When the first lands were sold by the Cherokkee, in 1721, a part of the tribe
bitterly opposed the sale, saying that if the indians once consented to give up
any of their territory the whites would never be satisfied, but would soon want
a little more, and a little again, until at last there would be none left for the indians.

Finding all they could say not enough to prevent the treaty, they determined to
leave their homes forever and go far into the West, beyond the Great River,
where the white man could never follow them.

They say that no more was heard of the wanderers, and in time the story of the
lost Cherokee was forgotten or remembered only as an old tale.

This is not true for my mother and father is of the lost Cherokee trib.
They moved on to the west acrossed the Mississippi River,
across the pains to the foot of the great mountains.
There they speak the old Cherokee language and live as the Cherokee
had lived before they had known white men and their ways.

Chief GrayHunter

I have asked my daughter Tiger to tell what happen to my brother, many moons ago.
I was of the age 15 at the time, My brother Cheif Grayhunter and I was talking about the stories
we had been tought. Wondering if there was other Cherokee clans out there or not.
Our poeple come to this land to be free of the white man and his ways,
their greed and their killing.
Grayhunter and I desided to go and see if there was such people or
it was all stories. We walk for 5 moons until we come to a open area.
White men was camping there in blue uniforms. The men chased us and I excaped hiding
with bush on top of me. I watch them as they cought my brother and talked the white mans
tounge to him. They druged him off with a rope around his neck. LIKE A ANIMAL!
I fallowed far behind to see where they was taking him and if i could get him free.
They took him to where there was lots of men in blue uniforms, some of them was Cherokee.
I watched from where i was as Grayhunter was kicked, spit on and things throughen at him.
Grayhunter tried to talk to the Cherokees that was there but they couldn't understand what
he was saying. They had a new laungage now and it was the whitemans.
The only hope of getting Grayhunter out of there was to wait until night and sneak
where he was. I waited got night and went down to the hut i saw them put my brother. I called
out to Grayhunter...."Grayhunter you there?"
"Are you alife?"
"I come to take you home".
In a very weak voice i heard Grayhunter say "no Nacoma you go, I will never make it".
"Tell our people of what has happen and protect them always".
"Don't let the whiteman do to them what they have done to me."
I heard the door to the hut open....i hid....the whiteman was standing there yelling
"you damn dirty redskin..talk now or die!"
My heart stoped when i heard the load sound of the gun go off,
Grayhunter saying go Nacoma!
Those was the last words i heard from my brother and chief.
The whiteman has killed him for no reason. Sence that day i have
hated the whiteman. I have no use for them and refuse there white ways.
I went back to my people and told them what had happen.
Sorrow filled the air for the lost of out chief and we desided then
our poeple would always remain safe there.


~ Chief Nacoma ~

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