
I spent entirely too much time on this website trying to make it good for you to read. Turns out it is basically a cheap plug for my music, a chance for me to keep you updated about what we are up to(since I am terrible with the email correspondence), and a chance to rave about my prides, loves, and, annoyances. Thanks for dropping in.

**there are links on here that you can only reach by running the mouse over the words in the text.

Special thanks to theted for providing me some space to breathe.

Latest news

Holidays, Anniversary, Birthdays,
and the flu. Not the ideal way to spend a vacation., but at least we were together...Prosperous New Year to all.

Holidays. Very busy.
We have been jumping through our butts to get the house squared away. Very tired...got some to work to do so I am off.

It's almost over. I leave
in a week for sunny Florida. I am a homeowner? Added some links. New tracks coming soon.......

Just got off of vacation. I went to the Waterfalls near Lake Yojoa with the MRS... She liked alot. I have pictures. I have also added some new tracks.