
Disclaimer: I don't presume to own Dark Angel the are characters created by James Cameron.

I went to the bathroom turned on the shower and cursed that damn dream. But it wasn’t really a dream but a memory. Of my FATHER the man that not only betray his one son but his own people too. As I get in the shower and let the scalding water fall on my shoulders I replayed the earlier years in my head.

The ceremony, my father told me about it along time ago, about who we were and about how I had to pass the test to prove I was worthy enough to survive. Now that I’m 7 I must take the test and pass and if not, well no one ever said what would happen but I know I must pass and I will.

I get dressed in the ceremony outfit, I know what too do I’ve practiced enough times and I’m ready.

When enter the room the ceremony starts. As The Priestess says "Kiv'sa pol tu'ri kom'sa....konoss rehu jek." and raise’s her dagger and slices off the snakes head. Dips it in the blood I roll up my sleeve she holds the butt end of the dagger out. I say "Kan'dara mo'ss re'kali" she cut the dagger into my arm and as I hold up my arm she says "Kan'dara mo'ss re'kali. Mo'ss re'kali, ken'da hiif! Mo'ss re'kali, ken'da hiif." then everything got dark.

My eyes blink open. I saw the priestess "very good Ames you passed." Those word were some of the strongest words I can remember. I looked up to see my father there was a smile spread across his face. The priestess left my father said "I have to leave your now Ames I’m proud of you Ames." "Yeah I know." "Love you" "yeah dad I love you too."

As I watched him leave something filled up inside of me, I looked down at my arm I passed a sense of awe passed over me. "You should get some sleep Ames you got your first day of training ahead of you tomorrow." I almost for got she was standing there. I nodded my head.