Vladimir Vasilchenko






 "The credo of Vladimir Vasilchenko is defined by himself as a "philosophy of form". The language of form can not be expressed in words. Probably that is why sculpture is not so popular among intellectuals. The works of Vasilchenko as any genuine sculpture put in spot the critic of art: either one should limit herself by meaningless reasonings about the skill of artist, his feeling of material, his technique, mention about teachers, "influences" etc, or one should aknowledge that there exists another reality and the people who think by words know nothing about it. The "philosophy of form" is not an attempt to express some philosophical conseption by means of plastic, this is simply a form but in this case the very form is a philosophy..."

D.Lanin, the art critic

The works presented in the Gallery and Exposition you can purchase directly from the author. You can also order various sculptures at your desire for your office, garden, interior, presentation, gifts, decorations etc. I'll be very glad to help you in solving your problems. Please visit my Gallery and Exposition and feel free to contact me.

Vladimir Vasilchenko, the sculptor.

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© Vladimir Vasilchenko 2000











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