Palace Updates
Note: Newest update will be at the top of the page, and following updates will be listed in chronological order.
Imagine was offline for a few hours the other day and since then, we've been working like crazy on it! Check out our latest av collection - Photo Avs.

New Avs - Photo Avs, Goth, Preps, Miniz, Earth Based, Centaurs, Mermaids, Paper Dolls, Rainbow, Wonderkins, DragonBallZ Avs.

New Rooms - Furniture, Donate Furniture, DBZ Avs, Donate DBZ, Doll Templates, Donate Doll Templates, Photo Avs: (Digital Fems, Digital Males, Males, Redheads, Blondes, Brunettes),
The official Imagine site is now up and running!

New Avs - a few new preps, mermaids, wings, miniz and centaurs have been added to the av rooms.

New Rooms - Contact Imagine, Imagine Events
New Events added to the Event room! Mermaid Editing Contest and Valentine's Day Poetry Contest. See the Event room at Imagine for details.

New Avs - Many tags and bobs have been donated and added today.

New Rooms - Donate Male Avs, Donate Bobs, Tags by Victoria & Lightbeam, Luckybug's Bobs
We're currently working on more paper dolls to add to Imagine, so keep watching!

New Avs - More Wonderkins, Rainbow avs, Earth based religion avs and furniture.

New Rooms - Furniture, Donate Furniture