Harry Potter and The Awakening of the Heir
A Fan Fiction Written By Amanda J.


Okay, this should be really obvious, but just so I don't get sued, I'm not J.K. Rowlings, and I'm not Warner Brothers's. I do not know J.K. Rowlings. I did not create Harry Potter or the settings that can be found in the Harry Potter novels. This is just fan fiction. If you don't know what fan fiction is, it's when someone uses characters and settings from a popular movie, book, or TV show to create a story.
I wrote this story by myself.  There are some characters in this story that I did make up. I will make a list of characters that I created so people who aren't very familar with the books will know, but I have not gotten around to doing that yet.

Anyway, I'm not claiming to be J.K. Rowlings, or the creator of Harry Potter  and I'm not using this site for any commercial purposes. This site only exists for my amusiment and the amusment of others. I don't make any money from it. Any events or charecters that may be similar to things happening in future HP books is pure cocidence.

So, don't sue me! Okay? PLEASEEE????
This site last updated on
September 21 2003

NOTE: Everything underlinded is a link!
Like my writing? Wanna read more? I have stories posted on both Fanfiction.net and fictionpress.net My fan fics include many HP and Lord of the Rings parodies like "The Fart that Defeated Lord Voldemort" and "Goin' Down to Hogwarts (A HP/South Park Crossover/Parody)".  There's also "Legolas Goes to Taco Bell" and "Legolas Goes to Therapy". I also have orginal short stories and poems. Some are serious, some are romantic, some are cute and clever, many of them are very funny or just plain weird. It includes "Night of the Killer Lawn Ornaments" "The Truth About Socks" and a very popular poem called "Is It Only Me?". So, check it out today because you might really enjoy it! Let me know what you think!

Click here for the orginal short stories and poems from fictionpress.net

Click here for the parodies and fanfiction from fanfiction.net
Waiting for my next installment? Why not take some polls to pass the time?
About the Author of This Story
(Meaning ME, not J.K. Rowlings!)
Chaper One:  Return to Privet Drive
Chapter Two: Katrina Figg
Chapter Three: Monsters of Merlin
Chapter Four: Back at the Burrow
Chapter Five: Percy's New Job
Chapter Six: The Tragedy of Esmerllda Figg
Chapter Seven:
Broomstick Rides and Birthdays
Chapter Eight:
A Little Oddity
Chapter 9
Keep Your Friends Close
Chapter 10
The Sorting
Chapter 11
Harry and Katrina's Secrect
chapter 12
The First Attack
Chapter 13
The Hospital Wing
Chapter 14
The Heir
Chapter 15
Harry's Date
Chapter 16
Tragedy on the Quiiditch Feild
Chapter 17
A Theif in the Night
Chapter 18
Late Night at the Astronomy Tower
Chapter 19
Important Discovories
Chapter 20
In the Rain
Chapter 21
The Recovery
Chapter 22
Christmas Morning
Chapter 23
Christmas Day, Christmas Night
Chapter 24
Time to Tell the Truth
Chapter 25
Snakes and Spies

Chapter 26
Fireside Chats
Chapter 27
The Second Scar
Chapter 28
The Cupid's Arrow Dance
This fan fiction site was created August 29 2002.