you would say something along the lines of 'You're from the future'." After a moment, she smiled sheepishly. "I'm sorry…I've been reading too much lately. A lot of my friends talk about what it would be like to meet someone from the future. You looked like you were about to say something like that."

Xander forced a laugh. "Nah, why would I say something like...that?"

"Is it true?"

"Yeah," Xander answered a bit lamely.

"I'm going to enjoy telling this tale to my brother," she retorted, seemingly not surprised at his answer.

"You've got a brother?"

"Two, actually, and one sister. One of my brothers is two years older than I am--he's twenty--the other is twenty-nine, and my sister is fifteen."

"So you're only four kids--I'm guessing that your parents live with you--and you've got a house that big all to yourselves?" Xander questioned.

"We've got the butlers and maids as well. We raise horses, and this house has been in our family for a few generations. It's not really that big."

Xander just chuckled dryly.

* * *

"I cannot believe this," Buffy sighed. "What could've happened? It's not everyday that you just go back in time."

Buffy was sitting atop a bed across from Xander, and Spike was pacing around the room. He picked up a few objects, turned them over in his hands thoughtfully, and set them back down again. The room's few oil lamps cast an eerie glow across his alabaster skin, and the moonlight that filtered through the windows made their shadows dance all over the room. "Well, what were you doing when this occurred?" he scoffed.

"We were casting a spell," Buffy said after a moment's hesitation.

"No wonder," he snapped. "If you wouldn't have been playing with your magic tricks, none of this would have ever happened."

"Hey," Xander shot back. "don't blame this on Buffy and Willow. They were doing the spell for a reason."

"I didn't ask you."

Buffy gaped at Spike. "Hello? He's kinda part of the conversation. Maybe if you weren't so damned annoying, Willow and I would have never had to cast the perspective spell in the first place!"

"What kind of spell were you casting?" Spike asked angrily.

"A perspective spell," Xander answered. "So the three of us wouldn't be arguing all the time."

"All of you knew, and you never bloody well told me? Have you cracked?"

"No! We didn't tell you because this was what we were afraid of happening! I guess we were right! You're overreacting!" Buffy exclaimed.

Spike growled dangerously, and Xander jumped to his feet, and held up his hands. "Okay! Stop it already! Now this isn't getting us anywhere. We're stuck in the nineteenth fucking century, and bickering like a bunch of babies isn't gonna get us back. If you two don't want to shut the fuck up, go to another room so at least I can think!"

Buffy's mouth shut quickly, and Spike just blinked. "Y'know, the whelp's right. We've gotta think of a way to get back."

"Fine. That's easier said than done. After a few days people are gonna notice that we're gone. Before you know it the police are going to searching all over the place for us--with the exception of Spike--and we'll still be in another century. I'm thinking that doesn't turn out well," Buffy reasoned.

There was a light knock at the door, and Loretta poked her head in. "My brother has come back. I need to tell him about your predicament...but I think it would be best if you told him yourselves. He's quite open-minded, you know. He'll listen."

Buffy waved her hands a bit absently. "Okay."

A moment later, a young man with dark brown hair, amazing blue eyes, and highly defined cheekbones came into the room. The minute he did so, Spike started to cough, and he turned away.

Buffy gaped at the man in silent shock, and Xander tried to talk, but no words came out. Before them stood Spike, only as a mortal, Buffy figured. "This is William," Loretta said cheerfully. "He's my brother."

"Hello," William said to them. "So you...fell from the sky?" He had an amused expression written across his face, and the sarcasm obvious in his voice just proved that he thought the story was bullshit.

Loretta swatted him on the arm. "I saw it myself. It would do you good to actually listen to the story, rather than jump to conclusions."

William nodded. "Alright, indulge me. What happened?"

Spike turned back around, and folded his arms across his chest. William blinked in surprise, and Spike swallowed--probably to stop himself from laughing hysterically.

"Look, honey," Xander quipped, "It's twins! And one of them has got roots!" As much as saying that annoyed Spike, it was true. He had grown his white-blond hair out enough to see a bit of his original brown.

Spike glared at Xander, and he couldn't stop himself from growling in both confusion and annoyance.

Loretta forced a smile. "I told you it was a strange story, Will."

"Was that...a growl?" William asked, a smile paying on his lips.

"I think we've got more to deal with besides the fact that he can growl," Buffy said, speaking up. "I'm Buffy." She extended her hand, and William gently kissed it out of habit. Buffy blushed, and Spike rolled his eyes dramatically.

Xander nodded at William. "I'm Xander, and this is...William. We just call him Spike."

William raised an eyebrow. "You realize that we look exactly alike," he stated, focusing on Spike.

"Of course I bloody realize that," Spike snapped. "There's a reason."

"Like what?"

"Well, they suspect that they've somehow gone back in time," Loretta offered.

"Oh, really."

"They obviously aren't familiar with these surroundings, Will. Look."

William nodded in understanding. "How is that possible, though? People don't just go back in time."

"We did," Xander said sternly. "We don't like it, but it's true. It's not something we'd make up. I think that's why there's two Williams."

"Right now, I'm ruling off our resemblance and our names as a coincidence. You don't just encounter two people who look exactly the same--unless they're twins--and I'm quite certain that I've never met you before."

"That's one hell of a coincidence," Buffy said.

"That's because it isn't a coincidence, pet. This isn't gonna be the first or the last time that we see something like this," Spike replied confidently. "I think we should just explain the whole story. We'd be wasting our time otherwise."

"So what's the whole story?" William sighed.

At that point Buffy realized that Spike wasn't much different from what he had been as a mortal. They were both a bit impatient, obnoxious, and hotheaded. Although she supposed that William wasn't quite as...violent. But she could never be too sure.

"Wipe that smirk off your face," Spike said to him snidely. "You can stop being so bloody obnoxious while you're at it, too."

Xander laughed softly, and Buffy grinned at the irony of his statement. "Calm down, Spike."

Spike rubbed his temples, and cursed under his breath. "Someone else tell our story, I haven't the patience."

"I can see that," William muttered.

"Shut up," Spike replied. "Shut. Up."

"We were casting this spell..." Buffy began, ignoring the both of them.

"Witchcraft," William stated slowly.

"Well, yeah. You aren't gonna...burn us at the stake or anything, are you?"

He chuckled. "No, of course not. Go on, love. Sorry for interrupting."

"So we did this spell--my friend and I--and then Xander and...Spike came along. Spike did this stupid thing by flicking the lightswitch over and over, trying to make the lights come on, and then there was this..."

"Brilliant flash of light," Xander finished. "You forgot to add that we're from the twentieth century, Buff. After the flash of light, we found ourselves falling from the sky, and the rest is all history...literally."

"You're from the future, then."

"By a little over 120 years. Spike is familiar with this time, though. We aren't. Right now, I think that we're all pretty sure that Spike is really you, William, except from the future."

William raised an eyebrow. "That's quite a conclusion that you've come up with. Um, Spike, why do they call you Spike...exactly?"

"Because I made a hobby out of torturing people with railroad spikes, you sod," he mumbled.

"Oh, eew," Loretta said, wincing. "That's disgusting."

No one said anything for a few seconds, and they all jumped when there was a knock at the door. "What?" William called.

A young girl no older than sixteen opened the door, and walked in. She smiled at William, and then studied Buffy and the others. "Will, who are they?"

Buffy smiled at her. She certainly believes in getting right to the point.

"Nancy, these are some...friends of ours. Buffy, Xander...Spike, this is my sister, Nancy. She's fifteen," said William, pointing them out.

"Spike's an odd name," Nancy commented.

Buffy glanced at the vampire. His face was completely expressionless, but she noticed something in his eyes. He clearly wasn't experiencing happy memories. "It's just a nickname," he answered her. "Pay it no mind."

"What's your real name, then?"

"William." Nancy raised her eyebrows at that. "I know. The same as your brother's. William's...um, a very popular name, you know."

"Not only that...the two of you look a lot alike. Quite a coincidence."

William shot Buffy an 'I-told-you-so' look, and she just shook her head. Someone else joined them in the room, and Buffy couldn't help but notice that Spike had clenched his fists until his knuckles were almost white when he saw who it was.

"Billy, Loretta...mother and father just wanted me to tell you that dinner will be ready in about a half an hour...hey, you never told me that you had friends over," the man said.

"Well, *Andy*," William replied with a smirk, "I don't reckon that I need to tell you about everything that I do. Tell mother and father that they'll be joining us. Thanks."

The man, whom William had called Andy, shrugged. "Come on, Nancy."

Nancy walked out the door with him, and William paused before speaking.

"That was Andrew, everyone." It was Spike who spoke. "He's the eldest, and he can be a bit of a wanker." He turned to William, who seemed a bit annoyed at the interruption. "Would you like to tell me that I have no idea what I'm talking about? I know everything about this family, because I grew up with them. We're the same person, William, except I'm a hell of a lot older than you."

William didn't reply, and neither did Loretta. "You didn't need to invite us to stay for dinner," Buffy said quickly, trying to change the subject.

"No," Loretta told her. "we'd be offended if you declined. Come on, we've got to get you into some different clothing right away. Xander, you would be able to borrow one of Andrew's suits, and Spike would clearly fit into William's, if they really are the same person. Buffy, you can borrow one of my dresses."

Loretta took Buffy by the hand, and led her out of the room. "Right, then," Spike said. "Xander, I'll show you to Andrew's room, and you can just grab one of his suits out of the closet."

Spike walked out the door, and Xander and William followed after him. He opened another door, and walked in the room. He quickly found the closet, and snatched out a simple outfit. "There you go."

Xander took it from him, and Spike continued down the hall. He entered another room, and looked around in wonder. "It's exactly the same," he murmured. "Exactly as I remember it." He made a bit of a disgusted sound. "It's funny how much your tastes change."

William rolled his eyes. "Xander, there's a room where you can change right across the hall." Spike, however, was already forcing the two of them out the door. "What are you doing?" William demanded.

"Get out. I need to change."

He shut the door, and William cast a glance at Xander. "Don't worry," Xander said. "He's been moody for a while. I don't think he's enjoying this flashback thing very much."

"It wouldn't appear that way."

"So you're accepting this?"

"What? The fact that I'm facing a double of myself, and his friends from over a century in the future?"

"I wouldn't exactly say we're his friends," Xander deadpanned.

"Whatever the case may be. I seem to be okay with it, but I don't know how my parents will react."

"What they don't know can't hurt them. No one's saying anything about this. We're just friends of yours. That's the story, stick with it."


* * *

"Just pick one," Loretta said to Buffy, opening the massive closet doors. "I don't mind. Really."

Buffy stepped closer, almost carefully, and looked through the beautiful dresses. One of them caught her eye, and she pulled it out. "I think I'll try this one."

"Very well. I'll let you get dressed. Call me if you're unfamiliar with it."

Loretta left the room, closing the doors behind her. Buffy quickly shed her other clothes, and put on the dress. She got it on all right, but she discovered that she could not tie the drawstrings at the back. "Loretta?" she called.

Loretta came in, and smiled. "It's alright. I get stuck there every time. She tightened the drawstring, and Buffy coughed.

"Is it supposed to be that tight, or is it just me?"

Loretta laughed. "It's supposed to be that way. Makes you feel like you can't breathe, doesn't it?"


"It's okay, you'll adjust to it. But you look wonderful."

Buffy glanced in the mirror, and she couldn't stop herself from grinning like an idiot. The dress was made of a silky material in the deepest shade of purple. The boned and low-necked bodice was sleeveless, and Buffy was grateful for that. Two pieces of the same silky fabric trailed down to the floor from each shoulder, covering Buffy's back, and one of the billowing skirts was pulled back in artful folds to reveal the other beneath. "Now for my hair...it's a mess."

"Here, allow me." Loretta skillfully pulled her hair up into a neat French twist after brushing it, and she secured it with a few jeweled combs.

Buffy's grin grew wider. "Thanks. That looks...wow. And then wow again."

"It's quite alright. I've gotten a lot of practice at doing that, but I've never done it on anyone but myself."

Buffy adjusted her cross necklace, and examined herself once more. "Aren't you going to change?" she asked Loretta.

"No. I'm fine in this."

* * *

After Spike had changed, he looked down at his clothing, and sat down heavily on the bed, burying his head in his hands. "Bloody hell," he whispered to himself. "Bloody, bloody hell."

Xander opened the door slowly, and cleared his throat. "Spike?"

"Have you ever heard of knocking, mate?"

"Yeah, I just heard you talking to yourself, that's all."

"That's because I'm fed up with this bullshit. I can't take this. Seeing my little sister is bad enough...next I'll have to see my mortal parents?"

Xander sat down on the bed beside him. "Hey, man, it's okay. I thought that you didn't care about your mortal life when you become a vamp."

"Normally, I wouldn't give a rat's ass. It's just; this is my mortal life the way I lived it. I'm completely nostalgic, and this is flooding my brain with so many memories. Things I don't especially want to remember...people I don't especially want to think about..."

"Yeah, I see what you're saying. But all of this is happening for a reason." Xander paused. "I look like I'm having a one-sided conversation in the mirror," he added.

William joined them in the room. "Good. You're ready. Buffy and Loretta are, as well. They're waiting--" William stopped mid-sentence, and looked in the mirror. "Christ. Spike, you don't have a reflection."

"No, I don't. Thanks for pointing that out."

"Xander does, and so do I..."

"You see, I'm what people would call a 'vampire'. We don't reflect in mirrors," Spike sighed.

William's eyes widened. "You're a vampire?"

"Yes. Why else do you think I was born the same time as you, and then I lived for the next 126 years? I'm immortal, dammit."

"Look at how good Spike is with secrets," Xander announced mockingly. "Isn't he the best?"

"Bugger off, lad," Spike bit off.

"I guess that clears up many things. Xander, are you and Buffy vampires--"

"No," Xander answered, cutting William off. "We're not vamps."

* * *

Buffy and Loretta waited for Spike, William and Xander at the end of the hall, and Buffy took the opportunity to look at some of the paintings on the walls. She observed the ornate decor surrounding her, and she peered down the huge curved staircase. "Here they come now," Loretta said suddenly, snapping her out of her daze.

Buffy thought Xander looked extremely handsome in what he was wearing, which was a pair of black trousers, a crisp white shirt, and a black vest over top.

Spike stepped out from behind Xander, and both he and Buffy froze when they saw each other. He was wearing almost the same thing as Xander, except that he had on a knee-length coat, rather than the vest. Buffy thought he looked impossibly sexy, and by the way she stared at him, it must have been an obvious thought.

They approached the two women, and Spike's gaze washed over Buffy. He offered his arm, and she accepted it. "You look so beautiful, Buffy," he whispered in her ear.

"You think I'm beautiful?" she whispered back.

"I'm not going to deny it, love."

Nancy came rushing up the stairs, and she smiled. "Oh, I was just coming to get you. Dinner's waiting." William smiled, and she took his arm.

Loretta took Xander's arm, and the six of them walked down the stairs.

William's parents were already sitting at the table with Andrew, and Buffy felt Spike tense up. "Keep your cool, Spike," she said gently.

"I know."

"Mother, Father," Loretta said, "this is Buffy, Xander, and...William."

They nodded, and gestured for them to sit down. "William," Mr. Richardson said cheerfully. "I must say that the resemblance between you and my son is remarkable."

"Very true, sir," Spike replied, trying to show the proper amount of respect.

Buffy wanted to say that the resemblance between William, Spike, and Mrs. Richardson was remarkable. Like them, she had high cheekbones, wavy dark brown hair--with the exception of Spike--and clear blue eyes. Nancy and Andrew had the same black hair and brown eyes as their father, and Loretta looked like a little of both of her parents.

* * *

After the meal was over and done with, everyone chatted with one another at the table, but Spike remained oddly quiet--almost morose. Buffy nudged him gently, and he looked up at her. "What?"

"So…Buffy. William. Xander. What do your parents do?"

Buffy swallowed. "Well, um…my mother…"

"Both our fathers are teachers," Xander said hastily. "They teach."

"And what about you, William?"

Spike paused. "My parents are dead. I live on my own."

"'Tis a shame. So how do you support yourself?"

"I'm a…" Spike shot a 'please-help-me-out-here' look at Xander and Buffy.

"William's a…writer. He writes poetry, and a few stage plays," Xander offered.

"Thanks, mate."

"That's a promising career. I look forward to reading some of your work," Mr. Richardson said.

"I doubt that you'll get much of a chance, sir," Spike lied. "I'm from South Yorkshire." There was an edge to his voice, and he wondered where it had come from.

"Ah. Andrew, Juliet, Nancy and I are headed there early tomorrow morning. We intend to spend a few days there," Mr. Richardson told him, nodding at his wife and the others.

William cleared his throat, attempting to get everyone's attention. They all stopped what they were talking about, and William nodded in approval. "I've got a bit of good news to share with you all."

Spike leaned back in his chair, and folded his arms.

"Earlier today, Dr. Kensington asked me if I would like to become his assistant at the clinic--"

"Oh yes, father," Andrew ever so rudely interrupted. "I encountered Mr. Blair this afternoon, and he was telling me that he was interested in buying a few of the horses. He wishes to speak with you after we return."

"Very good, my boy. Thank you," Mr. Richardson replied, smiling at his son. He did not mention for William to finish with his story.

"Um, Will, what were you saying?" Buffy asked, glaring at Andrew, who just raised an eyebrow in reply.

"It's nothing, really," William muttered, looking down at his hands. "It's just that I'm a step closer to reaching my goal of becoming a doctor, that's all."

Mrs. Richardson looked at him proudly. "That's wonderful news, Will. Good for you."

"Yes. That's excellent," Mr. Richardson added. "I knew that you could make it in the field."

Buffy glanced at Xander across the table, and he shrugged. "You were a doctor?" Buffy whispered to Spike.


One of the butlers came into the room, and sniffled indignantly. "Mr. William, Miss Vaughn Burke is here to see you."

William nodded. "Good. See her in, will you?"

"Who's Vaughn?" Buffy asked Spike. William must have overheard her, because he answered her question. "Vaughn is my fiancée. We will be getting married in about two months."

Buffy almost swallowed her tongue. "Oh," she squeaked. "Congratulations."


When Buffy looked over at Spike, he averted her gaze. A young woman walked through the door, and smiled brightly at William. "Vaughn," Mrs. Richardson gushed. "So good to see you again."

"Likewise," Vaughn smiled. William stood up, and pulled out a chair for her. He kissed her quickly, and she sat down. Buffy discovered that Spike had set his jaw firmly, and he was concentrating intently on a point across the room from them.

"I just came to say hi quickly," Vaughn explained.

"You're always welcome," Mr. Richardson answered her.

Buffy studied Vaughn. She had neat curly brown hair, and it was pulled back into a ponytail and secured with a jeweled barrette. She was small of frame, but carried herself with a sort of power Buffy found all too familiar, although she couldn't figure out why. Vaughn wore a velvet forest green bodice, with a plunging neckline, long sleeves, and an elegant skirt.

"Vaughn, these are some friends of ours--Buffy, Xander, and…William," Loretta said slowly.

"Really. You've never mentioned them before. It's nice to meet you, though."

Buffy and Xander nodded, and so did Spike, only it was hardly a nod. "He…looks a lot like your William," Buffy blurted.

Vaughn nodded. "I was just going to say. Tell me; will you be attending the wedding?"

Spike sighed. "Excuse me." He got up, and walked away.

Buffy glanced after him, as did Vaughn. "Oh, William," she said quickly. "I forgot something in the other room. I'll be right back."

As she hurried off, Buffy shot Xander a puzzled look.

"Well that certainly was rude," Andrew remarked.

* * *

Vaughn found the man named William down the hall just past the kitchen, and he was leaning against the wall with his back to her. Vaughn reached just beneath the hem of her skirt, and withdrew a long, tapered wooden object that she had hidden in her boot. Poising the sharp object, she tried to plunge it into William's back, but he turned and caught her wrist.

Pinning her arm behind her back, he snarled at her, yellow eyes gleaming wickedly. "You don't sneak up on us that easily, love," he growled.

"I was right, William. You are a vampire," she replied, glaring at him.

"The name's Spike, and you really are good at stating the obvious." Spike forced her against the wall, but Vaughn somehow scrambled free of his grasp. She grabbed him by the throat, and slammed him against the wall roughly.

* * *

"Did you hear that?" Mr. Richardson asked, cocking his head.

"Yes," Buffy answered. "I'll...go see what it is."

She almost ran out of the room, and searched for the source of the loud noise they had heard. Spike's in trouble again, no doubt, she thought.

She found him pressed against the wall by none other than Vaughn, trying to hold a stake away from his chest. Buffy acted quickly, and ripped the woman off of him.

Spike rubbed his neck, and his features melted away to human. "What the hell are you doing, Vaughn?" Buffy demanded.

"Stay out of this, Buffy. This is between me, and him."

"She knows that I'm a vampire," Spike said calmly to Vaughn. Buffy could hear that there was still a hint of anger in his voice.

"You do?"

Buffy nodded. "Yeah. Why were you trying to stake him?"

Vaughn shrugged, and smoothed out her skirt. "Ask him. If he knows, I'm sure he'll tell you. Now I should be joining William once more."

Buffy watched her go, and Spike just looked at the floor. "You never told me that were engaged," Buffy said gently.

"Was I supposed to?" Spike shot back, reaching inside his pocket for his cigarettes and his silver lighter. Buffy had been around Spike enough to figure out that he only smoked when something was upsetting him.

"No, not necessarily."

Spike shrugged, and cupped one hand around the cigarette as he lit up. He smoked in silence for a moment, and then exhaled heavily. "I didn't want to see these people ever again," he said at last.

Buffy understood. She really did. "Why was she trying to stake you?"

Spike just laughed. "You mean you can't tell? It thought that you would be the first person to figure it out. Pet, she's a Slayer."

"What? You're shitting me."

"No, I'm not. She's a Slayer, like you. Scary, isn't it?"

"Um, yeah. One might say that. Boy, Spike. What is it with you and Slayers?"

"Absolutely nothing," Spike said quickly. A bit too quickly, as far as Buffy was concerned.

"Okay," she said slowly. "I believe you. Are you coming back in?"

"Are you kidding? It'll be a cold day in Hell when that happens. I think I'm just gonna go upstairs and try to sleep. You and Xander will probably want to head into town tomorrow, and I wouldn't mind joining you."

"You mean during the day?"

He nodded. "Yes. If I remember correctly, it rained the day after today. We won't be walking to town, and the cloudy day will be enough cover. If I got outside at all, it won't be more than a few feet at a time."

Buffy nodded slowly, and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "Sleep well, then. I'll see if I can talk to Vaughn."

"Do you intend to tell her you're a Slayer?"

Buffy paused. "William is probably gonna tell her who we really are, and what we're doing here, so I don't think sharing the Slayer bit will hurt, either. Maybe her watcher will be able to help us with our situation as well. You never know."

Spike shrugged. "Seems to me as if you've got everything completely under control."

Buffy smiled, and curtsied. "Thank you for the complement," she said, forcing an accent.

Spike couldn't stop himself from smiling, either. "Don't push it."

* * *

Spike wiped a spot of blood off of his chin, and hoped no one would get pissed off at him for attacking one of the maids. He had forcefully made her swear not to say anything, but one could never be too sure.

Taking off all of his clothes except for his boxers, Spike sat down on the bed, taking another glance around the room. He was sharing one of the spacious guestrooms with Xander--much to both of their disappointment--and Spike thought that it was only fair that he got to sleep on the bed. The red velvet divan across the room would be good enough for Xander.

Spike closed his eyes, but he knew that he wouldn't be falling asleep anytime soon. The past few hours had been too disturbing, and he found himself staring at the ceiling endlessly.

* * *

Buffy glanced out the window of her room. She had figured out that the house was huge, but she had never guessed just how huge it really was. As if the field out behind the house wasn't enough space, she discovered that the house was built in a rectangular shape around a large courtyard. From her room she could see everything in the courtyard, including the marble fountain and the lush trees planted in various places. Buffy sighed, and walked back to her bed. All of this was far too confusing for her tastes, and she just wanted to see her other friends and her mother again.

I wonder if they've figured out where we've gone, she thought gloomily. If they notice that we're gone at all...

She hadn't gotten a chance to talk to Vaughn, but Mr. Richardson had stopped her on her way upstairs just to ask her to keep William out of trouble. Apparently he had a bit of a reputation for it.

He probably just neglects his chores, Buffy thought smugly. Times have changed. What he may consider troublesome is probably something I do every day of my life. I can't imagine how he'd react if he knew about Spike...

Climbing onto the bed, Buffy felt herself practically sinking into the soft feather mattress. Pulling the covers up to her chin, Buffy yawned, and surrendered to the sleep.

* * *

Xander shut the door to the bedroom he was sharing with Spike quietly, and crept across the floor, wincing at every creak in the floorboards. He made his way to the bed, then finally noticed that Spike was already sacked out asleep in it. His gaze ticked over to the red velvet divan, and he shrugged. Beggars can't be choosers...

Once Xander had settled in, he folded his arms behind his head, and looked around the room. Somehow he started thinking about Loretta again. Man, she's sweet. What a doll. It's too bad that she was born a few lifetimes before you, Xand.

Xander shifted on the divan. He wouldn't admit it to anyone who asked, but he liked Loretta. He liked her a lot. So, who cares if you're from two different times? You're here now, and there's no guarantee that you're gonna get back...Providing nothing comes up, I'll ask her out...

So where would you go for a date in times like these? Xander didn't exactly know his way around, and he wasn't even sure if Loretta liked him, either. It's worth a shot...but I don't think William or Spike would be too happy if they found out I was hitting on their sister...Choices, choices...Life can never be easy...

"Xander?" Spike said softly from the bed. "Why is this bloody happening to me?"

"Well I'm sorry," Xander said, a bit startled to hear him. "I'm not to happy about having to share a room with you, either."

Spike clicked his tongue, but didn't say anything. "I don't know," Xander added when he figured out Spike really wasn't in the mood.

"We've gotta get back soon," Spike told him. "Things tend to get worse."

"How much worse?"

"Don't even ask."

Xander didn't take that as a good sign. Spike didn't usually have a problem with elaborating on all the literally gory details, so what made this different?

He shuddered. Maybe he was a bit grateful to Spike for not sharing. If it was as bad as he said it was, Xander didn't really want to spend the rest of his night thinking about it.

"We're going into town tomorrow morning," Spike added, quickly changing subjects. "We need to find someone who can help us. I'm hoping for Vaughn's watcher...did Buffy tell you that Vaughn's a Slayer?"

Xander blinked. "Big no."

"Oh, well she's a Slayer."

"Okay. So finding her watcher would be an added bonus. They usually know their magick stuffy, ya know?"

Xander heard Spike shift on the bed. "They also usually have a strong distaste for vampires."

"I'm sure he won't be able to resist your Spikey charm."

"You aren't funny," Spike said, without a hint of humor in his voice. "Go to sleep."

* * *

When Buffy woke up the next morning, she didn't want to get out of bed. It wasn't her usual case of early-morning laziness, either. She was really comfortable. There was a knock at her door just as she was about to close her eyes again, and she groaned. "What?"

The door opened, and Spike walked in. "Still asleep, are we?"

Buffy yawned, and rolled over so that her back was to him. "Go away. I'm tired."

Spike chuckled, and strolled over to the bed. He flipped her over, and Buffy looked up at him. "You shouldn't have to see me before I've officially woken up, Spike."

He shrugged. "You don't look any stranger than usual."

Buffy narrowed her eyes, and warily threw a pillow at him. Spike caught it, and handed it back to her. "Come on," he urged, grabbing her by the hand and pulling her out of bed. "You've already missed breakfast. Everyone's sitting around waiting for you to get your lazy ass out of bed."

Buffy squealed, and dove back under the covers. "Thanks for asking whether I'm dressed or not!"

"Are you?"

"Not really. I'm lacking pants."

Spike sighed, and turned back around. Spotting her pants draped across a chair, he tossed them to her. Buffy pulled them on, but didn't make any move to get back up. It was still too early to wake up.

Spike rolled his eyes, and helped her up once more. Buffy went more or less willingly, and was pulled against his body. She sucked in a breath, and he dropped her hand. "You, uh...you missed breakfast," he told her.

"You already said that."

"That's not the issue."

Buffy took a step back, and yawned again. "What time is it?"

"About quarter to eight. Andrew and...the others left already."

"You mean your parents."


Buffy sighed. "You should go."

"Why?" Spike asked defensively.

She raised her eyebrows. "So I can change?"

"Oh, right." He paused. "You're fine in that. No one cares, since the others are gone."

"You think so?"

He shrugged. "Sure. Come on."

Buffy reluctantly followed him downstairs, and Xander smiled at her when they reached the dining room.

"'Morning," he said.

She nodded back, and sat down beside him. William looked up at her from the book he was reading, and she saw the mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "What?"

"I feel the premonition of a party…" he said slowly, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

Loretta put down her fork, and glared at him in disbelief. "Oh, no. William, not again."

"Again?" Buffy and Xander both echoed.

Spike massaged his temples. "Ignore the Goddamn premonition…"

Buffy chuckled as a maid placed a bowl of steaming porridge in front of her and one in front of Spike. He pushed it aside without an afterthought.

"Lighten up, the lot of you," William chided.

"Are you sure this is 1873?" Buffy asked. "I mean, this is exactly what someone our age from 1999 would do…throw a party as soon as the parental units leave."

"They won't be back until Monday. That's two whole days with absolutely nothing to do. I can't stand being bored that long!" William exclaimed.

"Well you could try doing your chores…" Loretta said, rolling her eyes.

"Or not," William said, dismissing the idea with a wave of his hands. "It'll be marvelous…"

"Or not," Loretta shot back. "If father ever found out he would kill you."

"Then he'd best not find out, then. I'll let Dylan know, and he can tell everyone he knows…"

"I can see where this is heading," Buffy said. "No wonder your father told me to keep you out of trouble."

"He actually said that?" Spike and William asked in unison.

"I think we should go now," Xander said.

"I'll go get dressed," Buffy added. "Be down soon."

"Aren't you going to eat anything?" William asked her.

"Nope. I'm not really hungry."

As Buffy was walking to the central staircase to go back upstairs, she saw Vaughn.

"Buffy," Vaughn said slowly, eyeing her clothing. "Good morning."

"Yeah, you too." Buffy hesitated. "What are you doing here?" Simple, blunt statement.

"I came to see William before I leave, if you must know."

Someone should tell her what's going on before it's too late, Buffy thought. "You know what? I would really like to get to know you better."


"Yes," Buffy answered. "I need to go upstairs and change right now...do you think that you could help me? Not to actually get dressed, but, at least to pick something out."

Vaughn hesitated. "Well...I suppose so. Your fashion taste could use a few pointers."

Buffy clenched her fists at her sides, but plastered on a bright smile. "Sure thing. I wouldn't want anyone else's pointers, either."

Vaughn smiled, and gave a quick nod. "Let's go then, shall we?"

Buffy nodded, and the two of them walked up the stairs. Buffy hesitated for a moment before going into Loretta's room to choose a dress.

Vaughn followed her inside, and Buffy opened the closet doors. "My friends and I are going to be going into town as well, so--"

"You should choose something a bit more suiting for that sort of thing," Vaughn advised, cutting her off. "How about this one?"

She pulled out a white dress with a square neckline and long sleeves. There was blue flowers embroidered all over it, and delicate ribbons decorating them. A row of about twelve tiny light-blue buttons ran up the sleeves and down the back, finishing it off.

"It suits you," Vaughn added, offering a reassuring smile.

"Thanks. I like it, too."

Vaughn left the room, allowing Buffy to change. She did so quickly, and called Vaughn back in. Vaughn helped her with all the little buttons on the back, and Buffy decided that this was a good time to say what she needed to say.

"So...you're a Slayer, huh? That's cool." Buffy felt like kicking herself. Perhaps that wasn't the best way to start.

"So that vampire told you, then?"

"Yeah. Well...I'm one too. A Slayer, of course."

Vaughn couldn't hold back her laughter. "That's a good one."

"I know we didn't get off on the right foot yesterday, but you have to believe me. My friends and I are stuck here, and we would like to go home. You and your watcher are probably the only two people who can help us out."

"But how are you a Slayer?"

"Vaughn, listen. Xander, Spike, and I aren't from this time. We're from the future. I'm the Slayer of my generation"

"Oh, okay. So if you're from the future, what are you doing here?"

"A spell backfired. William and Loretta already know, and that's why they're helping us out."

"I'm following you so far..." Vaughn told her.

"Good. That's great. The reason why William and Spike look so much alike is because they're the same person. Spike is really just William as a mortal. He's gonna be turned into a vampire, and I think it's soon."

Vaughn gaped at her. "You can't possibly be serious..." Off Buffy's look, she swallowed. "I was actually engaged to that vampire?"


"But...William can't be turned! I won't let that happen!"

"It's got to. If he isn't made into a vampire, do you know how many things will change?"

"I don't care!" Vaughn declared. "He cannot be turned!"

"He will. There's nothing you can do."

Vaughn blinked, and she wiped a trembling hand over her eyes. Buffy didn't blame her for being scared. No one ever wanted to be told that one of his or her loved ones was going to die.

"Will I try and kill him?"

"By the time his sire gets to him, I don't think you will." Buffy didn't really want to say what was on her mind.

"So if you really are a Slayer, then, why are you allowing that...that monster to work with you?" Vaughn asked defensively.

"He's not really a monster. He's working with us because he was forced into it. I've learned to trust him, and you should too. He wouldn't hurt you." A moment later, she added, "He's probably still in love with you."

Vaughn nodded slowly. "Who sires William?" she asked.

Buffy looked up at her. "Why?"

"If I cannot stop William from being lured into the hands of that demon, then I will stop the demon from finding him."

"Now that would be a time-altering action. Just...don't. I can assure you that the demon will suffer afterwards...more pain than death could ever cause. That's all I can say."

Vaughn sighed. "I guess you'll want to go see my Watcher, then?"

"Yeah, that would be a big help, thanks."

"I'll come with you into town, and you can see him. I'll also have you know that William has a very extensive library in the house, and some of the texts might prove helpful to you. I find myself looking through them quite often to find the answers I need."


With a small smile, Vaughn went downstairs. Buffy watched her go, and smoothed her hair back.

Buffy used one of the satin ribbons sitting on Loretta's bureau to tie her hair up into a pretty French braid. Observing her reflection again in the mirror, she sighed, and went to go join her friends.

* * *

"As usual, Buffy, you look great," Xander said, flashing a smile.

"Of course she does," Vaughn said, clutching William's hand tightly. "I picked out the dress.",p> "It looks better on you than it does on me," Loretta said, wrinkling her nose. Buffy grinned at that.

"Will you be heading off, then?" William asked them.

Vaughn nodded. "Yes, we shall. I'll see you in a few hours, Will."

"I'll be counting down the mintues," he replied with t smile. "Let's just go already," Spike muttered, rolling his eyes.

Vaughn kissed William briefly, before the group headed out the door. "Do you think Buffy told Vaughn that she'd technically be engaged to Spike, too?" Loretta asked, as she and William watched as the carriage started down the gravel driveway.

He put an arm around his sister. "I think she did, although I can't help but hope he doesn't feel anything towards her any longer."

"I don't think it's Vaughn that he feels anything towards."

"Really?" he replied with a smirk.

Loretta chuckled. "Are you still planning on throwing that blasted party?"

"Of course. I've already sent someone out to go notify Dylan so he'll help me start planning the invite list. I'm telling you, Loretta, it will be fabulous. I promise you that much."

"I don't doubt that, Billy. Just don't go overboard."

"I never do."

"That's a lie, and you know it."

* * *

Buffy looked out the carriage window, and frowned. The day was miserable and bleak, and she felt herself growing more and more depressed just looking at it. She glanced over at Spike, who was seated in the corner opposite her, carefully guarded from the light.

"Dreary day, isn't it?" Vaughn asked from her seat beside her. She had sat down beside Spike at first, but he had just silently moved away.

"Yeah, but it's good, I guess. Spike would be stuck at the house otherwise."

"That would just be so bad," he mumbled.

Buffy found his quietness slightly disturbing. He had been fine earlier in the morning, but now he was just acting like an entirely different individual.

Xander glanced over at him. "You okay, buddy?"

"Never better. And don't call me that."

"Okay. Sor-ry."

Buffy focused he attention outside. The dark storm clouds seemed to have gotten even darker, so that it looked almost like nighttime outside. The road they were travelling was becoming muddier with the pouring rain, and the carriage jolted with each crevice in the road.

"How long will this take?" she asked.

"About an hour to get there," Vaughn answered. "And depending on how busy the streets are, possibly to mid-afternoon. We aren't in any kind of hurry, are we?"

"Not really," Buffy replied. "But we can't take our time. We need to find out how to get home and do it fast...before it's too late."

"It may be too late already," Spike pointed out.

"We won't know until we find Vaughn's Watcher and maybe someone else who can help us out."

"There isn't a village witch around, is there?" Xander asked.

"First of all, London isn't a village. But there is someone that I know of." Vaughn paused. "She's a bit crazy, though."

"Depends on how you define crazy," Spike said lazily. "She was just misunderstood, if I recall."

"As long as you understand what she's saying," Buffy told him. "You know where to find her?"

"Of course," Vaughn answered. "She proves helpful with some of the rituals my Watcher needs."

"Well we might need a spell for this, for all we know," Xander reasoned. "None of us know much about magick."

"Speak for yourself," Spike snorted. "I've done my fair share of rituals."

"Whatever. The point is, we need all the help--and answers--that we can get," Buffy said.

"My Watcher will be glad to help, I assure you. You're a Slayer, after all. I just pray that he doesn't become more interested in why there's two Slayers."

"With any luck, he will." When Buffy glared at Spike, he just shrugged. "Well it's true, you know."

"How do you suppose the others are holding up back home?" Xander asked suddenly.

"Hopefully nothing evil popped up. If it did, we've got some major demon ass-kicking to do when we get back," Buffy said, trying to sound confident.

"If we get back," Spike added.

Buffy's face fell, and Xander looked down at his hands as they realized how much truth was in those words.

* * *

"Spencer!" Vaughn called out, opening the heavy door to the Watcher's large home.

"Is that your Watcher's name?" Buffy inquired.

"It is. I believe that it annoys him when I call him by his first name."

Buffy nodded, and turned to watch Spike hesitating about running from the carriage to the house. The carriage driver was patiently holding the door open for him, and Xander was trying to shove him out.

"Come on, Spike. The sun isn't out. You're fine."

"That's easy for you to say, mate. Look. You can see the sun. I'll be a crispy critter by the time I reach the door."

"You'll just have to make a run for it." Xander shoved him again, but Spike--being much stronger--didn't budge. "Well at least let me get out."

"Fine." Spike moved out of the way, but as he did so Xander gave him one firm push. Spike stumbled out the door, and the driver closed it behind Xander.

"What's his problem?" the driver muttered to Xander.

"He's...uh...scared of the sun. Bad childhood, ya know?"

Spike was pulled into the house by Buffy, and Xander nodded at her in satisfaction. "He's getting more and more paranoid every day."

"I'm not paranoid," Spike huffed. "I'd just like to stay alive."

A man in about his thirties came down the stairs, and stopped when he reached the group. "Vaughn," he said. "I wasn't expecting you so soon."

"Change of plans," Vaughn said. "I needed to see you. Everyone, this is Spencer McDermott."

Spencer had black shoulder-length hair, deep brown eyes and olive skin. He carried himself with confidence and he seemed to radiate knowledge.

"William," Spencer said. "You changed your hair."

"That's not Will," Vaughn began. "Well, it is, but…"

"Not," Xander finished for her.

"And who are you?" Spencer asked.

"Alexander Harris," he answered.

"I'm Buffy…Summers. I'm a vampire Slayer, that's why we're here. There's a bit of a…situation. Bad situation."

Spencer blinked, obviously surprised by her statement. "W-what?"

"You heard me."

Spencer coughed. "How is that possible? There is only one Slayer. There simply cannot be another."

"Why don't we go someplace where we can discuss this. The library, perhaps?" Vaughn said, guiding Spencer away by the arm.

"Another Slayer," he muttered. "Is this some sort of joke?"

"Let's go," Buffy said, following after them. She saw Spike glance almost nervously at the crossbows and old weaponry displayed on the walls for all to see. There were a few crosses on the walls, and he was trying hard not to wince.

"Woah, big library," Xander commented as they walked through the doors to the room. It was a little bit bigger than the high school library had been, and there were definitely more books. A set of elegant chairs, a velvet lounge and a couch were placed around a low table, and there was another table--probably used for more formal studying--and some chairs off on another level of the room.

"Please make yourself comfortable," Spencer said, gesturing to the chairs and the couch. "I'd really like to hear what this is all about."

Spike sat down on one of the chairs and Spence took the seat next to him, while Buffy and Xander took their place on the couch.,p> Vaughn settled down on the lounge, smoothing out her dress. "As she mentioned," she began, "Buffy is a Slayer. The catch is that she isn't from this time, and neither are her friends."

"Please explain," Spencer prodded.

"We were trying to cast this spell," Xander explained. "It completely backfired, and somehow sent us back in time by over a century. Buffy's a Slayer in our time, which is why there's two now."

"We came here after finding out that Vaughn was the current Slayer, because you're probably the only person who can help us," Buffy added.

"And he," Vaughn said, nodding towards Spike, "is really William from the future."

"You mean William Richardson?"

"The one and only," Buffy confirmed, "Well, not really."

"So you were born in this time, yet you live in the future. How can that be?" Spence inquired. "Or are you just some sort of a...a copy?"

"No, I was born in this time. I grew up here, and then lived until Buffy and Xander's time." Spike didn't say anything further, prepared to let Spencer make the connection on his own.

"But to live that long, you'd have to be...immortal, or something..."

"Right. In a nutshell."

"Vampires do tend to live forever..." Buffy offered, tiptoeing around the point.

Spence took the hint, and rose to his feet. "Vampire. He's a vampire!"

"Yes," Vaughn told him, pulling him back down, "but he's a good vampire."


"...impossible?" Buffy finished for him. "Not quite. You thought that everything else here was impossible, and it wasn't, so why would this be any different? He hasn't done anything yet, so shouldn't that be good enough proof?"

"Maybe you're right, but...I've certainly never heard of it."

"Well, this will be your day's highlight," Spike said dryly.

"Do you still go by William?" Spencer asked.

"What do you think? Do you honestly believe that I would keep the same nancy-boy name for over two hundred years?"

"That does make sense, in an odd sort of way...what do you go by, then, if not William?"


"Interesting name."

"Indeed. So are you going to spend the rest of the day pondering about my identity, or are you going to make an effort to help us out?"

"Yes, yes, of course. If what you are telling me is true, then I shall do my best to assist you. Tell me, what kind of spell were you trying to cast?"

"It was called a perspective spell. According to my friend, it's a really old spell, so you probably have record of it," Buffy told him.

"Very good. I believe that I have heard of that spell before...if you'll excuse me." Spencer got up and walked off into the rows of bookshelves, and Vaughn looked down at her hands.

"He'll want to know exactly what happens to William and when," she said softly. "He thinks of William dearly, and I know he will not dismiss this instantly. Questions will follow, so you should think of how you will answer them."

"How about we just tell him to shut the fuck up if he starts?" Buffy turned and glared at Spike for the millionth time that day. "Well I would," he insisted.

"I know," she shot back. "You tend to put your foot in your mouth like it was a hobby of yours."

"Would anyone like some tea?" Spencer called from the stacks. "I can make some if you'd like."

Everyone declined, and Spencer could be heard shuffling around even still. "Does your watcher do that often?" Vaughn inquired, glancing at Buffy.

"All the time. I think it's a watcher trademark or something. They all do it."

A moment later Spencer emerged, with a thick age-old book in his arms. "Here we are," he announced. "I believe that there's mention of a perspective spell in here."

"There had better be," Spike growled.

Spencer rolled his eyes and commenced to flip through the pages carefully, muttering the words 'perspective spell' as if it would help his search.

"Yes! Here it is." He opened the book wider and scanned the pages quickly. "Although there's no mention of being sent back in time as a result of a perspective spell, it does say that the spell alters things just for understanding's sake. After the perspective of the appointed person has been attained, everything should revert to normal soon enough."

Buffy sighed, and Xander scratched his head. "Translate?"

"It means that once you people start seeing things from my perspective, we'll be sent back," Spike explained. "So I suggest that you start trying to see where I'm coming from, and fast. I'd like to return to Sunnyhell sooner than later."

"No, no, no," Spencer argued. "That's not how it works. Something specific has to happen, and that triggers the spell to reverse. There's no way of knowing what that is. It could be something that happens years from know, for all we know."

"Bloody wonderful," Spike sneered. "So all we can do is guess."

"It's your unlife," Buffy said, throwing up her arms in impatience. "Think! There's gotta be something!"

"I don't know, Slayer! Have you any idea how many things I've gone through over the years?"

"Pick one," Xander suggested. "Anything. It's better than nothing."

"For what purpose? All we'd be doing is waiting, anyway, so what difference does it make whether we're taken by surprise or not?"

"That is a rather good point," Vaughn agreed. "You should just wait and see what happens. You'll be less stressed for it in the end."

"Oh, What do you know?" Spike snapped irritably.

Vaughn's eyes narrowed. "Don't start with me, Spike."

"Stop it, the both of you," Spencer said, his voice rising in annoyance slightly. "You aren't in the position to be fighting among yourselves."

"He's right," Xander pointed out.

Spike sighed. "Great."

"You know what, we should really be going," Buffy said, rising from her seat. "I don't see much point it staying if we know how to get back now."

'But...I had a few things to ask you," Spencer protested.

"We'll explain it the next time we see you. Now just isn't the best time."

"She's right," Vaughn said. "William was planning something..."

"Which William?"

"The mortal one."

"Right. If you must go, then, I won't stop you. Good luck on getting back, too."

"Thanks," Buffy and Xander said in unison.

Spike just folded his arms. "Can we go now?"

* * *

"Wasn't this a great idea, Dylan?" William asked his best friend as a few people hurried around the huge ballroom, putting the finishing touches on decorations.

"It certainly was on short notice," Dylan sighed. "You really need to start planning things in advance. I'm surprised that so many invitations were accepted."

"I agree with you, but I'd rather not question my good luck. I was able to get a hold of some good musicians, the caterers, and the decorators. Everything looks smashing."

"You need to make sure that the rest of the house is in order."

"It is. I've already taken care of that."

"Good show." Dylan smiled, and ran a hand through his dark blond hair. "I don't know how you do it. Furthermore, I don't even know how long Vaughn will be able to put up with you."

"Why wouldn't she be able to?"

"You're too spontaneous."

"You're a fine one to talk, mate. You're my best friend, and we're almost exactly alike."

Dylan paused, spotting Vaughn and the others coming towards them. "I'm going to go take another look around. There's people here to see you."

William followed Dylan's gaze, and smiled. "Did you find any answers?" he asked them.

"Yeah," Xander said, shrugging a little. "We don't know when we'll be fired back, though."

Buffy looked around the ballroom. "You sure planned all this pretty quickly. It looks nice."

Vaughn grinned. "He has a talent for doing things without any preparation at all."

"I've seen better," Spike commented with a little sniff.

"Hey. You do realize that you yourself planned this when you were still mortal," Buffy pointed out.

"So? I'm not afraid to admonish myself or my efforts now and again."

"What time does it start?" Buffy asked, ignoring Spike. "I mean, it does start tonight, right?"

"Oh, yes. Of course. It starts at eight. I wouldn't be surprised if the guests started arriving beforehand, though."

"What if your parents show up?" Vaughn said suddenly.

William fell silent for a moment. "Well…They won't."

"I hope you're right."

"Our parents would probably be happy if we arranged something as nice as this," Buffy whispered to Xander. "What's up with that?"

"I honestly have no idea."

With a sigh, Buffy faced William again. "So what do we do now?"

"Just relax," Vaughn answered. "Kick back and enjoy yourselves. You could meet some of our friends."

"Like Dylan," William said. "Dylan!"

Dylan stopped talking to whomever he was with across the room, and raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"Come here. I want you to meet some people."

"Excuse me," Dylan told the other person, offering an apologetic smile.

"This is Dylan, everyone. He's my best mate," William explained to Buffy and Xander.

"Best friend or best man?" Xander asked, not really up on his British lingo.

"Both," Vaughn answered him. Then to Dylan, "This is Buffy Summers, Xander Harris, and…Will."

"Don't say it," Spike warned him, perfectly aware of the fact that he was likely to mention his resemblance to William.

"Alright…I won't," Dylan replied with a little smirk. "Do you come with a last name?"

"Smith," Vaughn offered.

Buffy chuckled at that. She was about to whisper something about the irony of the statement to Spike, but Dylan spoke first. "Are the two of you…together?"

Spike chewed on the inside of his lip, and nearly burst out laughing. Buffy did laugh, and was about to answer, but was interrupted.

"What's suddenly so funny?" Dylan inquired.

"Nothing. But, yes, we are together," Spike said, putting his arm around Buffy. Forcing a smile, she did the same--but pinched him as hard as she possibly could in the back. Spike flinched, and her grin just widened.

"Right, then," Dylan said, smiling thinly.

"What the hell are you doing?" Buffy hissed at Spike. "Now he probably thinks we're insane."

"I was just making things a bit more interesting."

"Never do anything that screwed up again."

"Awww…now we'll have to dance together, pet."

"I wouldn't count on that."

* * *

"I told you that we'd have to dance together, love," Spike mused later on, once the dance had officially started.

"I hate you so much." Buffy dug her nails into his back really hard, and he retaliated by gripping her hand a little too tightly.

"Shut up and act like you're enjoying yourself," he ground out.

"But honey, you know I'm a terrible actor!" Buffy said, batting her eyes sweetly, when she saw Vaughn coming towards them.

"Then we'll have to take care of that, won't we?" Spike lowered his head and captured Buffy's lips in a kiss that sent her mind spinning. Her knees suddenly felt all weak, and she gripped Spike for support. She hated to admit it, but the guy kissed like the world was coming to a sudden end.

Vaughn's polite cough sounded far away, and then Buffy felt Spike breaking the kiss. She looked up at him for a second, and he swallowed, gently running his thumb across her cheek.

The realization of what was happening finally hit her, and Buffy's eyes grew wide. Spike just kissed me! That jerk!

Her words reflected her thoughts exactly. "You jerk!" she declared, pounding her fist against his chest twice.

Spike blinked, and Vaughn cleared her throat. Both blondes turned to stare at her. With her arms crossed and an amused little smile playing on her lips, Vaughn shrugged. "Am I...interrupting anything?"

"No," Spike said dryly, brushing past Buffy and walking away.

"I didn't think the two of you were together," Vaughn said slowly once he had stormed off.

"We aren't. He's just a jackass."

"Technically, you're saying I'm engaged to a jackass?"

"No, I'm not. William's cool. Spike is the jackass."

"Okay. Just wanted to clear that up. But..." Vaughn stopped herself.

"What?" Buffy asked.

"He kisses better than almost anything you've ever experienced before, doesn't he?"

Buffy couldn't stop the smile that emerged on her lips. "You aren't getting an argument from me on that one."

Vaughn's smile grew, but then quickly faded. "Listen. I was going to talk to William tonight..."

"About what?" Vaughn looked Buffy in the eye, and Buffy caught herself. "Oh," she squeaked.

"I don't know how much longer he has...Buffy, I love him more than anyone else in the world, and I need to talk to him, to say a proper goodbye, at least."

"I understand," Buffy assured her, "but make sure you know what you're saying. You don't want to scare him or something."

"I know. But I'm probably more scared than he would be."

"Yeah." Buffy looked away for a moment, but then someone caught her eye. The tall man looked oddly familiar, with his long brown hair, deep brown eyes, and...Oh, God.

* * *

"Xander," Loretta said softly, placing her hand on his shoulder.

Xander nearly jumped a few feet in surprise. "L-Loretta!" he stuttered. "Don't do that!"

"Sorry. Didn't mean to startle you."

Xander nodded. Come on, Xander! Do it now! Ask her out. Ask her to dance. Do something--anything--just don't stand here and make a fool of yourself!

"Loretta, would you like to...um..."

"Dance?" Xander nodded quickly in response. "Of course." She took his hand and guided him out onto the dance floor as the musicians played on.

"I don't know how to dance like this...not at all, actually."

"I'll show you," she told him with a grin. "It isn't hard."

"Good, 'cause I need all the help I can get." He offered a nervous smile.

"Calm down." With a sly twinkle in her eye, she pulled his head down and planted a quick kiss on his lips.

Xander grinned sheepishly, and nodded. "Okay. Doin' that. I'm calm. I'm...shutting up now."

"Okay." Loretta didn't bother to let him know that he was dancing perfectly.

* * *

"Spike," Buffy called, walking down the hallway. The heeled boots she had borrowed from Loretta clacked against the floor, and she looked around for him. Coming across central staircase, she looked up it. "Probably upstairs," she mumbled.

Making her way up the red-carpeted stairs, and holding onto the marble banister, she sighed deeply. She needed to find out when William would be turned, and soon, before it was too late.

"Tonight, if you're wondering." Buffy was quite startled at the sound of Spike's voice, but not that startled.


"It happens tonight. But not for a few hours." Spike stepped out of the darkness, the lamps casting a warm glow across the hollows of his cheekbones.

"So does that mean..." Buffy didn't want to finish the sentence.

"Yeah. He's here now. Probably seducing some woman as we speak." There was no need for Spike to say the name of the person whom he was talking about. Buffy knew. Angelus. In this very house. So she had seen him after all.

"I thought that it would be a good idea to let you know that you should stay well away from the dance for the remainder of the night. I know I won't be going anywhere near the ballroom unless I absolutely need to," Spike explained.

"What about the others? What about Xander?"

"Xander can take care of himself."

"You mean to tell me that you think that Xander won't do anything if he sees Angelus?" Buffy insisted.

"He knows the rules of this game, Slayer. He knows what is going to take place, and he knows he cannot even attempt to change it." Spike ran a hand through his hair, and played with the puffy sleeves of his white shirt. "This thing is driving me nuts."

"Spike, this is serious. We need to warn..."

"Not a word of this is mentioned to anyone, you understand?"

"Since when did you start running this gig?" Buffy demanded.

"Because I was there," Spike almost shouted. "People are gonna die tonight, and I'm the only Goddamn one who knows how to keep us from being slaughtered as well!"

Buffy fell silent at his words for a moment. "Sorry. You're right. I know you're right."


The two of them walked down the hallway, and Spike didn't say much more. They walked by door, which was open slightly, and they could see Vaughn and William having an in-depth conversation. Tears were streaming down her cheeks, and William's eyes were watery as well.

Spike automatically set his jaw and looked away, closing his eyes to blot out the sight. Buffy frowned, and laid a hand on his arm gently. Guiding him into the closest bedroom and closing the door, Buffy turned towards him.

"I get it now," she said, when Spike looked at her in confusion. "I know why you hate Angel so much." Spike didn't answer. He just sat down on the bed, and looked down at his hands. "You didn't have it that easy as a mortal, did you?"

Spike shrugged. "Sure I did. We were rich, I had a good education, I was getting married soon, and best of all, I got to withstand the favoritism my father showed towards my brother."

"Be serious for a minute, Spike."

"You think it was fun trying to earn some sign from my father that he was proud of me? You know that he never even hugged me once? I don't care now--he's been dead for decades--but it tore me apart ever since I was a wee lad."

"But William doesn't look like he's unhappy," Buffy said.

"That's because neither of us bothered to talk about it to anyone besides Loretta. Not even Vaughn knew how hard it was."

"And on top of that, your unlife just sucked--if you'll excuse the bad pun."

"What makes you say that, pet?"

"You really loved Vaughn, didn't you? I mean, she was pretty much your everything, but when Angel sired you, he snatched you away from that. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you've never forgiven him for that. He did that to you with Drusilla, too."

"Got it in one," Spike admitted. He got to his feet, and stepped closer to Buffy. "This little 'adventure' is going to take its toll on me for a while, I think."

"I can imagine. It hurts to lose the one you love, and then be reminded of it over and over again."

Spike nodded, and gently gripped Buffy's arms. She met his gaze, and didn't break it. "I loved Vaughn more than I ever thought I could love somebody. And you know what? I've believed that for the longest time...until I met you, Buffy."

Buffy's eyes went wide with shock, and Spike frowned. She started to say something--a protest, maybe--but Spike silenced her by pressing a finger to her lips. "Listen, I know this will sound almost as crazy as it is sudden, and you're probably wondering where the hell this is coming from, but I don't see a better opportunity, and I need to get this out."

Buffy nodded wordlessly, and let him continue.

"Seeing Vaughn again didn't upset me because I remembered the great loss that I felt, but it upset me because I suddenly realized that I couldn't make the same mistake with you. I loved Vaughn before I became a vampire, and I had told her that a million times, but I never really proved it to her. I wanted to so much but I didn't know how until it was much too late. I need to prove the way I feel to you now, because I know I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I lost the chance, and you never knew." After a moment's pause, he searched her face for any sign of a reaction. Then he added, "Will you let me prove it to you, Buffy?"

Buffy's mouth had gone dry, and she swallowed. "H-how long?"

"Like I said. The first time I saw you. I knew from that moment on that I loved you."

"I never realized how much your attempts to kill me could be so misinterpreted."

"I didn't know what to do. I was as confused as hell. I tried acting like I hated you for a while, but that didn't really work out in the end. You were with Angel, too. I couldn't exactly march right up to you and profess my undying love for you."

"You mean like you're doing right now?" Buffy stopped herself from saying anything further. Spike was more serious than she had ever seen him, and sarcasm wasn't doing anything for the situation.

Spike sighed, and surprised Buffy by reaching out and tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "Every time I saw you two together, I felt like killing myself. I was constantly wondering why it couldn't have been me, because I knew that you didn't have a real future with him. I could hold you without having to worry about what would happen. I could kiss you…" Spike did so softly to drive the point home.

Buffy didn't show resistance of any kind. She knew that he needed to get through this. And being kissed by Spike sent warm tingles through her body, so she really didn't mind at all. He pulled away, and met her gaze. "I could make love to you." His voice was barely a choked whisper, but it was full of a passion that shocked Buffy even more than his whole confession did.

"God, Spike," she murmured.

"Do you want me to leave?" he asked her softly.

Buffy didn't want him to go, and she realized, with a little thrill, that there was no way that he could make himself leave. "Spike, I want you to prove to me that what you said is true, because to tell you the truth…I don't hate you. I don't even dislike you at all. Ever since you came back, and you've been helping us, it's changed me."

"What do you mean?"

"I want you to show me that you can make love to me." Almost immediately after the words had left her mouth, Spike captured her lips with his, pulling her closer to his body.

Being in Spike's arms was everything that Buffy could have imagined and more. She felt so safe; she couldn't explain it to herself. He was kissing her so passionately, that she actually believed that her lips would be bruised come morning.

His hands roamed over her body and through her hair as he backed her towards the door. Buffy locked it behind her, and then wrapped her arms around his neck.

After a minute, Spike turned her so that her back was to him, and he trailed gentle kisses down her neck. Buffy nearly jumped when she felt his nimble fingers undoing the drawstring on the back of her dress. He continued to kiss down her neck, nipping playfully at the soft skin. Buffy let her eyes fall shut as she wondered if he was going at such a slow pace just to torment her.

Buffy faced him, and after hesitating for only a second, she took his hand, and their entwined hands carefully tugged the dress down her arms, revealing her pale breasts. Spike felt his undead heart skip a beat, and he kissed Buffy again as she undid the buttons on his shirt. It joined her dress in the pile of clothes on the floor.

When they were both rid of any bodily adornment, Spike led her to the bed, and pulled her onto it with him. As warm flesh met cold and their lips met again, Buffy clutched tightly to her lover, and melted into his embrace.

* * *

"Where the fuck are they?" Angelus cursed, looking around the room for the hundredth time. There had been three new ones; people that had captivated him from the moment they had crossed his path. Two men--both of them probably in their early twenties--and a girl of about the same age. The girl held his interest more than anything, though.

"Patience, my Angel. The night is ours. You will find them."

"Is that another vision, Drusilla?" he asked her.

"Perhaps. The Slayer will be strong, and she will not fall." She looked up at him for a moment, but then refocused her attention on someone across the room.

Angelus thought that he knew exactly who she was looking at. "Ah, yes. The Slayer. I never get tired of watching her. But she will not win. She will fall. I promise you, Dru."

"No," Drusilla hissed. "Not that Slayer."

"What do you mean, not that Slayer. There's only one."

"No, Angel. There's another. One you do not know of. But she knows you, and her heart curses you. And there is another. He knows your every move, but he will not try to stop you."

"Is it those new people? The ones that I can't find?"

"Angel, I cannot tell you every little detail. I can tell you what they feel, but that is all. Do not expect me to give you an exact description. That is too much to ask."

"That sounded…sane," Angelus muttered. "So what is this other Slayer feeling right now?"

Drusilla sighed. "Happy."

"Just happy?"

"But it is a type of happiness few live to feel. It consumes her mind and soul, but there is also some fear in her. Fear for another."

"I can use that," Angelus said confidently. "If she has fear, then she can be destroyed. Am I right?"

Drusilla did not respond. Not to him, anyway. "No," she whispered, so he didn't hear her. "Not this time, my Angel."

* * *

Spike opened his eyes. Buffy was silent beside him, and her eyes were closed, but Spike knew that she was awake and completely alert. They were curled up together intimately; he was on his back with his arms wrapped around her protectively, and she was on her side with one hand pressed against his chest, and the other curled beneath her chin.

Spike could feel her warm breath on his bare chest, and he could feel her stirring. She suddenly looked up at him, and smiled. "Hey."

"Hey," he replied, smiling back.

"How are you feeling?"

"Well, considering that I'm probably the happiest guy on Earth right now…pretty damn good. You?"

"Same." Buffy decided to get more comfortable, and she shifted onto her back, so that her head was resting on his lower shoulder. Spike's arms slid down around her waist, and she sighed.

He kissed her softly. "I love you," he whispered to her.

"I believe you, and I'm pretty sure I love you too."

"Hmm…that's music to my ears, pet," he purred.

"I don't know how to take that, keeping in mind that you're tone deaf."

"I'm really not," he insisted. "I used to play the violin as a kid. Got pretty good at it, too, until I got turned into a vampire." Spike paused, wrinkling his nose a little. "Then I burned it in a fire."

"Oh, lovely."

"Never said I was trying to be enlightening." Neither of them said anything else for a few minutes. Instead, they just enjoyed the time together.

Finally, Buffy grasped his hand between hers, and looked up at him. "Spike, you need to tell me what's going to happen tonight."

"A lot of people are going to die. It's not fun. That's why I'm staying here."

"Can any of them be saved?" she asked.

"You know that I'd by lying if I said yes."

"Then we need to find Xander. We need to warn him, and get him out of there."

"Buffy, they're here for one person only."



"Oh." Buffy paused. "I saw Angelus before."

"Drusilla's here, too. She knows we're here." Spike exhaled heavily. "Angel probably knows we're here, too, but he doesn't know who we are. He's too busy obsessing over my mortal self."

"You know I can't just stay here. I need to go. You need to go, too. You've never really gotten over what happened, and I know that for a fact."

"Buffy, there are things that will happen tonight that will remain with you for the rest of your life. It's about a million times worse than anything you've ever seen before. The images haunt your dreams like some sort of a nightmare from hell…This isn't the sort of thing that you just forget. I don't need to see it again."

"I know. You've never forgotten, but maybe if you can interact somehow, it won't hurt you so much."

Spike chuckled bitterly. "I'm sorry, but I highly doubt that."

"Spike, don't you see? You've been given a second chance to understand everything that happened. I'm not saying that you'll be able to forgive Angel for everything that he's done to you, but you'll be able to gain some peace of mind. Do you have any idea how lucky you are? If this hadn't happened, Spike would never exist…and this…I would have never found you."

Spike sat up, and then climbed out of the bed. He walked out of the room, and then returned a moment later carrying their clothes. Buffy watched in appreciation as he put on his leather pants, and then the fitted black long-sleeved shirt. "What are you doing?"

Spike glanced at her, and smiled a little boyishly. "You're actually right. We need to go."

"So are we gonna sit there and watch? You keep telling me there's nothing we can do."

"I'm not gonna stop Angelus from doing anything, but I'm still going to kick his sorry ass until he finds it hard to sit down. And then I'm gonna kick his ass again for stealing my style of clothing."

"Technically, you stole it from him. He's done the leather look before you."

"Not in this universe. C'mon, get dressed. I've missed seeing you in the leather pants."

Buffy climbed out of bed too, and then managed to get on her clothing without too much embarrassment. "So…do we have a plan?"

"Nope. We just go in…get the absolute shit scared out of us, and…"

"I don't think that we'll get scared. We live on the Hellmouth. Neither one of us scares very easily."

"Well, that's true…but we can act scared."

"For what purpose?"

"I dunno…" Spike said with a shrug. "Pretty much everyone except Dru and Angel get scared, and I don't know if not being scared would change anything in history. It could permanently damage Angelus' ego, or something. "

"Like kicking his ass wouldn't?"

"But that's too much fun to resist. Oh, come on. It would probably make me feel better about this whole thing..."

"Spike, what are you trying to do? Convince me? I was the one who tried to get you to go in the first place. I'm all for kicking some ass."

"We should probably go, then. There's no time like the present."

Buffy groaned at the bad joke as he took her hand and led her out the door.

* * *

William held Vaughn closely as they danced, and he tried not to cry out in fear of what was to come--whenever that was. He wished that she had never told him, even though he was grateful for being able to hold on to these last few days--or maybe even hours or minutes--with his whole being. He didn't know exactly what would happen, or when, but he knew that his fate was sealed. He was going to die sometime, and all he could do was count down the seconds.

"William," Vaughn whispered in his ear, "are you scared? Scared to die?"

"A little," he admitted. "But I'm more terrified of losing you."

"I don't know how I'm going to go on," she said, her voice catching in her throat. "Not without you."

"We'll meet again," he answered, sounding more confident than he felt. "This has to happen again in the future, and we'll meet again, I swear it."

"But you won't love me then," she pointed out. "It's too long."

"Of course I will. I love you with every fiber of my being, and none of that will ever change."

"There's no sense in denying it, Will. You know that I'm right."

"I wish for once that you weren't."

"I know." Vaughn looked up at him, and he kissed her affectionately. She could almost feel his sadness in the kiss, and she wished that it didn't have to be there. She loved him so much, and she wished that he didn't have to be so sad.

Across the room, Angelus watched them with a rapt eye. "So fearful, that little one," Drusilla sang quietly, fluttering her hands a little. "So much fear, so much pain...so many emotions going through her right now. She is finally aware of her weakness. She is aware of her humanity."

"So am I," Angelus chuckled. "Only human, which is why they're all so easy to kill. Things should be this simple all the time."

"But ones who wish to make things difficult lurk where you cannot see them, my sweet. You must keep your mind alert. They watch, and they plan every step. They will never fail."

"Speak English," Angelus grumbled. "Please."

"Swallow your pride," Drusilla snapped. She caught herself, and the edge faded from her voice. "It is a human characteristic, to be so proud. You have no need of it," she said simply. "Not if you are to succeed."

Angelus rolled his eyes. "You're forever the drama queen, Dru."

She looked up at him in child-like confusion. She was all innocence. In addition to the insanity. But she was actually making some sense tonight. Even though most of these visions seemed to be in Angelus' favor, some of what Drusilla was saying worried him. Who were these strangers, and how did they know of his intentions? Drusilla didn't even know what he had planned, and he intended to keep it that way.

* * *

"There they are," Spike said softly, glancing at Buffy.

"I see them," Buffy replied. "But they aren't the only vampires here."

"No, of course not," he chided. "He's smarter than that."

Buffy straightened up, and walked to the other side of the living room they were in. Pausing only a second, she picked up a chair and smashed it to pieces. Gathering up a few of the makeshift stakes, she tucked one into the waistband of her pants, and offered one to Spike.

"We don't need those, Buff. We're here to fight, but not to kill, remember?"

Buffy's face fell in obvious disappointment. "That sucks."

Spike held up a hand to silence her. "It's starting."

Back in the ballroom, the party had stopped. Angelus and Dru watched what was happening quietly, not making a move.

William, on the other hand, was on the verge of having a heart attack. He hadn't planned on his parents returning early. Mr. Richardson had stormed into the room with Andrew at his heels just moments ago, and the room was already dead silent.

"What the hell is going on here?" Mr. Richardson demanded in his most deadly tone. "Where's William?"

A few people moved off to the side to allow William to step forward, but he obviously didn't want to.

His father glared at him. "William?" It was more of a statement than a question, and William knew perfectly well that he was in deep shit.

"Father," he said slowly, "you're back terribly early."

"Yes, and I know that you're quite disappointed. Now tell me, is this what you do every time I leave?"

"No, sir," William answered.

"But you just decided that this time was special, is that it?"

Loretta came to stand beside William. "Father, we didn't mean to--"

"I did not grant you permission to speak, girl!" Mr. Richardson snapped.

"Forgive me," Loretta responded, the sarcasm obvious in her voice.

"William, this is irresponsible and completely selfish of you. You couldn't have even asked me, which shows that you have no respect for me. Do you have any idea how disappointed I am in you?"

"It seems to be the only emotion you're capable of feeling where he's concerned," Loretta remarked bravely.

"Loretta, do not make me bring you into this."

"You know what?" she answered. "It's not William's fault. It's mine. The party was my idea."

"Loretta, what hell are you saying? Don't try and take the blame for me," William told her.

"I will deal with you afterwards," Mr. Richardson growled at her.

"Father, I had a party. That's it. You're completely overreacting. Now if Andrew was to do something like this, you probably wouldn't care--"

"That's neither here nor there!" Andrew protested.

While Mr. Richardson continued to lecture William, Angelus walked off. Buffy and Spike saw him heading towards the room they were in, and he grabbed her hand and pulled her into the adjoining room, closing the door.

"He can't know we're here yet," Spike explained, keeping his voice low.

Buffy nodded, and opened the door a crack so she could see what Angelus was up to. Spike tried to stop her, but he was too late. She peered through, and watched Angelus look around the room. He picked up a poker that was lying by the fireplace, and then looked up at the antique sword that was displayed on the wall behind glass. He broke the glass without hesitation, and grabbed the weapon.

He was about to walk back out of the room, but he stopped, and looked around again. He spotted the door, and he must have seen Buffy behind it, for he went to check it out. Buffy sucked in a breath, and said a silent prayer that he wouldn't open the door. Angelus opened it roughly, and the force of it caused her to fall backwards. She looked up at him, and he growled.

Spike glared at him, and clenched his fists, but he didn't move otherwise.

"You," Angelus hissed, realizing that they were whom Drusilla had been babbling about. "Damn you!"

He slammed the door shut, and held it closed. He spotted an old key lying on the mantle, and he picked it up, and tried it in the lock. It worked, effectively sealing Spike and Buffy in the room without any other exit. With a smirk, Angelus hurled the key at the nearest window, and it flew through the glass, landing somewhere outside.

Spike figured out what he had done, and he tried the doorknob. "The bastard locked us inside!" he cursed.

"Can you open it?" Buffy inquired.

"Not without a key...and there's no time look for an extra one. Guess we'll be settling for the old fashioned way."

Spike aimed a kick at the door, but nothing happened. He tried once more, but to no avail. "Need some help?" she asked him.

"No," he answered with a little grunt. "It just needs a little more persuasion, that's all."

He put all of his weight behind his last kick, but instead of swinging open like he had expected, the door flew off it's hinges and landed with a crash on the floor. "There," he sighed.

"Now what? Do you have any energy left after that egotistical male display of strength I just witnessed?"

Spike grinned at her. "Well I got us out, didn't I?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I wonder what Angelus is up to?"

"Do you really want to know?"

"Since you have to ask...no. I'll see for myself."

Buffy walked up to the entrance of the living room, and observed what was going on. She suddenly wished that she hadn't.

"You can all go." Mr. Richardson was speaking to all of the people who had been invited to the party. "There's no point in staying here; the party's over."

Angelus approached him from behind, and he appeared to be inspecting the poker. "No," he said casually, "I'd have to say that we're just getting started over here."

When Mr. Richardson turned around to see who had spoken, Angelus raised the poker and shoved it clear through his throat. Mr. Richardson's eyes went wide in shock, and Angelus lifted him off the ground a few feet by the poker, delighting in the screams coming from the rest of the people in the room.

Thick, warm blood gushed from the dying man's mouth, and William cried out in terror. "NO!"

"But Will," Angelus said sweetly, "I thought you'd be happy if I did this. We all know how much you hated your father. Perhaps his death alone isn't enough to please the likes of you..." He looked at his vampire minions who had come into view. "Seal off every entrance. No one is leaving here in one piece. Not alive, at least. Kill them all, but no one is to be turned."

From where she and Spike watched, Buffy covered her mouth with her hand, and swallowed a cry. Spike pulled her close to him, and she clutched at his shirt. He sighed deeply, and stroked her hair. "It doesn't get any better, pet," he whispered in her ear, "it only gets worse...far worse."

Angelus let William's dead father fall to the ground, and the body hit the ground with a sickening wet slap. "Next," he called, sounding a bit like he was ordering a meal.

Andrew turned on his heel and tried to run, but he didn't get far before Angelus saw him, and swung the sword he held in his other hand. The deadly sharp blade caught the man at the neck, slicing through skin and bone like butter. Andrew's head tumbled to the ground before his body did, and Angelus roared in laughter.

William was completely furious. He rushed forward at Angelus, but was quickly repelled with a swipe of that sword. Angelus leered at him as he backed away, clutching a hand to his face.

Loretta screamed at the sight of it, and William grabbed her hand and ran, too dazed to think of doing anything else. The other vampires had already slaughtered a quarter of the room's occupants, and they were slowly raising the death toll even more.

Somehow, Xander had been able to get close to Angelus without being killed by another vampire, and he was enraged. He picked up a chair, and hurled it at the vampire. Angelus batted it away like it was nothing, and then sent Xander flying backwards with one powerful blow. Xander scrambled to his feet, and wisely backed off to find Loretta and William. He didn't know where Buffy and Spike were, but he hoped that they were okay.

When he caught sight of the two siblings, and William caught sight of him, he stopped, and met up with him. Loretta peeled away William's hand from his wound, revealing a deep gash just where his eyebrow was.

As Buffy saw this, she reached up and touched the scar on Spike's eyebrow. "Take a wild guess at where I picked that up," he said, forcing a chuckle.

"It's nothing," William assured Loretta, even as a bit of blood trickled down the side of his face. He then looked at Xander pleadingly. "Xander, take Loretta and get her someplace safe. I need to find Vaughn, and fast."

Xander nodded in reply, and started to guide Loretta away, despite her protests. But they had barely gotten two steps away before someone snatched Loretta away from him. It turned out that Drusilla had decided to take a break from tearing apart the other people, and close in on some more meaningful prey.

She pulled Loretta against her body, and held her steady. Loretta screamed both Xander and William's name, and her brother turned at the sound of his name. Buffy had sprinted out from her hiding place at some point, and she held Xander back.

Drusilla grinned, a quick bearing of teeth, and stroked Loretta's hair. "Say good-bye, princess." With that, she literally tore out her throat.

William shouted her name, and tried to run forward, but something held him back. Spike. "No, mate," he said, his voice tight with the pain of remembrance. "There's nothing you can do."

William cried out again, and Spike turned him so that they were face to face. He looked his mortal self in the eye for a second, but then looked away. "Go find Vaughn while you still have a chance. If you have anything terribly important to say to her, I suggest you do, or else you'll never forgive yourself."

William nodded, and then hurried away. Spike walked up to Xander and Buffy, and took her hand. "What did you tell him?" Buffy asked.

"I told him not to make the same mistake I did," Spike replied. He paused. "It's getting quiet now."

"It is," Xander agreed through clenched teeth. "And you people all thought I was nuts for hating Angelus as much as I did." He glanced at Spike. "I don't think I'll ever know how you got over this."

"I didn't," Spike murmured.

"Well it's time you did," Buffy said gently, leading him away. Angelus and Drusilla watched happily as the minions that hadn't been killed by Vaughn annihilated the remaining people.

Spike came up behind Angelus silently, and, doubling up his fists, slammed them into his back. The force of the blow knocked the older vampire to the ground. Buffy grabbed Drusilla as Spike continued to brutally strike Angelus over and over, letting all of the personal hatred he felt towards his sire come to the surface.

Drusilla screeched angrily, and Buffy shut her up by punching her in the jaw.

When Angelus didn't seem to be getting up, Spike knelt beside him, and yanked his head up by his hair.

His sire looked up at him weakly. "Who are you?" he said.

Spike's face changed. "An old acquaintance." He stood up, and slammed his foot into Angelus' side before backing away. "One you won't forget."

"I'll kill you," Angelus muttered.

"I'm already dead, you sod." Spike looked to Buffy and Xander. "And somehow it was more fun beating him to a bloody pulp with a crowbar."

The trio reluctantly walked away, and Drusilla didn't follow them. Angelus wearily climbed to his feet, and shook his head to clear away the fogginess in his mind. Caused by Spike's assault, of course.

"Is that the other Slayer?" he asked Drusilla, all the while looking at Buffy.

"I believe so," she answered. "But now isn't the time to worry about them. Our real prey is still out there. Find them."

"You're right. Where?"

"Not far. I can smell his blood."

"We're in a room covered in blood, Dru. How can you possibly know it's him?"

She shrugged. "But I can."

* * *

Vaughn and William were terrified. It was a horrible feeling, this fear. Unlike anything they had ever felt before. William didn't care that he was crying, and apparently neither did Vaughn.

"My whole family," William said under his breath. "My whole Goddamn family."

"No. You're mother and your little sister are hopefully still alive--"

Before Vaughn could finish her sentence, someone burst through the door of the room they were hiding in, causing both of them to jump in surprise. "William!" It was Nancy.

William practically jumped to his feet, and he pulled her into a hug. "Oh, God. Nancy, I thought that you were dead." She was crying, but she shook her head. "Are you alright? Is mum alright?" he pressed.

Nancy burst into fresh tears. "I'm alright, but...someone got mum..."

He closed his eyes in frustration, and Vaughn grasped his hand. "Nancy, you need to go, and find a good hiding spot. Go someplace safe, where no one will find you."

"Yes," William agreed. "Remember our hiding spot? Where you always used to hide whenever you and your friends played hide and seek when you were little?"

Nancy nodded. "Are you coming?"

"No, we can't. We have to stay here, but I'll come back for you."

"What if you don't?"

William didn't answer immediately. "Then...then once morning comes...go see if anyone else is alive around here. But don't go in the ballroom, alright?"

"Too late for that," she answered with a shudder. "But what if I can't find anyone?"

"If I don't, take one of the horses and go to London. Find Spencer once you're there. You remember Spencer...right?"

"He's a friend of mine," Vaughn offered helpfully.

"Yes, I remember him."

"Nancy, I must say that I'm proud of you for being so brave through all this."

She couldn't help but chuckle. "William, I'm not a baby anymore."

"Very true."

Nancy threw her arms around him, and hugged him tightly. "I love you so much," she sobbed. He hugged her back, and kissed her forehead.

Nancy hugged Vaughn as well. "Nance, will you tell Spencer..."

She nodded again at Vaughn's request. "Yes."

Nancy smiled at them one last time, and then hurried off. William slumped to the floor, but Vaughn urged him back up again. "Will, we need to split up."

"What? Are you out of your mind?"

"We've more of a chance of surviving if we do. They're after you, not me."

"Even still, we're more powerful together."

"Will, if they find us, you'll distract me."

"Oh, thank you."

"I don't mean it like that. I don't want you to get hurt, that's all."

"So you think it's okay for you to be killed? I'd just as soon kill myself if you weren't in my life."

"Don't say such things," Vaughn scoffed.

"Vaughn, my entire family is dead except for my little sister. Do you honestly think that I'm that desperate to continue living?"

"Yes, I do. You're a grown man, Will. You can make it this world by myself."

"Not without you," he told her softly. "There is no me without you. Never will be."

Vaughn pulled him down for a kiss, and he held her tightly in response, not wanting to let her go. "I understand what you mean--and I feel the same way--but you must do what I ask of you. Please."

William looked at her is desperation, but she wasn't going to argue with him. "Go. You even told me that we will meet again someday, just like Spike did. Remember?"

"But it will be as enemies."

"Maybe not." They kissed again, but for the last time.

"I love you," he whispered. "I love you with my entire heart and soul, Vaughn. I only wish I could have made you my wife sooner. I will always love you."

"Go," she urged, shoving him a little. "Before it's too late."

William hesitantly left, glancing back at his beloved once more. He took off down the hallway, wondering where he could possibly go. As he ran by a set of glass French doors, he stopped. The courtyard. "Of course," he whispered.

He threw open the doors, and stepped outside. It was still raining, and it was quite cold. He shivered, but he didn't really mind catching a cold if he could remain living.

Looking around, William decided that he needed to barricade the two sets of doors somehow. Thinking quickly, he broke off two sturdy branches from a low tree. He secured the doors by sliding the branches through the handles.

He spotted a shovel on the ground where some freshly planted shrubs were. He picked it up, and blinked the rainwater from his eyes. Let the bastards come, he thought bitterly, I'm not going down without a fight.

* * *

Buffy stepped over the corpse of a musician in the ballroom, and frowned. The poor man's skull had been shattered, and his blood was smeared on the floor. There was evidence of the massacre all over the place, and it was more terrible than anything she had ever seen before.

Behind her, Xander nearly tripped over the body of a young woman, and he coughed. "This place is gonna smell real bad in the morning."

Spike ignored his comment, and knelt beside one person in particular. Buffy tried to see who it was, and she realized that it was the broken body of Dylan. She placed a hand on Spike's shoulder, and he gently closed his mortal best friend's staring eyes.

Drusilla and Angelus had left the ballroom not long before, so now it was only them and the hideous remains of the party. "Where are they?" Xander asked.

"Probably looking for William," Buffy replied. "Spike, where did he go?"

"The courtyard. We have to wait for Angelus and Drusilla to find him before we can get there, though. He's barricaded the doors."

"Smart boy."

"It doesn't hold them off for long. Drusilla's got a penchant for figuring out his location just by the smell of his blood."

"We wait, then. Anything else I should know about?" Xander glanced at Spike and Buffy.

"There's a few things you should know about," Spike answered. "Doesn't mean I'll tell you."

"How about we start, though? Since when did you two get so close?"

"We've gotten over the pride thing," Buffy explained. "We see each other every day, and fighting isn't really necessary."

"Well, I was talking to William before all this happened, and..."

"What?" Buffy pressed.

"He apparently heard you guys in the other room."

"As in heard us talking?" Spike raised an eyebrow, and folded his arms.

"That, among...other things."

Buffy felt her cheeks flush, and she almost gasped in shock. Spike shook his head and laughed a little bit.

"I'll let you tell Willow and the others when we get back," Xander assured them with a smirk.

"It isn't any of their business," Spike retorted.

"But we're still going to tell them," Buffy added. "It's easier than letting them find out on their own."

Xander shrugged. "We should get to the courtyard, before it's too late."

"Did you not hear me when I said that we can't get there before Angelus and Drusilla?" Spike asked with a sigh.

"But if we happened to get there at the same time, they'd probably try to kill us, too."

"Let's just go," Buffy said gently. "There's no point in waiting around here."

Spike nodded, and let them out into the foyer. Buffy wasn't prepared to see the body of Mrs. Richardson sprawled out on the floor, and she looked away. "Man, those vamps are total freaks," Xander scoffed. "Someone took her eyes."

"Dru," Spike replied. "She has a thing for eyes...don't ask."

Buffy shuddered, and they continued on their way. "What happened to Nancy?" she inquired.

"She's hiding," Spike told her. "She's about the only one who's still alive in this house, apart from us."

"And William, and Vaughn," Xander offered.

"Not for long, I'm afraid."

* * *

Vaughn crept down the darkened hallway, keeping an eye open for anything; she didn't care what. Finding the vampires stalking her William wasn't really what she wanted to do, but she would if she needed to.

Something slammed down the hall from her, and she turned on her heel quickly, raising her stake out of reflex. Everything fell silent once more, and she held her breath, not moving an inch. Her eyes darted around nervously, but she saw nothing. Vaughn exhaled, and tucked her hair behind her ear before advancing again.

I hate this, I hate this, I hate this, she thought. God, just let them COME! I'm standing out in the open, waiting for them.

She heard some shuffling somewhere in another room, and she felt the familiar tingling in the back of her skull. Vampires...seven of them...all around me. Go now. "Come and get me, you ugly bastards!" she shouted, deciding that the eerie silence was too much to bear. Doors started slamming all around her suddenly, and she cursed, and started to run. She tore down the hall like a bat out of hell, rounding corners without thinking where she was headed.

Glancing over her shoulder once, Vaughn saw the vampires in pursuit. Then she slammed into something...or more accurately, someone. She faced the person in horror, and looked up into the grinning face of the vampire leader. He leered at her, and grabbed her wrists.

Her stake clattered to the ground, and she fought against him, screaming for help, even though she knew her cry would go unanswered. She felt something fall from here hand in the struggle, but she didn't know what. It was the furthest thing from her mind at the moment.

"Hush, Slayer," he laughed. "Your time has not come just yet, but it is near."

The other vampires grabbed her from him, holding her tightly. Some of them were battered away, but she was done for, and she knew it. "To the courtyard," the vampire leader announced. "Our dear host awaits us."

* * *

William heard Vaughn's desperate screams even from where he stood. He wanted to call out for her, but he knew that doing so would be suicide. Suddenly the iron shovel didn't seem like such a good weapon. Vaughn was a Slayer, and yet she was still in deep trouble. He was only a normal person, so what chance did he stand?

All of a sudden, someone slammed against the doors of the courtyard. He jumped in surprise, and backed away. Vampires swarmed near the glass doors, trying to get in. They should have made it in by now...what are they waiting for?

Not caring what the answer was, William ran to the other door, and tried to remove the branch from the door handles. Hiding in the courtyard had been a terrible mistake; he realized that now. He was like a trapped rat in here.

His hands were shaking so badly, that he was almost unable to pull out the branch. But just before he succeeded, a force rammed against the door so hard that they tore from their hinges, and the glass shattered. William was sent flying backwards, and she shielded his face from the shards of glass when he hit the ground.

The vampire who had created an entrance-the same one who had started this whole thing-walked in slowly, with his female companion behind him dragging someone with her. William knew at once that it was Vaughn. She called for him, but the vampire that held her only tightened her grip.

"Well, well, well," the leader said smoothly. "Look at what we have here. Poor William, all battered and torn, stuck out in the rain..."

"Why must you do this!" William shouted angrily.

"I rather think this is a nice place to die," the vampire continued, ignoring him. "Somewhat peaceful."

William looked at Vaughn desperately, and the vampire smiled. "You know her?" He paused; enjoying the anguish William was going though. "Oh, how terrible of me to forget...you were supposed to be married, weren't you? I guess this will change the invite list a bit, won't it?"

"Please, leave her be!"

"That's the problem with Slayers. You can never count on them to live very long." Another vamp stepped forward, handing his leader a long, pointed sword. He drew it across Vaugn's forehead, and she cried out in pain. The vampire leaned forward and licked off some of the blood.

"Angelus, do not prolong it," the female said gently. So was Angelus his name?

"Say farewell," Angelus purred, glancing at Vaughn. "You won't be saying much else."

Having said that, Angelus plunged the sword into her chest, and she let out a terrible scream. William heard someone else cry out in horror, and then he realized it had been himself. But it was far from over. The evil vampire dropped the sword, and reached into the wound he had made to rip out Vaughn's heart with his bare hand...

* * *

It seemed that Buffy, Spike, and Xander all looked away at the same time. Vaughn's dying cries could still be heard, and Buffy covered her ears. She felt a hatred bubbling up within her. How had she ever loved Angelus? He was a monster like no other.

Buffy couldn't stop the tears that streamed down her cheeks even as Spike pulled her into his embrace. She hugged him tightly, and sighed when he leaned his head on her shoulder. "We shouldn't have come," she whispered to him. "I'm sorry for making you come."

"Don't worry about it," he responded. "I've seen it all before." They pulled apart for a moment, but held hands as they continued to watch.

Angelus' minions pulled William to his feet, and Buffy looked at him closely. She could tell that he was afraid-there was no doubt about it-but he was more devastated than afraid. Angels stepped closer to him, making direct eye contact. "Are you afraid of death, William?"

William smiled bitterly, allowing the hatred he felt to come to the surface, rather that being petrified of the vampire before him. "I'm looking death-my death-in the eye, and you're asking if I'm afraid?"

"You should fear me."

"I have no fear for inevitability."

"Wise words, especially from someone so foolish. Are you certain that I will kill you?"

"I'm telling you to."

Buffy glanced at Spike in shock. "I gave up, and that's what he's doing now," Spike said softly.

"So you welcome death," Angelus stated.

"I do now."

"What if I told you that I will not kill you?"

"Then damn you to hell," William replied. "Not that I already haven't felt like saying that a few hundred times already."

"I don't blame you for the hate you're feeling."

"Why are you doing this to me?" William asked.

"I want to turn you, William. I've had my eye on you for quite some time, and you are perfect. You're a genius now, and I cannot imagine the power you will possess when you are born into immortality."

Drusilla stepped forward, and smiled. "You are beautiful, little one. A rare gem, and we must have you."

"What the hell are you talking about? You want to turn me into a vampire?"

"I told you that you were smart."

"And you needed to kill my entire family-everyone I loved-in order to do that? Why?"

"Do you really think I'd be able to get you in this position if they were still alive? You're too dazed with sadness to even think straight right now. There's no way that you could even try to stop me." Angelus grabbed him, and bared his neck. "You, my friend, are a bit stronger than I thought. When I did this to Drusilla, she went nuts. Literally. She's still insane. But you've somehow managed to stay stable. I'm surprised."

William cried out in surprise when the vampire sank his fangs into his throat. He felt like the world was spinning as Angelus drank from him. He wasn't in physical pain, but his mind was calling out for help. He cried out again, and fell to the ground. Angelus had released his grip on him, but William was too weak from the loss of blood to support himself.

As he lay on the ground, he could feel his heart beating in his chest. So this is what it feels like to die...he thought. It was an awkward feeling. Perhaps it would have been interesting, if each beat of his heart didn't cause him so much agony, even though it was starting to slow. Angelus knelt beside him, bit into his own wrist, and held it by William's mouth.

He tried to resist, but Angelus forced him to drink. After a moment, he realized that the vampire's blood was reducing some of the pain he now felt in his body. Just as he began to get used to the feeling of the coppery-tasting liquid flowing into his mouth, Angelus pulled away. William lay back on the ground, looking up at the stormy clouds above him. He saw Spike in the corner of his eye, and he tried to smile, but there was a darkness beginning to consume him.

William closed his eyes, and awaited what was to come. He wondered what it would feel like to be immortal, but the thought was cut short as he breathed his last breath.

* * *

Buffy opened her eyes. She had looked away--holding onto Spike tightly--as William had been turned. She glanced up at him, and he looked down at her. Xander didn't seem to know what was happening. He looked around the courtyard in confusion.

Buffy pulled away from Spike, and made her own observations. Everything was changed. All the vampires were gone, William was gone, and so was Vaughn's body. The courtyard itself was different. The once-green grass was withered and brown, and all the trees had seemingly died. From neglect, by the look of it. The only surviving plant was ivy, and it had grown over most of the courtyard, and up the wall of the house.

"What happened?" she asked. Her voice was dry, and she licked her parched lips. "Where did everyone go?"

"Wonderful question," Xander answered. "It doesn't look like anyone's been here in ages."

Spike furrowed his brow. "Let's go look around the rest of the house, shall we?"

The three went inside-the shattered glass doors hadn't changed-and each of them noticed that the inside of the house was indeed different. A layer of dust seemed to cover everything in sight. They walked to the ballroom, and Buffy gasped. Nothing had moved. Sure, all the bodies were gone, but there were still tables and chairs placed around the room; even a pair of violins, a cello, and some other instruments in a corner.

Spike glanced around again, and then walked from the room. Buffy and Xander followed him outside, and stopped when they heard him swear. The field out back was a mess. It had been uncared for, that much was clear, but it couldn't have happened in the few minutes that William had been sired.

"Spike, do you know what's going on?" Buffy inquired.

"I've absolutely no idea," he answered.

"Do you know what happened after you were turned?"

"Of course I do."

"What about Nancy, your sister?" Xander questioned.

"After the party, and everything that happened...Nancy made it back to London, and found Spencer. This went down as one of the worst things to happen around here in decades. The bodies were all removed, but the house was left completely untouched. Nancy never returned to live here, because it was too hard for her, and there was no one who wished to purchase the property, because people started to think of it as an evil place." Spike paused. "If I remember Angelus telling me, she devoted the rest of her life to hunting down vampires. She became a Watcher by the age of twenty seven."

They went back inside, and ventured upstairs. Somehow Spike found the room where he and Buffy had made love in before, and it was completely undisturbed. The clothing they had worn was still on the floor, and the bed was still disordered. He smiled thinly, taking her hand. "Seems we made a mark," he murmured.

She swatted him on the arm a little, and smiled back. They went a bit further down the hall, and found nothing of interest, so they went back downstairs. As they moved down one hallway, a silvery object on the floor caught Spike's eye. It glistened faintly in the moonlight coming through the dusty window, and he knelt to pick it up.

Buffy watched him inspect it in his hand, and she frowned. "What is it?"

"A ring."

"A ring?" Xander echoed.

Spike nodded slowly. "Yes. It's Vaughn's engagement ring. I have one like it back at my apartment." He put it in his pocket, and squeezed Buffy's hand.

Before she could comment, there was a flash of the same bluish-white light from before.

* * *

Buffy's eyes fluttered open, and she sat up, effectively giving herself a head rush. A wet cloth that had apparently been on her forehead fell into her lap, and she blinked.

"Buffy?" Willow's concerned voice came to her from a few feet away, and her friend was at her side almost immediately. "Oh my God, are you okay?"

She nodded wordlessly, and looked around. "Spike? Where's Spike?"

"He's on the floor. We just left him there."

Buffy saw Giles helping Xander to his feet off another couch in the library's lounge, and they approached the girls slowly. Xander rubbed his forehead, and tried to smile. "You okay?"

"Yeah. Is Spike?" Her question was answered with a muffled groan from the floor. She jumped to her feet, and winced as the dizziness hit her again. She ignored it, and rushed to the vampire's side, helping him up.

Spike met her worried gaze, and sighed. "What happened?"

"I can't say. I just woke up from this weird dream. You and Xander were in it..."

"Did it have anything to do with my life as a mortal?"

Buffy paused, but then nodded. "Yeah. That's it...did you have a dream, too?"

Willow cleared her throat. "What happened to you guys? And why are you whispering to each other?"

Spike pretty much ignored her, and reached into his pocket. He pulled out a silver ring; just a bit tarnished with age, and then looked back up at her. "Buffy, it wasn't a dream," he whispered.

She didn't know what to say. "So you mean...everything was real? Everything?"

"Yes. Every single detail." After a moment, he pulled Buffy close and pressed his lips to hers amorously.

Giles said something in surprise, and Willow gaped. "What the hell are you doing? Someone tell me what happened!"

Xander tried to explain, so that Buffy and Spike wouldn't be interrupted. "I can't tell you everything just yet, but I do know that it's something that takes a miracle to finally understand."

* * *


"So what was it like? Seeing where Spike came from?" Willow asked Buffy.

Buffy shrugged. "It was different. I had no idea that Spike had a life like that. He was just as normal as anyone else."

"So did it work?"


"The perspective spell. It'd be nice to know if it worked."

"I think it worked. What happened to us while we were all in la-la land?"

"There was this flash of light, which you said you remembered, and then the three of you all fainted at the same time. You were unconscious for a couple of days."

"That's weird."

"We were worried. We had no idea what was going on." Willow paused briefly. "Do you see things from Spike's perspective now?"

"Sort of. I mean, I won't deny that I wasn't happy about some of the stuff that happened..." Willow rolled her eyes at Buffy's statement, but let her continue. "I guess I realize now that he didn't have a really easy life. He had just as many problems as we do now, and when Angelus came in and killed off everyone he loved, he had this immense sadness and anger bottled up inside of him, even as a vampire, which probably made him seem like he had a major attitude problem all the time."

"So we should all cut him some slack once and awhile."

"Yeah. I know I'll be cutting him more than a little slack from now on, obviously. I don't really know about Xander--whether he understands Spike a little more now or not--but he does seem to be treating him a little differently."

"One thing I've gotta know..." Willow said slyly. "How was it? You and Spike, I mean. Was it good?"

Buffy smirked at her best friend. "That, Will, is one secret that I'm taking with me to my grave."


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