Out of the West Lord of the Rings RPG
Out of the West RPG || Welcome
...LAST UPDATED 07/17/04...

A new Age has come to Middle Earth.

Presumed to be dead, the shadow of Sauron no longer hangs over Middle Earth. Following the devastation left behind by the ravages of war, the Age of Men has begun with much work to be done towards restoration.

But Iluvatar works in strange ways. Just as it looks as though the Elves have faded away, a new development begins to spread its tendrils of influence throughout Arda. Tired of "babysitting all those damn Elves and their *$&@ing singing and $#$@ing accursed harps", Mandos finally goes mad in a fit of red tape-induced fury and opens the gates of Valinor for those who wish to return to Arda. Suddenly, formerly deceased Elves begin returning in droves, tired of all the wandering around in mist and singing. As the Men stand by scratching their heads, they look to Aragorn as the King of Men for guidance in this time of confusion, but much to their dismay, he has nothing to offer as he is preoccupied with his own worries. The Valinor suddenly find themselves called upon in this time of chaos after centuries of sitting by the pool sipping fruity drinks with umbrellas in them (except for Nienna, being too busy crying to drink anything). They are most displeased with Mandos.

To make matters worse, Melkor has somehow managed to slip through his bonds and is now calling to those who would follow him in his newest endeavor...Evil, Inc. Reports of Sauron's death may or may not be exaggerated. The Balrogs have risen again.

It's going to be a rough ride.

Welcome to the Out of the West RPG homepage. We are a LOTR journal-based roleplaying community. We are loosely (using the term loosely) Canon-based, although we've embellished our characters with our own, ah, interpretations. Tolkien is spinning in his grave.

You can find out more by clicking the links at the top of the page.