This page will probably take a while to load. It has about 3Mb of photos on it. I do not want to break them up because I think, to the extent this page has value, it is from putting everything together so you can see it all at once. But as a result it makes for a big page.

Most of the photos on this page come from the "Headlines" bit on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno. Of course, Leno does not actually own these headlines, he is just showing them for comedic effect. That being the case I do not see why I can not show the same shots. Furthermore, unlike Jay Leno I am not making any money as a result of showing any of these images. So as far as I am concerned they fall well within the bounds of fair use.

Other images were compiled by Free Press International, someone named James Donahue,, and

Still others came from this site Anomalies Unlimited.

The reason I put this page together was that I enjoy the Headlines bit on Leno, and other related items like the National Lampoons books on the same subject. So I was saving a bunch of images so I could look at them without having to go online. When I went to organize them I realized they seemed to fall into a relatively small range of categories. Or in other words the "mistakes" did not appear as random as you might expect them to be if they were actually mistakes.

Furthermore, having read up a little bit on the advertising and media industries I know that, particularly in the area of commerce, people are usually extremely careful and detail oriented when it comes to getting images and text just right.

For example, one of the supposed selling points of the first Shrek movie was that they had brought computer generated animation to such a high degree of sophistication that supposedly you would be able to see individually animated hairs on the characters bodies if you were to look closely enough. Another time I read a news article and part of it referred to people shooting a commercial featuring a pirate's treasure chest in the background, and the people in charge of the shot were arguing over the precise number of gold coins that should be visible in the chest. Given that people in the media are willing to devote time to animating individual hairs or placing individual gold coins just so in the background of a commercial, it seemed odd to me that the inevitable mistakes would seem to happen in apparently non-inevitable ways.

So I thought I would organize what I have on hand a little bit, and put them back out there so people can see for themselves whether these words and images are really mistakes or if they might be something else.




Rich White Republican Write-In

Here we have Tom Daschle as a Byzantine Saint. Note the odd angle the photo had to be taken from to achieve this affect.


In these photos we can see Byzantine Saint Bush. Again note the odd angle that had to be used to get the photo in the first shot. You can see that the podium Bush is standing at is virtually perpendicular to the position the photo was taken from, and presumably the podium was oriented to face the people he was addressing. So the photographer was most likely not out in the crowd taking this picture. Which means he had to wait for a moment when he could catch Bush with his head turned to get this shot.




The following photos show Bush, still with a halo effect, but now the photographers have become more creative since they lack an appropriately worshipful background.




Finally in this Bush subsection note in this photo once again the odd angle needed to make the picture happen. This photo is slightly unusual compared to the others since Bush actually appears to be above the light. In this case the light is less like a halo and more like perhaps a heavenly visitor or some such thing.



In this photo we see Donald Rumsfeld in front of a star, but note that he is not directly in front of it in such a way as to bestow a halo on him. But note that his extended index finger is virtually exactly lined up with the blue/white dividing line of the lowest arm of the star, and his finger is pointing either directly to the center of the star, or possibly to something up in the heavens beyond the star. This would seem to indicate Rumsfeld's subordinate position to both Bush and Daschle (since they get halos and he doesn't).



In this photo we have Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi under a nice gold star. Notice that this shot was clearly contrived to include the star above his head because the photographer nearly had to cut out his neck entirely in order to be able to squeeze the star in at the top.


Here we have Vladimir Putin with a very obvious halo over his head.


And here is another obvious halo, although of a different kind.





Here we have a fairly obvious photo/headline pair. "African students seek visibility", and then the African person is barely visible in the accompanying photo, which otherwise is nearly blank, and rather uninteresting. However, if you look at the blackboard behind the student's head you can read the words "Respect for", and then the rest is blotted out by the half-head. So it would seem the composition of the photo is sympathetic to the apparent goal of the African students, since it is apparently encouraging respect for the African student who is only partially visible. And yet a casual glance would create the opposite impression. So this seems better suited for this section than the Promotion section.



Next we have a photo/headline pair "Oprah's turning 50, and she's proud of it". The accompanying photo is of a disheveled black man who nevertheless does bear a very slight resemblance to Oprah. This combination could be interpreted in several ways.



In this photo/headline pair we see "GOP loyalists plan strategies to enlist blacks" combined with a photo of a black man dressed as an Easter Bunny, and a smiling black child in the foreground.

This could be interpreted as ridiculing Republican efforts to attract black voters by implying both that the Republicans will only offer black voters fairy tales and candy, and also possibly by implying that Republicans view blacks as children.

An alternate interpretation might just be that the photo/headline pair is literally implying that blacks are children and can be attracted through offers of candy and feel good fairy tales. Note throughout this page several appearances by the Easter Bunny.



The following photo and close-up show a girl's basketball game. Notice that there are two white girls clearly visible (plus another slightly visible), and one black girl. The black girl has had thick black under-arm hair drawn in, apparently before the photo was put into the newspaper.




Finally in this subsection we have two photos from the same advertisement it seems. One advertises a boys bicycle called the "ghetto", and the other, which also appears to be a boys bike, is called the "hoe".





This photo is clearly meant to discredit Bush and Cheney as they are shown in the ridiculous pose of making a speech in the middle of a deserted field, and apparently directly addressing their remarks to Bush's dog.



This second photo/caption pair is also clearly meant to discredit Bush. The photo is not clear without the caption, which helpfully explains that "President Bush is distracted by a bee during a news conference with Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi. They talked Friday at Bush's Crawford Ranch."

Notice there is no photo of Bush with the Japanese Prime Minister, nor is there any indication that Bush is doing anything at all other than watching the bee, a la Homer Simpson.




This photo and close-up show Bush critic Richard Clarke, who is identified specifically as a Bush critic. Somehow the photo has unfortunately printed in the newspaper in such a way as to make it appear that Richard Clarke has had most of his face and scalp burned off.





This photo/caption pair show former presidential hopeful Howard Dean and John Kerry together. The caption identifies Howard Dean as Howard "Dead". However, if you will look at your computer keyboard you will see that the "n" and "d" keys are not near each other, which rules out a simple typographical error. Also, I have checked a couple of word processing programs, and none of them correct "dean" to "dead". This would seem to indicate the change happened for some other reason.





The first photo here depicts a poster advertising for an English pizza place. They serve "wood oven pizza", which is written in very small letters. In much bigger letters are the initials of "wood oven pizza", WOP. Of course, "wop" is a derogatory term for Italians, and Italians are also known for their pizza. This gives the whole thing a pleasing air of plausibly deniability.



These two photos are of an apparently more or less locally, computer printed label for some kind of Italian sandwich. The label informs the customer that it is "great for dagos". And of course, "dago" is another derogatory term for Italians.



Note also that if these had been derogatory terms for black people or Jewish people there is very little chance they would have appeared on TV during a humorous bit on Jay Leno.


The following photo/headline is very blatant indeed. It states "Bethlehem is ready for tourists", and then directly above the headline is a photo of a masked man with a machine gun. The combination is clearly designed to create the impression that Bethlehem is only ready for tourists who are ready to die, and to discourage tourism.





The photo/headline pair shows a woman in a tank, or some other type of military vehicle. Directly in front of her is a mounted machine gun, and yet she is holding in her hand a fly swatter. The caption states "War illustrates women's new role."

Of course, the illustration of the caption if anything reinforces the notion of women retaining an old role of domestic maintenance, even in a wartime army.




This is an extremely clear example. I have no idea who Robin Anderson is, but the photo/caption combination are very clearly meant to discredit this man. The caption is simply "Robin Anderson". The photo above it shows only two things: 1. a bearded man in a suit standing with his arms crossed across his chest, and 2. his shadow on a wall. The shadow shows a Satanic horn growing out the man's head, although no such horn is visible on the man's actual head. The shape and texture of his hair appear to rule that out as a possible explanation.



This is another very clear example. "Pakistani leader survives assassination attempt", and the accompanying photo is of some sort of circus act of five or six men balancing on a bicycle or motorcycle.

The intent is clearly to diminish and ridicule the would-be assassins and reassure people that our Pakistani ally is doing fine.



Finally, in this photo again notice that the shot has to be framed very precisely in order to make the man's nose line up with the hinge and give the appearance that the man has a Pinocchio nose.




This is the only instance I have saved of this particular kind of manipulation, but I have seen others. The photo/headline pair says "Sexual activity targeted in Riverside Park", and then shows a photo of man who appears to be sodomizing a sheep.





This first photo/caption says "Looking for goodies", and then the photo shows what appears to be a child grasping the groin of an adult dressed up as the Easter Bunny. Of course, it is hardly likely this was the only Easter related image available to the newspaper for publication.



This is an advertisement for a bar. It advertises "Free Cover For Girls 9-10 Courtesy of Girls Gone Wild!" It is obviously not a typo of girls 19-20. Of course, the popularity of pedophile pornography is well known.




The following is a series of images of women being groped. Except in the last instance, it would be hard to argue that the people putting these photos in the newspaper did not notice what they were doing. Therefore, it seems reasonable to assume that they were put there for a reason.








This is not a photo, but it appears to fall into the same general category.



These photos seem to have a homosexual undertone to them, except for the first two, where it is more of an overtone.





Keep in mind that these photos do not just "happen". Someone has to arrange them in a particular way before you see them.







This section has a fair number of entries so far. Again keep in mind that someone has to take these photos, or in several cases, make these products.

Here we have a clown photo where it would be difficult to make the implied image more obvious.



This photo also seems pretty obvious.



The following photos fall into what might be called the medium obvious category.






Note that many of these photos/products are in some way child related, such as the clown, the bear with the candy cane, and so on.


The following photo might be better suited to the body distortions section, but I thought it would go as well here.



Finally, this photo/headline combination seems to go the extra mile to point out its meaning. In this combo you have a man clutching his groin, and a headline referring to an elephant, which of course is know most well for its trunk which resembles a penis. It is difficult to believe this could have been an accident.




In the following series of photos note again the child-relatedness of several of them.

In this photo we see what to all appearances is an ad for prostitutes. Its location is "between Toys-R-Us & Babies-R-Us plaza".



In this photo we have one of those pictures that can be seen as one of two things, like the famous vase/2 faces. In this case, the picture can either be seen as two stylized figures dancing, or as a woman's torso including the breasts. Note that directly below this picture it says "dance for tots".




This advertisement encourages people to come out to a children's institute and then follow-up with a trip to a strip club.




The following photos are not really any different from typical photos of women seen in the media. To the extent that there is a difference it comes from the unexpected accompanying text.

For example, this ad shows a woman in lingerie, but it is advertised as "day wear".




This ad shows "mom". Apparently this is Oedipus's mother. That might have been a joke on Jay Leno.



This photo is quite ordinary looking, but the accompanying caption talks about a "great blow job". It is hard to imagine someone speaking English well enough to write this advertising copy, and yet not speaking English well enough not to realize what they were writing.



The following two photos just seem odd. One is obviously meant to give the impression that the woman pictured is topless. The other I have no explanation for. Again, I debated whether to put it in the body distortions section.




This section was actually inspired by an ad I saw once in an airport. It was a picture of a mother holding a baby in her lap, but where the baby's head was supposed to be, they had inserted the head of a late middle-aged businessman. The man was old enough that his own mother was likely either dead or old and infirm.

The caption was something to the effect of how the airline would take care of you and so on.

This is when I really understood that the airline was not selling a ticket from point a to point b. They were trying to sell a lost sense of security and motherly love to businessmen who presumably now had money but were short of things like security and motherly love.

But of course there was no way the airline could deliver on this "explicitly implied" promise. So of course the people who bought tickets based on the appeal of this ad would invariably be disappointed, and this would lead to frustration and anger.

But anger against what? Even if they knew why they were upset, people would hardly be likely to admit they were mad because the airline was not acting like "mommy". So what would happen instead?

It seemed to me that people who had either consciously or subconsciously put any stock in this advertisement would wind up with some pent up anger and frustration that would be bound to come out at some other moment in a situation that did not really call for the reaction they would be giving it.

Basically it seemed like this kind of advertising was building up a kind of emotional pressure cooker, and the emotions the advertising was bringing out, which could never be satisfied by the goods and services on offer, would come out in some other way which would probably be some destructive way, since no matter what the initial emotion was, it would be tempered by frustration by the time it was released.

Since seeing that airport ad, I have always been much more aware of the advertising environment, and what it is doing to people.

Anyway, the following are two ads that seemed to me to be in a similar vein to what I saw at the airport.

In the first ad we see how solving your hair problems can make you look years younger. Of course, no matter how good your hairdresser you will never go from this "before" to this "after". So what will be the result? Frustration.



In this second ad you can see how a day at the farm can turn your dog from Cujo to Remy the well-groomed French Poodle. Again it is obvious that no farm in the universe could ever turn dog A into dog B. Result? Less money, more frustration.



This is a section I can only refer to as "disorientation". I do not know what purpose they serve, but they constitute probably the biggest portion of all the photos I have come across so far.

Whatever purpose they are intended for, I suspect that they increase stress and possibly break down critical thinking skills to some extent since they are frequently so irrational.

[This is a later note as of 11/4/04. I am in the process of reading a book

about communication. It happened to mention in passing that there is evidence

that a feeling of confusion tends to make people concentrate more intensely and

pay more attention to what is causing the confusion. The book says the reason

for this is essentially that people do not like to be confused, so they will

put in a little extra time on something confusing in an effort to figure out

what is going on.

I will have to look into this more fully, but it struck me that one of the goals

of advertising is to draw the attention of the target audience. So perhaps this

explains these seemingly deliberately confusing ads and images.]

Body Distortions

This first photo shows apparently a woman in a mini-skirt. For some reason there is a big shelf-like bulge in the front of her skirt. I have no explanation for what can have been going through the photographers or editors minds when they took and placed this photo. But if you look at it you can immediately see how strange it is. It is hard to believe it slipped by unnoticed. Which again, indicates it got into the paper for a reason.



This photo appears to be of a very thin woman boxer with her head on backwards.



This photo was taken at the split second that a basketball passed between the camera and a player's head, making it appear the player has a basketball for a head. Either this, or someone deliberately doctored a photo to achieve the same effect.




Here we have a cute little girl with enormously oversized legs. This photo could also go in the strange children category probably.



This man has been photographed from the exact angle you need to be at so that both microphones will obscure his eyes, making him appear to be some kind of bug-eyed monster from a 50's science fiction movie. The shape of his eyebrows accentuates this effect.



In this photo again notice that the photographer has to get into a very specific angle to achieve the shot. It would be difficult to argue this was an accidental photo.

Unfortunately, as with most of these photos it is basically impossible to guess what the rationale might be for presenting such strange images, since we do not have the surrounding images and text to provide context.



This is another disorienting photo which had to be carefully framed. This shot is taken from the precise angle and distance to make the picnickers in the background appear to be very small people sitting on the picnic table in the foreground. Are these people being literally "belittled"?




In this shot we have a different approach to the same end of making people appear smaller than they really are.

It is a photo of an obviously fairly large house, but with a giant horse inserted into the background. The horse is actually as tall as the tallest trees in the photo.



The following is an entire subsection devoted to

"Too many arms or legs"

In this photo we see a medical woman with four legs. Do these kinds of photos make people appear less human?




Here is an advertisement for three-legged waders. Obviously the original photo was not of such a thing. Why was it changed?



Here we see a boy with a mysterious third hand on his shoulder. Perhaps it belongs to the three-legged fisherman from the other photo? Where is the owner of this hand? Why was s/he cut out of the picture?




In this photo we have a man standing in a doorway crossing his three arms. It is not very clear to me how this photo was produced. I have tried to get a similar effect with Photoshop but have not had any luck so far.




In this shot we see a race horse called "Empire Maker". He appears to have five legs. This one is most likely a case of someone trying to get a photo of just that horse, and not having one, and trying to extract one from a multi-horse photo.



In this photo we see two teenagers playing basketball. Between them an owner-less arm is apparently getting ready to punch someone. Where is the arm's owner?



Finally in this section, we have Catherine Zeta Jones with six fingers.





Here we have a photo/headline combination. The headline reads "School lunches more nutritious", then the accompanying photo shows someone pouring bleach into what appears to be a pot on a stove or counter.



This photo is very strange, but it is not clear to me in this case that the photographer knew what was being photographed.

The photo appears to be of a girl's high school basketball game, but according to Jay Leno, if you look way in the back in the crowd of spectators you see someone raising an apparent severed human head over his/her own head. It is just weird.




This is apparently some kind of advertisement for a news outlet of some kind. It shows some firefighters putting out a blazing fire in someone's house. But if you look closer you can see several children peering out the window of the burning house, apparently observing the action. Why haven't they left the house? Why aren't the firefighters saving them?




This advertisement could almost a well go in the 'Frustration" section, except that it is in a way the reverse of those photos. Where they have an image that promises more than the text, in this case the image promises less. This is why I put it in the "Disorientation" area instead, and I put it under "disturbing" since it appears to be encouraging people to make their fathers miserable by putting them in nursing homes.




Finally, we have a gift certificate for "toys for hurting children". Again, this is, or ought to be a disturbing notion.



Strange Children

This section I think is probably more widespread in the real world than it is on this page. But these are the only photos I have handy.

The first one is an ad for a commercial photographer. Apparently some of his best work involves taking a photo of a toddler holding a bottle of beer.



The next is possibly a Christmas card. If it was more or less homemade I would tend to discount it from this page, but again the Leo show does not provide enough context for me to be able to rule it out entirely. It is of a baby holding an old-fashioned revolver.



This photo is very strange. It actually almost reminds me of some Central America statues and other artwork from the area.

Obviously no one actually took a photo of a balding middle aged baby. So why go to the trouble of creating this image? What is it supposed to be doing?




This is another very strange photo. It is an ad for a child's raincoat apparently.

It seems that somehow a photo of a raincoat was taken and then a child's face was added in the appropriate place, but where the hand should be is instead the head of some other animal which I cannot readily identify. In some ways it looks like a chicken, but chickens do not have horns or antennas or whatever else is protruding from the top of the animal's head.

This photo was made to be like this. But again I wonder why?




In this photo we have apparently an ad for a magician who uses tigers in his act. I suppose he is probably a kind of Siegfried and Roy imitator.

In the foreground we see the magician and one of his tigers. In the background is a cage holding a tiger and two human children who apparently want to get out.

Why are they in there? What is this image contributing to the advertisement?




This photo could be seen as on a slightly related theme. It is an ad for some kind of daycare. It says "torturing available."



Finally, observe these photos of murals from the Denver Airport. (I would like to comment here that all of the Denver Airport murals I have seen are extremely poorly executed aside from whatever the subject matter might be. They look like cheap science fiction magazine covers.)

The first shows a scene with a variety of people and animals and possibly a burning city in the background. But for the purposes of this page, notice the dead leopard in the center of the image. Around it are other animals like the extinct Great Auk.



Now look at this other mural. Observe the leopard family in the upper left quadrant of the mural.



This is a detail of the leopard cubs.



Unfortunately the image quality is not great. But the author of the site that posted them states that the mother leopard appears normal, while the cubs have leopard bodies, but with human faces pasted on to them. To quote from that site:

"The one on the left looks like a clown and nothing like a leopard; the one on the right looks like a kid wearing a costume hood. Both have white bibs that follow the costume theme. Why weren't the cubs painted like regular animal cubs? Why human?"

Supposedly, this mural comes after the dead leopard mural in the airport. Have the chidldren been made to take the place of animals?

So it would appear something similar happened here as happened in the case of the chicken-handed girl. But what?

See the Denver Airport mural site I got these images from for more info on that series of also strange photos. I will not treat them here since I have never seen them, and there is already this site that does.


In this shot we have a woman modeling a telephone headset. For some reason she has a pirate style eye patch over one eye. I can easily believe there are telemarketers out there with one eye, but to take a photo for use in an advertisement typically at least a photographer, and usually an advertising company will actually try to find someone to model the product and they will make sure the product is visible and the model projects the right image and so on. So why does this woman have a pirate eye patch?


Here we have a Saddam Hussein cigar store coupon. Why Hussein? How is this helping with the advertising process? Directly under Hussein the text reads "who's yer daddy?"




According to the Leno show this is from a Family Circus type comic strip. The cartoon character on the TV is clearly flipping off either the children or the people reading the comic strip. In case there is any confusion there is an asterisk directly above the upraised middle finger for emphasis.




In this photo we see one monkey making rabbit ears behind the head of another monkey. The photo was clearly not taken like this. Why were the fingers added in? Was it a prank. Did someone ask to have them added in? In this case I lean towards it being a prank perpetrated on the person buying the ad. But in any event it seems to contribute to the kind of low-level background sense of unreality that subtly permeates the visual environment.



Here we have an add for some kind of nursing home. So of course Grandma is in her living struggling with a llama. Again why? What does this contribute to the advertising mission? If nothing then why is an advertiser paying to have it in out in the media?




This is a little subsection of whiteness.

In this photo we see a dentist advertising his practice. "Look white...Feel white." And then you see the photo, a nice white doctor and a nice white patient.



Here we have another ad. This one is for a "White Mother's Day".



Finally, we have another advertiser going the other way. "Oh my gosh, I'm white!"




The first photo/headline combination seems calculated to instill fear of the West Nile virus. The headline says "West Nile virus arrives in Alberta", and then the photo shows a woman apparently being bitten in the head by a giant mosquito.

Notice yet again that this photo can only be made to look like this by taking it from a very specific vantage point. Almost any other location would simply show a woman sitting at a desk with a banner behind her showing mosquito.




In this photo we see a man with a chainsaw apparently just inches in front of a girl in a bikini (notice the shadow from the chainsaw which falls across the girl's stomach) who has her hands thrown up in the air. The background appears to be a tropical beach, although the man with the chainsaw is not dressed for tropical weather.

It seems most likely that what happened here was someone had a man with a chainsaw stand in front of a poster for probably something like a tropical getaway or some such thing.

But again the question is why? Is this a case of sex sells, even for chainsaws, but chainsaw rental companies are too cheap to hire their own bikini models?



In this before and after we have a nice little surprise. If you clean the soap scum off your mirror/window, you will discover a scary man is lurking there. Why? What is this advertising? Why is this man lurking behind the soap scum? What is the point of this? Is this making people buy bathroom cleaner?




Here we have some sort of Dole banana promotional event. One of the Dole people is dressed slightly like a banana, and very much like a member of the KKK, a homegrown American terrorist group. Is this not calculated to cause fear in certain segments of the population? Note also the similarity to the famous Abu Ghraib photo.





Also it is interesting to note that the caption reads "Phys-Ed teacher Marty Austin and teaching assistant Diane Talucci [cut off] to go to any lengths to promote healthy eating, as [cut off]" So it would appear that Dole and Chiquita are getting free advertising at taxpayer expense.

This ad shows a pair of binoculars which provide "an amazing 5.8 field of view for tracking any prey." The accompanying photo is of a woman in a bikini. Webster's first definition of "prey" that refers to people is "a person or thing that is the victim of an enemy..." The combination of "prey" with a photo of a woman seems suggestive at least.




In this ad we see an aerial view of "Jackson County, The Preferred Community".

But if you look closely at the photo you can see some sort of accident scene involving an ambulance and body lying on the ground.

Why was this photo chosen to represent Jackson County?





In this shot we have an ad for Dish Network satellite TV. The only image in the entire ad is of a masked man climbing in/out a window. Does this image do anything but create in people a sense of fear? Does it have any relation to the Dish Network at all?

