Team Ill Tempered Sea Bass
                                    TEAM NEWS...
-Site updated on June 24
                                 - Team practice was held on                                       May 26th. More work has been
                                  done to the field. Pictures are
                                posted at the links below.
-John purchased an angel LED
-Casey has become a wholesale dealer. If your in the Pittsburgh area and need cheap paint e-mail me at
-Jordan purchased Warp Feed for his impulse.
-I (RJ) have been invited to play in Diablo IAO with team sour patch kids in the raven 3 man speedball.
-Casey should be purchasing an Angel LCD within the next month
-On July 6th Team ITSB will probably be practicing out at three rivers paintball.
-The team has 2 new members, Mikey Conolly and Joe Schmid
Casey Dudt-mulzet says welcome to team ITSB's site.......
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