<BGSOUND SRC="icanthelpfalininlovewithu.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Here's another poem that I wrote to my sweetie Dj..: )
There was a time
Before we were together
That we once knew
Where our oceans were dark
And our skies were never blue
Never in my life did I imagine
That I would find a love so true
The pains of the past
Have been washed away with yesterday's tears
Of broken hearts and many fears
A trail of hurt and shattered dreams
But it's all in the past
And left inbetween
Never did I imagine
How much happiness that I would find
When I would fall in love with the one
That's been right here all this time
You've taken my tears
Wiped them away
Chased away the pain
And taught me how to smile
And now I realize that,
Waiting for true love was all worthwhile
I cannot imagine my world without you
I wish I could find the words
To describe how much you mean to me
Just to think about you makes me so happy
To me your like an angel
Sent from up above
To take my broken heart
And fill it with your love...

By: Tina

I love you so much Dj!!! You mean the world to me..Ever since you have came into my life....My days have been filled with joy and happiness......I hope and I pray that I will always have you by my side...: ) I love you whole big bunches dj :)

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