It is no secret that Mark T's favorite Holiday of them all is St. Valentine's Day and once the Waterpark Season ends it is this date that I need to get too before things look up again. As I waited for this Valentine's Day to come there was one special extremely beautiful gal that has made me smile much.

On August 12, 2008 when I climbed the millionth stair at Deep River Waterpark it was a wonderful day and she was the last person I saw before I returned to my home and the euphoria lasted for a long time. She is a very nice person with beautiful pearly whites. I absolutely love her hair I even told her so.

As Christmas approached I took a fall and broke my elbow on December 16. When Christmas morning came as I was all alone and perhaps sadness had enveloped me I just happened to see this beautiful girl at Church. As I lectored with my arm in a sling and despite the pain I could feel a warmth in my heart which was created by her presence. It was one of the best Christmases I have ever experienced.

Every once in a while I still see her and I think those are just such great days. I wish every day could be so great. So to the Girl who has helped me make it through who I always long to see

Here's Hoping you will

Thank you for being you.