Please help me build
this web site!

I've decided to put up my picture on the internet to show you who I really am. Just in case you wish to provide me with any material, I want you to feel comfortable about who you're dealing with. I hope so.


I need content materials to help construct this site. My goal is to consolidate available information about Manu'a for the Internet community. I hope that stressing the uniqueness of Manu'a will encourage people to view Manu'a as a viable vacation destination and a place for business.

I was recently introduced to the Yahoo!Geocitie's free internet service in which I was immediately attracted to as a way to promote the islands of Manu'a. I'm still learning this technology as you can see, but hopefully it's enough to convey the beauty and uniqueness of the Manu'a islands.

My goal is to show the world in a small way how interesting and unique Manu'a is. Manu'a has taken a back seat unfortunately behind the more popular centers on Tutu'ila and other larger islands in the Samoa archipelago.

All these islands were of one family anciently, but the influence of modern economics and politics have created an unfair situation where some islands are pushed aside and hidden behind the larger islands.

Because I'm currently living in the United States, I can't have pages of pictures of the Manu'a island, as well as updated information.

This is where you can help me.

If you have pictures from any location in Manu'a, please contact me.

Please submit only what is yours, or those that you have rights to which you can provide. I hate getting involve with legal matters of acquiring rights and other stuff - I just don't have the time.

There are other things you could contribute, such as current and historical facts, interesing places and people, and factual information on transportation, communication, entertainment, religious, and everyday happenings around the Manu'a islands.

Are you related to any historical figure, like those who signed the Cession in 1904? If you are, would you like to contribute a story about them?

Are you a graduate of the Manu'a high school? How about sharing with others your experiences growing up in Manu'a? Do you favor more development in Manu'a or do you want things just the way they are?

How about contributing your pictures or short assay of your recent trip to Manu'a?

Remember, as long as I have enough disk space on the Yahoo!Geocities computer, I'll include anything that will showcase Manu'a to the world.

Fa'afetai tele lava.

Thank you in advance