I’ve learned.

Learned that you can fall out of love as quickly as you fall into it.

Learned that there are enough good guys out there to drive a girl nuts trying to choose her right match.

Learned the size of a man’s ego and how bitter it gets when it’s been hurt.

Learned that the fact that a man says he loves you doesn’t mean that he won’t leave you faster than he can drop a bad habit.

Learned that having similar histories doesn’t make you an ideal match.

Learned that loving isn’t enough to keep a relationship alive.

Learned that I can have a good night’s rest even if the previous day ended up in a rut.

Learned that the fact that people hurt me isn’t enough to make me spiteful towards them.

No matter how bad things get, if you’ve ever cared about someone, I mean really cared about someone or anyone. That’s enough to make you care for a lifetime regardless of how things end up between you.

I still don’t know what love is but when I find out, the whole world’s going to know it.