This is Duck's page.
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Check back soon for updates or have a look at the links over there.  Or do both.  All I ask is that you don't swipe my pictures.  Anything posted on my sites are my property meaning I own the photo or I drew the drawing.  If I see it someplace else, I will know it is stolen and I won't be happy.  Also, don't steal pics from other sites I have linked to here.  I'm sure those people wouldn't appreciate it any more than I would.

Why did I link to these sites?  One is my dog's site.  The other sites are sites I visit regularly.  I don't necessarily endorse everything on these sites but I enjoy surfing them and I was always taught it is good to share. 
Follow that link!
Biskit the Wonderdog
Ghost Study "Amazing ghost photo gallery"
X-Entertainment (Fun and nostalgic stuff from the past and present)
Snopes (Urban Legends Reference Pages)
Who makes this site?
Name: Duck
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